Ignorant Things Heard On MSNBC


PREMO Member

MSNBC silent as Joy Reid continues pattern of controversial and bizarre remarks

On Monday, during an interview with failed New York City Mayoral candidate Maya Wiley, the MSNBC host made a comparison between Senate Republicans opposing Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson and past segregationists, the Dixiecrats.

"Do you think ultimately, the history books, do you think they’ll even care that they’ll come down on the Dixiecrat side of history here?" Reid asked before reiterated her Dixiecrat comparison on Twitter.


PREMO Member

Nicolle Wallace Accuses DeSantis Of Using ‘Dehumanization’ As A Tactic — Just Like The Russian Soldiers Who Rape Children

“The truth is dehumanization, as a tactic for politics, is from war,” Wallace added. “Dehumanization is — it’s a tactic, it’s being used right now. The Russians get their soldiers to rape children by dehumanizing them. Dehumanization as a practice is a tactic of war. It is being deployed in politics and people like you and I sometimes lose the plot and admire its effective — not its substance, but even the analysis of these tactics loses sight of what this speech brings us back to which is that dehumanization has a cost right now. Right now, as it’s deployed.”

Wallace went on to mention comments made by Chasten Buttigieg, who alleged that legislation like Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law would ultimately risk the lives of children.

“This will kill kids, @RonDeSantisFL. You are purposefully making your state a harder place for LGBTQ kids to survive in. In a national survey (@TrevorProject), 42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide last year. Now they can’t talk to their teachers?” Buttigieg tweeted, despite the fact that the law only bans official instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation but does not ban students from talking about those topics with anyone.


PREMO Member

MSNBC analyst calls Musk a 'sociopath' that wants to 'shut down' 'positive freedom of speech'

Giridharadas also bashed the "dangerous" business decision in a guest column for The New York Times on Tuesday, arguing Musk had a flawed understanding of what free speech was.
"Mr. Musk operates from a flawed, if widespread, misapprehension of the free speech issue facing the country," he wrote.

Giridharadas said Musk's "vision" included unleashing "Nazis and misogynists" who would "bully and harass and doxx and brigade women."

"This is why his deal to purchase Twitter is so dangerous. In recent years, there has been progress toward positive freedom of speech — real work to give everyone, truly everyone, more meaningful occasion to speak. Mr. Musk apparently wants to shut that down," Giridharadas continued.

The progressive author said, "Instead, in a moment of proto-fascism on the political right, his priority seems to be to undam the flood of bile and bigotry and bullying and disinformation."

Giridharadas concluded his Times column by accusing Musk's supporters of wanting "tyranny" from a "sociopath."

"Because a society that outsources the tending of its social interactions to people who behave like sociopaths is a society asking not for freedom but for tyranny," he wrote.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

MSNBC analyst calls Musk a 'sociopath' that wants to 'shut down' 'positive freedom of speech'

Giridharadas also bashed the "dangerous" business decision in a guest column for The New York Times on Tuesday, arguing Musk had a flawed understanding of what free speech was.
"Mr. Musk operates from a flawed, if widespread, misapprehension of the free speech issue facing the country," he wrote.

Giridharadas said Musk's "vision" included unleashing "Nazis and misogynists" who would "bully and harass and doxx and brigade women."

"This is why his deal to purchase Twitter is so dangerous. In recent years, there has been progress toward positive freedom of speech — real work to give everyone, truly everyone, more meaningful occasion to speak. Mr. Musk apparently wants to shut that down," Giridharadas continued.

The progressive author said, "Instead, in a moment of proto-fascism on the political right, his priority seems to be to undam the flood of bile and bigotry and bullying and disinformation."

Giridharadas concluded his Times column by accusing Musk's supporters of wanting "tyranny" from a "sociopath."

"Because a society that outsources the tending of its social interactions to people who behave like sociopaths is a society asking not for freedom but for tyranny," he wrote.
Mr. Giridharadas doesn't seem to realize that free speech, like democracy itself, is messy. It doesn't mean free speech for some, and it doesn't mean it has to be agreeable, it means free speech period. It can be mean, hurtful, objectionable, misogynistic, colorful, but it's what gets information passed from person to person and that's pretty much the point behind speech.


PREMO Member

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell condemns the Senate as a 'permanently anti-democratic institution'

Host Joy Reid led to the topic of the Senate by discussing whether the United States is "governable" as a country based on "a system designed by European men who certainly never envisioned racial and gender equality or the kind of diversity that we have today or that anyone not like them would share power in this country."

O’Donnell considered it a "reasonable" question as Reid claimed the U.S. government refuses to act on majority views.

"We’re an anti-majoritarian government. It’s designed to be anti-majoritarian on purpose," Reid said. "The only agreements that had to be made were between this old white guy and that old white guy."

"Case closed, the Senate is a disaster," O’Donnell said.

"It was a structural disaster. It was a disaster at birth, but it got away with it for a very long time, this notion of two per state," he said. "The Founders never dreamed there was going to be a place with this name California with all of these Spanish place names and was going to have a population that approached the size of France. They didn’t think they were going to have states like that."


PREMO Member

Ex-Biden aide Symone Sanders’ MSNBC debut is a ratings flop

Symone Sanders’ popularity is about as bad as the approval rating of her former boss.

The ex-Biden administration official who was most recently a top spokesperson for Vice President Kamala Harris tanked in her debut this past weekend on MSNBC, according to newly released Nielsen ratings.

Sanders drew just 361,000 total viewers for her 4 p.m. show, titled “Symone,” on Saturday. She also managed to attract just 29,000 viewers in the advertiser-coveted 25-54 demographic.

The program’s viewership fell well short of Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Live,” which drew 842,000 total viewers, including 163,000 in the 25-54 demographic.


PREMO Member

MSNBC Sends 'Meet The Press' Chuck Todd Packing

“Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd continues to be downgraded from his post at MSNBC.

Less than only two years after Todd’s daily weekday time slot was moved from 5:00pm to the early hours of the afternoon, the network announced his show, renamed “Meet The Press Now,” will only be available on NBC’s streaming service.

Anchor and correspondent Chris Jansing will take over the rebranded show, now called "MSNBC Reports" in the 1:00pm hour.

This comes in the latest attempt to revive mainstream news as ratings have taken a nosedive in recent months.


PREMO Member

Joe Criticizes Russian Media Control as MSNBC Cheers for Biden's Media Control

Presentation Paradox – MSNBC

There is a glaring dichotomy of opinion in the U.S. media landscape today, one perfectly displayed on "Morning Joe." In regards to what is happening in Russia, most are in agreement that Vladamir Putin has a disturbing amount of force being applied to Russian media outlets in order to maintain his narrative over his invasion of Ukraine. The morning show spoke with Tikhon Dzyadko, a journalist who fled Russia when his online news outlet was targeted by Putin.

All the concerns over this type of clampdown are valid, and yet at the same time, the media complex seems perfectly at ease with Joe Biden setting up a Disinformation Governance Board to control disinformation and control the narratives in this country.



PREMO Member

Clueless Mitchell Wonders If Court Will Overturn Brown v. Board Of Education Next

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell wondered on her Thursday show that if the Supreme Court cares so little about precedent in Roe v. Wade, will it also overturn Brown v Board of Education. Because her guest was former Attorney General Eric Holder, nobody pointed out that Brown is the case conservatives cite to justify overturning longstanding precedents.

Mitchell began by asking Holder about the leak of the draft opinion, “How unprecedented, first of all, is the leak? And the way they came down in terms of breaking president, precedent, ignoring stare decisis and deciding to completely overrule Roe v. Wade after 49 years.”

Holder declared that the leak is a serious matter, but not as serious as the opinion itself. He decried that it “Looks like they’re going to overturn Roe v. Wade, inconsistent with the notion that you would adhere to precedent that people have relied on over the last 50 years. It's an attack on the right to privacy. And so, the question has to be asked, is it only abortion that is going to be at risk or is same-sex marriage going to be at risk? The regulation of contraception, is that going to be at risk? Even interracial marriage. All of these are based on the right to privacy, which this opinion in its form as we saw it, really goes at the, that—that-- right to privacy.”

As a former attorney general, Holder should know that except for the contraception example, all the cases he cited are equal protection cases, not privacy ones.

Yet, Mitchell didn’t fact check Holder’s fearmongering. Instead, she escalated it, “And if they care so little about precedent and overruling precedent, what about Brown v. Board of Education?”


PREMO Member
“I wanted to speak to you about something we talked about before, which is, of course, the gun problem in this country, the hate problem in this country, and where it all ties back to. The uproar over the Replacement Theory and the hate and the racism which was cited by the Buffalo shooting suspect,” Melber began.

He went on to bring up an interview with Lachlan Murdoch, the company’s current CEO, who told Deadline, “We are not only in the news business, he says. When you talk to our fans in middle America, they don’t see us as a news business either. They see us as an American media brand.”

“I see the brand of Fox being hate, anger, dishonesty and now murder,” Dean replied. “That is the brand. That is the brand of the Murdochs have chosen to be their flagship communication. I agree with Biden, Murdoch has harmed this country more than any other human being in my lifetime, and he should never have been given citizenship. The one thing I would change about our immigration policy is to send Murdoch back to Australia and keep them there, the whole family.”

“If you cause that much trouble, you spread lies and hate and anger and tear the United States apart with your crappy TV shows, simply to make money, you do not belong, you do not deserve American citizenship, period,” Dean continued.



Well-Known Member
“I wanted to speak to you about something we talked about before, which is, of course, the gun problem in this country, the hate problem in this country, and where it all ties back to. The uproar over the Replacement Theory and the hate and the racism which was cited by the Buffalo shooting suspect,” Melber began.

He went on to bring up an interview with Lachlan Murdoch, the company’s current CEO, who told Deadline, “We are not only in the news business, he says. When you talk to our fans in middle America, they don’t see us as a news business either. They see us as an American media brand.”

“I see the brand of Fox being hate, anger, dishonesty and now murder,” Dean replied. “That is the brand. That is the brand of the Murdochs have chosen to be their flagship communication. I agree with Biden, Murdoch has harmed this country more than any other human being in my lifetime, and he should never have been given citizenship. The one thing I would change about our immigration policy is to send Murdoch back to Australia and keep them there, the whole family.”

“If you cause that much trouble, you spread lies and hate and anger and tear the United States apart with your crappy TV shows, simply to make money, you do not belong, you do not deserve American citizenship, period,” Dean continued.

The hate problem in this country he ignores is blacks/Asians. All the incidents that drop off the news cycle.


PREMO Member

MSNBC: No Constitutional Right to Own a Gun, Advocates to Disarm Police

Hilariously, Obeidallah claimed that “no federal court ever found 2nd Amendment created a PERSONAL constitutional right apart for being in a militia to own a gun.” He claimed that five Supreme Court Justices “invented” that in the D.C. vs. Heller case.

To correct him however, the Second Amendment clearly states that the “right to bear arms is a right afforded to every American regardless of whether they are in a militia.”

Meanwhile, Tiffany Cross the host of MSNBC’s Cross Connection said her guest Jasmine Crockett was “preaching to the choir” when she said “there is no need for an AR-15, period.”



PREMO Member

Second Amendment was meant to put down slave rebellions, MSNBC guest claims

"This country loves the ability of an 18-year-old, the day they turn 18, to go buy a weapon of war than they appreciate the right of a 10-year-old to become 11 or 12 or 13 or 18 so let’s be very clear. The difference between Canada and the United States, Australia and the United States, New Zealand and the United States, every industrialized nation in the world versus us is that we fetishize weapons," Wise said.

The initial comment echoed a previous "ReidOut" guest who accused the GOP of sacrificing children to "the god of gun ownership." However, Wise went even further and suggested that the Second Amendment was built primarily on racism.

"Let’s be very clear, the historical precedent for that, the reason that we’re so obsessed with guns and personal gun ownership going back to the Second Amendment is because the Founders were so afraid that Black people were going to rebel against enslavement, that indigenous people would rebel against being pushed off their land and killed and removed that we wanted to make sure that White men could have all the guns that they could possibly possess in order to put down the rebellions of the dangerous racial violence," Wise said.


Well-Known Member

Second Amendment was meant to put down slave rebellions, MSNBC guest claims

"This country loves the ability of an 18-year-old, the day they turn 18, to go buy a weapon of war than they appreciate the right of a 10-year-old to become 11 or 12 or 13 or 18 so let’s be very clear. The difference between Canada and the United States, Australia and the United States, New Zealand and the United States, every industrialized nation in the world versus us is that we fetishize weapons," Wise said.

The initial comment echoed a previous "ReidOut" guest who accused the GOP of sacrificing children to "the god of gun ownership." However, Wise went even further and suggested that the Second Amendment was built primarily on racism.

"Let’s be very clear, the historical precedent for that, the reason that we’re so obsessed with guns and personal gun ownership going back to the Second Amendment is because the Founders were so afraid that Black people were going to rebel against enslavement, that indigenous people would rebel against being pushed off their land and killed and removed that we wanted to make sure that White men could have all the guns that they could possibly possess in order to put down the rebellions of the dangerous racial violence," Wise said.

Where will they dig that one up in history. Mr Madison we need these guns to keep our slaves in line.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Second Amendment was meant to put down slave rebellions, MSNBC guest claims

"This country loves the ability of an 18-year-old, the day they turn 18, to go buy a weapon of war than they appreciate the right of a 10-year-old to become 11 or 12 or 13 or 18 so let’s be very clear. The difference between Canada and the United States, Australia and the United States, New Zealand and the United States, every industrialized nation in the world versus us is that we fetishize weapons," Wise said.

The initial comment echoed a previous "ReidOut" guest who accused the GOP of sacrificing children to "the god of gun ownership." However, Wise went even further and suggested that the Second Amendment was built primarily on racism.

"Let’s be very clear, the historical precedent for that, the reason that we’re so obsessed with guns and personal gun ownership going back to the Second Amendment is because the Founders were so afraid that Black people were going to rebel against enslavement, that indigenous people would rebel against being pushed off their land and killed and removed that we wanted to make sure that White men could have all the guns that they could possibly possess in order to put down the rebellions of the dangerous racial violence," Wise said.
The left are all delusional, high, stupid, crazy or just prolific liars.


Power with Control

Second Amendment was meant to put down slave rebellions, MSNBC guest claims

"This country loves the ability of an 18-year-old, the day they turn 18, to go buy a weapon of war than they appreciate the right of a 10-year-old to become 11 or 12 or 13 or 18 so let’s be very clear. The difference between Canada and the United States, Australia and the United States, New Zealand and the United States, every industrialized nation in the world versus us is that we fetishize weapons," Wise said.

The initial comment echoed a previous "ReidOut" guest who accused the GOP of sacrificing children to "the god of gun ownership." However, Wise went even further and suggested that the Second Amendment was built primarily on racism.

"Let’s be very clear, the historical precedent for that, the reason that we’re so obsessed with guns and personal gun ownership going back to the Second Amendment is because the Founders were so afraid that Black people were going to rebel against enslavement, that indigenous people would rebel against being pushed off their land and killed and removed that we wanted to make sure that White men could have all the guns that they could possibly possess in order to put down the rebellions of the dangerous racial violence," Wise said.

So, since the Founders were under no societal pressure to hide any bias against black people, such motivations should be easy to find in their writings and letters, correct? But no, what we find is focused on the fact that subjects are unarmed, citizens are and should be armed to ensure you remain citizens and not subjects.


Well-Known Member
Quibbling over gun ownership as a right drives me crazy - OTHER than the wording in the Constitution, other state constitutions and such spell it out more clearly - that people need guns to protect their family and property. For example, the State Constitution of Pennsylvania says that "
"The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned." In Delaware "A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and State, and for hunting and recreational use.” In New Hampshire “All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property, and the State.”

And so on. MOST state constitutions have some wording indicating this right, and the purpose is clear - you have the right to defend yourself.

SOME have additional wording - such as a prohibition for concealed carry. But the idea is clear - your right to defend yourself, your family and your State is protected by law.

I don't think I need law school to make that abundantly obvious.

It's English that we quibble over - it's the understanding that the first clause in the Second Amendment is THE only justifiable reason for its existence, or a significant or most IMPORTANT reason for its existence. We really only need to read the myriads of documents of the time to see that it is the first - this kind of "conditional" clause was common then - you give *A* reason, but you need not delineate EVERY reason. Other consttutions for example, will indicate that being a bulwark of liberty, the press shall not be infringed.

BUT - lastly - "militia" at the wording of the Constitution did not specifically JUST refer to a civilian organized group - it meant the pool of able-bodied civilians who were armed. The IDEA at the time was that the United States would never have a full-time paid military, because such would pose a danger to the public, should an executive or government decide to turn on its people - but rather have a fully armed population that would serve as sentinels for the republic. That an invading army should FEAR marching down a street because they'd be shot at from every window and crevasse.


Well-Known Member
You make too much sense, Sam, in this day and age, you are rapidly becoming a dinosaur.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Lawyers use language like oragami.

They bend, twist and fold it to mean what they want it to and the government is made up of mostly.... Lawyers.