Ignorant Things Heard On MSNBC


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I've wondered just WHAT it is that Hillary knows that makes her so toxic.

Gutfeld mused recently that whenever she talks - he always smiles. Because she's not President.
Trump biggest mistake was in not going after Hillary when he was President.

I suppose the reason he didn't was that he did not want to be accused of being a third world president by going after an opponent.\



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*Clown Show* – MSNBC Hack Claims Joe Biden Was Not Aware of Hunter’s Mega-Millions Influence Peddling Because He Was Sad

On Monday night Chairman Comer told Greg Kelly that Speaker McCarthy called and they discussed steps in impeachment following today’s explosive hearing.

MSNBC did not know what to do following the hearing.

On Tuesday leftist hack Jonathan Lemire blamed the influence peddling on Joe Biden mourning his son’s death.

Jonathan Lemire: As far as Hunter Biden goes, there’s no doubt. I mean, it’s pretty clear, even those close to the Biden family suggest that some of his behavior was pretty unseemly. That doesn’t make it illegal. And it also means we don’t know the role that then Vice President Biden may have played.
And it seems like like, no, they haven’t proven that he had anything to do with it. They haven’t proven that he profited from this at all. Yet maybe he is guilty of turning a blind eye to some of his son’s behavior.
And we should put this in context. This is a time when Beau Biden, the President’s other son, was ill and then dying and then passed away. So perhaps he was not as attentive to what he should have been here.


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*Clown Show* – MSNBC Hack Claims Joe Biden Was Not Aware of Hunter’s Mega-Millions Influence Peddling Because He Was Sad

On Monday night Chairman Comer told Greg Kelly that Speaker McCarthy called and they discussed steps in impeachment following today’s explosive hearing.

MSNBC did not know what to do following the hearing.

On Tuesday leftist hack Jonathan Lemire blamed the influence peddling on Joe Biden mourning his son’s death.
Ah yes... blame it on Beau's death. It took 4 years and a scathing op-ed in the NYT for Joe to acknowledge his 7th grandchild. Gotta blame that on Beau's death too.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
It must be hard for Joey to lose a son who was killed storming the beaches at Normandy.
I mean just look how upset he is!


PREMO Member

Imagine that! What would that even look like?

Probably something like:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.



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Morning Joe: Trump A 'Monster' Like Bin Laden, Will End Democracy If Elected

On Wednesday's Morning Joe, liberal historian Michael Beschloss said that the indictment of former President Trump "fits perfectly into the American story" because there has been a history of "monsters" seeking to destroy American democracy. Beschloss cited the Confederacy, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and Osama Bin Laden.

In the context of commenting on the new indictment of Trump relating to January 6th, an apparently panicked Beschloss [see screencap] described Trump as a "monster" like Bin Laden. And in a bit of unhinged scare-mongering, Beschloss warned that if elected, Trump will institute a "presidential dictatorship" and "take away our democracy."

"9/11/2001, Osama bin Laden and other terrorists hated our democracy, tried to destroy it. You see where I'm going,"
he proclaimed.

Beschloss sees the latest indictment as America's last best hope for salvation from the threat of another Trump presidency. He said that the indictment came at "almost the last minute. I think if it had been two or three months later, we'd be a lot less optimistic about the chance a trial can take place before next year's election."

Beschloss didn't offer any evidence in support of his claim that Trump has said that the would institute a "presidential dictatorship," or that he would "take our democracy away."


PREMO Member

Rev. Al beclowns himself

But somehow Reverand Al Sharpton has a talent for being an ass in front of millions of people without ever paying a price in credibility. If he were a harridan instead of a charlatan he would be a great addition to The View. Instead, he has to settle for being a well-paid Leftist shill on MSNBC.

Sharpton has been a malevolent figure in American politics for decades, going back to his days promoting antisemitic violence and racist conspiracy theories as a racial grifter in New York. Now he spews his nonsense and hatred for big bucks. Plus his “charity” throws about a million a year at him. Big corporations throw money at him to keep in his good graces:

NAN’s counts many large corporations among its financial supporters including AT&T, Viacom, Walmart, Comcast Corporation, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Home Depot, the NBA, Verizon, Macy’s, NASCAR and, Best Buy. 57 Sharpton has used what Peter Flaherty, president of the National Legal and Policy Center in Virginia, a corporate watchdog, said was “quite clearly a shakedown operation” to secure corporate funding for NAN. 58 Between 2003 and 2006, Sharpton threatened boycotts against General Motors, Chrysler, and American Honda. Within a year of each threat, all three companies began to donate to NAN and sponsor the organization’s events. 59

Rev. Al managed to put on display both his venality and his ignorance in one shining moment while commenting on Donald Trump’s 89th or so indictment this week. Watch:

Unfortunately, as you can see, there is no point in having a debate on the finer points of political history and process with Reverend Al. If he couldn’t come up with a better example, or avoid obvious hypocrisy with a more adroit example, there is no point in taking what he says seriously.

Except, of course, millions of undereducated and morally vacuous people do. How many people nodded along as he mouthed this nonsense? You can see how the utter degradation of our public schools has empowered idiots. If you don’t know history at all, would you get how stupid this is? Look at those man-on-the-street interviews where college students can’t name the decade in which the Civil War took place and weep.



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MSNBC Quietly Yanks Anti-Israel Muslim Anchors Off-Air

MSNBC has quietly yanked some anti-Israel reporters off the air and out of anchors’ chairs in the aftermath of Hamas’ barbaric October 7 attacks, which killed over 1,200 Israelis. Babies were beheaded and burned. Families were slaughtered, along with pervasive reports of rape and kidnappings. It was a brutal shock to the national psyche of Israel and the world. The viciousness of the atrocities has made most anti-Israel activists shy to voice their true opinion, and rightfully so—they’ll get drowned out by the outrage of decent people. There is no defense for raping young girls and burning babies. And yet, scores of terrorist-sympathizing rallies were held, exposing that these folks aren’t anti-Israel due to political reasons, like their opposition to the so-called occupation of Palestine; they just hate Jewish people.



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MSNBC's Mike Barnicle Says a 45-Year-Old Couldn't Do What Biden Does Every Day

The answer is, of course, all of them. A nine-hour nap on a train? Sounds doable.

I'm always amused at the people who argue that everyone is worried that Joe Biden is too old to run for president again but no one talks about Donald Trump's age. There's an obvious reason for that … Trump doesn't give us any reason to worry about his age. He's actively campaigning and holding rallies when he's not in a courtroom. Biden, on the other hand, gets confused a lot, mumbles during speeches, and has to be led around to know where he's supposed to be.

MSNBC's Mike Barnicle, though, says a 45-year-old couldn't do what Biden does every day.

MSNBC’s ⁦@mikebarnicle⁩: “Someone 45 years of age couldn’t do what [Biden] does every day, but he does it.” pic.twitter.com/XSyi0tnFLM
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 14, 2023
45 years of age? I’m in my 70s , and I could easily do what Biden does every day: call a lid by 9:00 am, take every weekend off, go on vacation 45% of the time, and stumble through reading a teleprompter.

Easy peasy.
— Phillip Jackson (@PEJ1952) November 14, 2023
He’s right, though not in the way he thinks. A younger person would be able to speak coherently, walk without stumbling, or falling, and walk up the “big” stairs on Air Force One.
— Barbara Matthews 🇺🇸🐊 (@barbarapagem) November 14, 2023
Fall asleep at meetings, slur my words, and wander around like an asylum patient? I could try.
— Rev. Ben Johnson (@TheRightsWriter) November 14, 2023
That's right.

Someone 45 couldn't trip up the stairs, get lost, lose his words, have no idea what job he does and show signs of elderly-onset dementia like Biden does every single day.
— Cassandra (@CassyWearsHeels) November 14, 2023
What else is an 80 year old “journalist” supposed to say about an 80 year old president?
— FugitiveMama (@fugitivemama) November 14, 2023
Hell, I could spend half my time on vacation at 45 and not break a sweat. And even climb stairs standing up. Might not even need to sleep through meetings. Cashing large Chinese checks wouldn't tire me at all.
— Mondo (@Mondo557) November 14, 2023
What sleep in a chair on the beach?
— Woll Street (@paulwoll) November 15, 2023
Looks like the message went out and they’re all in on Biden. 😂
— QCgymrat 🇺🇸 (@QCgymrat) November 14, 2023


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Mika Brzezinski Warns Democrats They Have To Stop Invasion Of ‘Mini-Trumps’

“There’s always the issue. ‘We don’t want to go negative. We don’t want to go ugly.’ When you’re running against Donald Trump, just go real,” Brzezinski said, as Mediaite reported, arguing that the smartest thing Democrats could do is just highlight the things that Trump himself has said and done.

“Just use what material Donald Trump has provided, put it in proper context, and give people information about what will be happening if he gets another term. I think that would be enough, and I think Democrats need to pound away at the dangers of Donald Trump, using Donald Trump’s own words against him, and actions,” she said.

Jong-Fast agreed, saying that media had to be careful to cover everything — and then work to counter everything Trump said on social media as well.

One Thing .. Progressives CANNOT TELL THE TRUTH, ever statement about Trump is a flat out lie, a spin, a mischaracterization

Two Scoops
Very Fine People
Feeding Fish
Over by Spring
Russian Collusion


PREMO Member

MSNBC Spews Several Lies At 'Genocidal' Israel

Again, there is a lot there. First, Israel is not waging genocide, that’s simply a lie told by political hacks. Second, Palestinian prisoners are not hostages. For example, the prisoner CBS celebrated was caught on video. Third, it is true that Hamas was talking of truces early on, but that simply ignores all the people who were not taken hostage, but simply murdered after several preceding ceasefires.

Undeterred by facts, Erakat kept rolling, “It could have achieved it before the ground incursion that began on October 27th. It could have achieved it before the gutting and the incursion of Al-Shifa Hospital, and now 26 out of 35 hospitals.”

Nothing about the terrorist infrastructure there, but Erakat continued, again ignoring all the people Hamas murdered:

Israel did not increase its negotiating leverage, but what it did do was mete out this incredible, incredible high civilian humanitarian harm, then we are pointing out that the purpose was not in fact to release the hostages which they could have released through this diplomatic exchange, this diplomatic process, a political process, but was in fact a campaign intended to do what many Israeli leaders have told us, which is to turn Gaza into a parking lot, which is to ethnically cleanse the north of Gaza, below the Wadi-Gaza Line.

Speaking of ethnic cleansing, it appears Erakat is simply upset that Israel won’t allow Hamas to ethnically cleanse Israel which is a perverted thing for a “human rights” activist to be upset over.


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TRIGGERED MSNBC Hosts Cry RACISM Over GOP Senator Asking Questions About Gun Violence In Chicago!​



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MSNBC denies report it sidelined Muslim anchors in Israel-Hamas coverage as ratings slump

“We have and will continue to cover the barbaric terrorist attacks on defenseless civilians in Israel last weekend and the tragic war it has provoked thoroughly and in all their dimensions,” an NBCU spokesperson told The Post.

The network has lost 33% of its primetime viewers since the deadly attack on Israel. It also saw its total viewer figures plunge 24% for the four days between Oct. 7 and Oct. 10 compared to the same period the previous week.

The network has come under fire for refusing to refer to Hamas attackers as terrorists during its coverage, as well as providing reasoning around Hamas violence, which claimed the lives of more than 1,400 Israelis and 30 US citizens.