I'm about to mess myself!!!!!!


I am so very blessed
Lugnut said:
Hollow soul, what do you do in the band? Sing? guitar? ?
He doesn't play. He's the mascot. Just look for the guy that looks like a garden gnome, and that's HS. :yay:

j/k HS. Ya know I love ya. :love: Oh, yeah, congrats! :clap:


Cleopatra Jones
kwillia said:
Sleuth... is that you! :jet:

You missed it... It was in a private forum and it was Jameo who was getting all Sleuthy; offering to take free pictures in return for a free plane ticket. :lmao:


:yahoo: Congrats, HS!! Don't forget the people who "knew you when"!!!


pixiegirl said:
You missed it... It was in a private forum and it was Jameo who was getting all Sleuthy; offering to take free pictures in return for a free plane ticket. :lmao:

I really don't see what the problem is with that? :confused: :lmao:


kwillia said:
I'm thinking a plane ticket is cheaper than the cost of hiring a photographer...:shrug:

and the money that could be made on her honeymoon photos :jet: Pixie is just not thinking clearly about this :lol:


Cleopatra Jones
Jameo said:
and the money that could be made on her honeymoon photos :jet: Pixie is just not thinking clearly about this :lol:

I need wedding pics not pics of my honeymoon you perverts! :killingme