New Member
My two oldest kids were so famous for the whole ear infection and tubes in the ears thing. They had tubes 3 times each. The Ears/Nose & Throat Doctor told me that if I ever had another child to never let them lay completely flat with a bottle because the sucking motion when they are that small pops the eardrum back and forth and that can cause a lot of problems and ear infections. I did not let my third child lay down with her bottle and she did not have the ear infections/tubes in ears problems like her brother and sister! Just thought I would pass that along!
Thanks for the info, I have heard horror stories about ear tubes. She had one ear infection last year. The snots started because she stayed at my parents house and we think she's allergic to the pets at my parents (2 dogs and 2 inside/outside cats) because she gets congested and the snots everytime she visits them. She's 18 months, so she's drinking out of a sippy cup sitting up so that's not the problem, it's when she's sleeping and everything drains back that I'm worried might cause an ear infection. She has a doctor's appointment for next week, so unless she shows signs of discomfort before then, I will have her ears checked at the appointment.