Ilhan Omar Opens Her Mouth And Spews Nonsense


PREMO Member

Ilhan Omar’s Father was Top Propaganda Official in Genocidal Somalian Barre Regime – Then He Changed His and Her Name and Entered US Illegally

By Jim Hoft Feb. 2, 2024 6:20 pm343 Comments

Do Americans know the story on how Ilhan Omar made it into the United States? In July 2019 we reported on Omar’s father Nur Said.
Here is what we reported:

David Steinberg
published an extensive report on the alleged crimes and history of Rep. Ilhan Omar and the “Omar” family.
In his report, David found that the Omar family changed their name in order to enter the United States.

Via PowerLineBlog:

In 1995, Ilhan entered the United States as a fraudulent member of the “Omar” family.

That is not her family. The Omar family is a second, unrelated family which was being granted asylum by the United States. The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family.
Ilhan’s genetic family split up at this time. The above three received asylum in the United States, while Ilhan’s three other siblings — using their real names — managed to get asylum in the United Kingdom.
Ilhan Abdullahi Omar’s name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.
Her father’s name before applying for asylum was Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. Her sister Sahra Noor’s name before applying for asylum was Sahra Nur Said Elmi. Her three siblings who were granted asylum by the United Kingdom are Leila Nur Said Elmi, Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.

Power Line also included this graphic on the Omar Elmi family.


This ties in to The Gateway Pundit’s previous report by Joe Hoft on Ilhan Omar’s father.

Far Left Communist Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar’s father and other Somalian war crimes perpetrators are currently living illegally in the United States.​

The Gateway Pundit obtained information that is damning for Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

Omar’s father, Nur Omar Mohamed (aka Nur Said Elmi Mohamed), is connected to the former dictator in Somalia, Said Barre. Nur and other former Barre accomplices are living in the US illegally.


Omar’s father Mohamed, is living in the US. He and other Somalians like Yusuf Abdi Ali, who killed thousands for Barre, escaped to the West and were not vetted properly before entering the country. Barre was a dictator and was connected to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro as well as other dictators around the globe.


Ali is a convicted war criminal who did the killing himself. Ali has been located in the US working as security at Dulles International Airport and driving for Uber in 2019. He reportedly lived at one time in Alexandria, Virginia. Ali was a Colonel in the Somalian Army’s 5th Mechanized Brigade in 1987 and was a graduate of the Pentagon’s Program for Foreign Officers in 1986. He’s also a war criminal in response to his actions in Somalia.

I'm not surprised in the least Omar daughter of a Somali Marxist


PREMO Member
BREAKING NEWS: Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Censure Of Ilhan Omar Over 'Treasonous Statements'



Well-Known Member
THIS - is one of the reasons I detest the whole concept of "hate speech" and censuring people because their speech is "offensive". Hate speech is a dumb - "crime". It's not prosecuted unless part of an ACTUAL crime. (Because - actual crimes are done - out of - love?)

It's used, as a club, to silence criticism - and you can't have a functioning society which silences criticism, even if it's unfair. Let me repeat that - stuff that's unkind and unfair is ALSO protected speech - when a fool speaks his mind, he lets everyone KNOW he is a fool.

I have KEPT my sig line now, for years - it best encapsulates my sentiments about freedom of speech - smart opinions - dumb ones - ignorant ones - hateful ones - wise ones. As long as people are free to express and listen, and reason is allowed to confront where necessary - it's all out there, where it belongs.

When someone says something dumb - the whole world gets to hear and judge it. When you silence an opinion, the world doesn't get to see why the unsilenced opinion might also be dumb.

The Bible says something about this - "The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him",
Unless of course, you make sure the second one never talks.


PREMO Member
When someone says something dumb - the whole world gets to hear and judge it. When you silence an opinion, the world doesn't get to see why the unsilenced opinion might also be dumb.

All true, however the left cannot TOLERATE ANY SPEECH They do not approve of ... leftist run on nonsense emotional argument that fall apart when FACTS are introduced

Therefor leftists must suppress non approved speech as Hate, or Bigotry, of sexist or ...


Well-Known Member
All true, however the left cannot TOLERATE ANY SPEECH They do not approve of .

Way back in Al Gore's book - "Earth In the Balance" - he attempts to dismiss claims against global warming (as it was called back then - just as liberals have rebranded themselves "progressives" because people found liberals so utterly repugnant - they morphed it into "climate change" - even as they argue continually - that the planet is warming. Globally. And that the effort to stop climate change is to mitigate the warming of the globe --

ANYWAY - in his book, he brings up the idea that while there MAY be opposing viewpoints on an issue, it doesn't mean that they need to be given EQUAL consideration. In a case of reducto ad absurdum - he suggests a panel on a news show where one side asserts the world is flat, while the other states it is round. While a tiny sliver of humanity may think it is flat, it does not carry EQUAL footing with the premise that it is round. That the Earth is round is clearly the truth -

Hence - opinions that are WRONG - do not need to be listened to.

I have found THIS to not only be the simplest way to describe how they believe on the matter - I have had MANY liberal friends state it EXACTLY as such. "Why should I listen to that? It's wrong" or "Of course my opinion is right - why would I believe something that is wrong?" or "Meh - freedom of speech is overrated". I could fill this page. Suffice it to say that when they bellyache about freedom of speech, they ONLY MEAN THEIRS.


PREMO Member
I have had MANY liberal friends state it EXACTLY as such. "Why should I listen to that? It's wrong" or "Of course my opinion is right - why would I believe something that is wrong?" or "Meh - freedom of speech is overrated". I could fill this page. Suffice it to say that when they bellyache about freedom of speech, they ONLY MEAN THEIRS.

And since Charlottesville now Punching NAZI's is ok


PREMO Member



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Rep. Ilhan Omar Does Some Democrat Math

Remember back in 2020 when New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay criticized Michael Bloomberg for blowing $500 million on ads for his failed presidential bid? He could have instead written a $1 million check to each and every American.

She then blamed the Twitter mob for a "deluge of hate" over a trivial math error by a black woman; "My People Have Been Through Worse Than a Twitter Mob," she wrote in the Times.

Democrat math is an interesting thing. Rep. Cori Bush worked out that reparations would cost $14 trillion. Where would the money come from? By cutting the defense budget.

Rep. Ilhan Omar has been doing some Democrat math, weighing the cost of a single F-35 against food for 35 million kids.
