Ilhan Omar Opens Her Mouth And Spews Nonsense


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Arjun Singh can go #### himself.

An Oath does not confer or certify loyalty.

Politicians break oaths on an hourly basis.


Well-Known Member
Her statement written 14 hours after she celebrated the attack with her Muslim friends.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Wow. Thanks Sulaiman Ahmed. I'm glad to know the reports of the beheaded babies has been debunked.


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Ilhan Omar Speech on Representing Somalia in Congress Goes Viral With Calls to Expel Her From the House

Somalian refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) gave a speech to the Somali community in Minnesota on Saturday that has gone viral thanks to English translation subtitles. The translations have Omar saying she and her fellow Somalis are Somali first and Muslim second–with no mention of being American. Omar also said she represents Somalia in Congress and told the audience that they control the U.S. government’s Somalia policy.

Outraged Americans called for Omar’s expulsion from the House of Representatives.

Reporting on the speech is sketchy as to the location, however a banner can be seen in the video with a partial date and location of “(Janua)ary 27, 2024…(Ho)tel Minneapolis”, indicating the speech was given in Minneapolis on Saturday; and Omar repeatedly addressing Minnesotans in her speech.

The speech also sparked controversy over Omar’s remarks about Somali ethno-nationalism and her expressing a desire to reclaim land from neighboring countries and issues with Somaliland.

YouTube transcript of an excerpt of the speech (lightly edited for formatting):

A lot of people call me asking: Ilhan You should talk to the US gov. What will the US gov do? My answer was the US gov will do what we tell it to do. We should have that confidence as Somalis. We live in this country We pay its taxes. It is the country where your own daughter is a congresswoman. As long as I am in the congress, others will not take Somalia’s territorial waters. The US gov will not support others to take what’s ours. So don’t worry about that dear Minnesota. You got your lady in the congress. She is well aware and feel what you’re feeling. As for President Hassan Sheikh (of Somalia) I’m saying: we are very happy because of you. Because of the great work you did. You have showed Somalis and others that no matter how much problems we have as Somalis, we are capable people. We are people who know their country. People that never in their history….(inaudible) people that their country can never be put in danger. So want to congratulate the people of Minnesota and Somalis everywhere for sticking together (like my uncle said). And also how all of you stood by our President Because he needs all of us to stand by him.
Somalia is for Somali people. Somalia is one. We are all brothers and sisters. Our land cannot be divided. There are other lands that we are missing which we’ll seek insha allah one day. But for the land we got now it will not be divided. So thank you all for honoring me and welcoming me always.


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Video of Ilhan Omar Repeatedly Calling Somali Leader “Our President”; Saying, “The President and I Have a Special Relationship, I Call Him Uncle and He Calls Me His Girl”

By Kristinn Taylor Jan. 30, 2024 4:20 pm652 Comments

A video from 2022 of Somali refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) speaking in the Somali language to a gathering of Somali-Americans in Minneapolis and, according to posted translations, repeatedly calling the visiting President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, “our president,” and saying “Somalia is our home,” is raising new questions about her loyalty to the United States. Omar added she has a “special relationship” with Mohamud. In a visit a week later to Somalia, Omar again called it “our country” while addressing Somali government leaders.

The video from December 15, 2022 resurfaced Tuesday after calls for Omar to be expelled from Congress, stripped of her naturalized American citizenship and deported arose in response to a speech she gave on Saturday to Somali-Americans in Minneapolis.

Two versions of an excerpt from Omar’s 2022 speech were posted on Monday. In the clips, Omar is lavishing praise on Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who also addressed the gathering.



PREMO Member

Calls Grow For Ilhan Omar To Be Expelled From Congress After She Says She’s Advocating For Her Homeland Of Somalia

Omar’s remarks come as there have been recent tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia over Somaliland. Ethiopia reportedly came to an agreement with Somaliland that would recognize Somaliland as a country independent from Somalia in exchange for Ethiopia, which is a landlocked country, gaining access to 12 miles of the coastline in the region through a lease agreement.

Somalia flatly rejected the agreement, saying in a statement: “There is no space for mediation unless Ethiopia retracts its illegal [memorandum of understanding] and reaffirms the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia.”

According to a professional translation of Omar’s remarks acquired by The Daily Wire from an international translation service, Omar referenced the agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland: “A few days ago, we heard the news about some people claiming to be Somalis getting into an agreement with Ethiopia.”

Omar continued:

I got calls from a lot of people saying, “Ilhan, you need to talk to the U.S. government; what is the government of the U.S. doing?'”My answer to their question was that the U.S. government will do what we tell them to do about it. We need to be confident in ourselves. We live in this country; it is the country that we pay tax to, and it is the country that one of your daughters is in. As long as I am in the U.S. Congress, no one will take a way in the Somali sea or water. And I will not support the U.S. government in supporting other people to rob us. Rest assured that it will not happen, Minnesota. The lady that you sent to Congress knows about you, and she feels your interest like you all do.

Omar thanked Somali President Hassan Sheikh for “reminding everyone that even if Somalia is in crisis, we are people of talent who know their country and whose country cannot be put in danger.”

“I want to congratulate the Somalis in Minnesota and the Somalis everywhere on how you all are united and how you all supported our President, who needs our support,” she concluded, according to the translation. “Somalia is Somalia, and Somalis are all one; we are all brothers and sisters. No one can divide our land; we are missing land, and we will search for it soon. No one will divide whatever land that we have now.”