Bruzilla said:
Sorry to disagree with you, but your convenience argument doesn't seem to hold much water. The Wal Mart effect is a fairly recent phenomina, while discount shopping isn't. I grew up with Kresges (now Kmart), Jamesway, Roses, Grants, Murphy's, and a host of other mass retailers/general merchandisers, but they always had plenty of competition from the independents/mom and pop operations. There was plenty of convenience offered by the mass retailers of the day, so why didn't they have the effect that Wal Mart had? My bet would be that Wal Mart was the first chain to look beyond retailing and into distribution and vendor agreements, which allow them to undersell most everybody. It is price, not convenience, that drives shoppers to Wal Mart, and as I said, Americans are largely proce shoppers.
I guess we can take the same view as with drugs: if we weren't using drugs, drug dealers wouldn't be sending them to the US. If there weren't people willing to toss companies like bcp's under the bus to save a few bucks, the Pedros wouldn't be around.
...let's be honest here; You're not sorry to disagree with me.
As to Walmart being some mysterious phenomena, what they are doing now was not even possible 20 years ago.
First off, discount stores had discount quality. Real stores sold real stuff. The may pops and fish heads my old man bought us as kids, along with the $2 blue jeans were what they were; cheap, in every way. Jamesway had nowhere near the brands, the selection and the variety that Walmart does today. Flowers, food, hardware, auto services. Get out of here with your Kresges. ZERO comparison.
Walmart has taken advantage, been on the cutting edge, of globalization; securing deals with foreign (read cheap) manufacturers of every increasing quality. They have used predatory practices to get volume discount pricing that has put the little guys on life support. Zoning changes have been the plug getting pulled. They also try and sell EVERYTHING.
20 years ago, some big store had no chance to come in and set up shop in the locations they are doing now because small towns were good old boy networks of you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. They'd bend and/or break the rules to keep the big guys away. That is no longer the case. You just can't get away with that stuff anymore.
We did not need Walmart because everyone can remember a day before them. Now, we do need them because of the extinction of small retail shops.
Like the dinosaurs, the little guys are not coming back.
Walmart is doing nothing that wasn't thought of before. Standard Oil ring a bell? The rules have changed. Distribution has changed. Manufacturing has changed. Import rules and regs have changed. Foreign manufacturing has changed.