baby momma has the parent abuser tonight. She just called...
Me: Is she dead? It's 10:00
her: No, but I need to know what meds you have her on. So, I can have someone run out and get more.
Me: Why?
her: She's coughing and has a runny nose. I don't like seeing her like this.
Me: It's a cold; she'll live.
her: What meds do you have her on?
Me: I don't have her on anything. It's a fricken' cold.
her: alright *click*
Princess is 12 months old. She doesn't have a fever and she's not coughing that bad. Last I checked, you can't go shoving meds down an infants throat and a cold is nothing to get bent over. Yes, it sucks that she's waking herself up coughing once or twice a night, but it's not gonna kill her and honestly, she's not miserable, she's as happy as she always is. Am I the only one thinkin' the chick is neurotic?
I'm seriously wondering how long it is before she calls 911 or calls back asking me to take her to the hospital. Because of her, I've already taken the kid to the hospital at 01:00 once for what turned out to be croupe.