I'm about to mess myself!!!!!!



morganj614 said:
Then someone ought to get him a stepstool :lmao:
your a fine one to talk.....you'r so short you gotta step on your tip toes to smell a snail fart :lol:


I'm Rick James #####!
HollowSoul said:
rhythm guitar/guitar-synthisizer

If I were smarter, I probably could have deduced that from your avatar. :doh:

I've had a guitar for a while now and can't do a damn thing with it. Do you know of anybody in St. Marys that gives lessons?


Lugnut said:
If I were smarter, I probably could have deduced that from your avatar. :doh:

I've had a guitar for a while now and can't do a damn thing with it. Do you know of anybody in St. Marys that gives lessons?
our lead guitarist is a guitar teacher.......but his schedule is about to get full


b*tch rocket
Way to go.... Hollow Soul! :yahoo:

Hey, can I write songs for you? As you can see from up above, I can bust out some rhymes. :jet:


Mr. Magoo
Congrats on signing with Starleigh! Hopefully Greg and Dave will take good care of you and your band. Allot of the bands that play at Neptunes, Bad Fish and Hotel Charles are booked through Starleigh. They are a great company to work with. Hydra FX is another local band that is signed by Starleigh. They were just playing in NYC this past week.


In My Opinion
Way to go!!!
Congrats and I hope it takes you all where you want to be.

now that being said,
If I was getting ready to soil myself, I would be running to the bathroom instead of wasting time sharing that fact with my friends on a forum.

just me though, poop on .

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
That's awesome HS! :yahoo: I hope it leads to something good. :yay:

I noticed Starleigh represents the "Kelly Bell Band" too. I'll bet Kwillia's going to kiss up to you now. :lmao:


New Member
HollowSoul said:
Well it hase been common knowledge that i'm in a band (Below the Surface)
and that we have been doing an average of 3 shows a month..
Why am i flipp'n my lid you may ask??

Well STARLEIGH ENTERTAINMENT out of Baltimore has just picked us up!
Who/what is Starleigh Entertainment??
just click on the link to find out..
P.S. check out the bands AND National acts to see just who else is signed under them..
Now if you will excuse me i have to go change my shorts :jameo: :yahoo: :jameo:

:yahoo: That is fantastic.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
They've picked up a band...

HollowSoul said:
Well it hase been common knowledge that i'm in a band (Below the Surface)
and that we have been doing an average of 3 shows a month..
Why am i flipp'n my lid you may ask??

Well STARLEIGH ENTERTAINMENT out of Baltimore has just picked us up!
Who/what is Starleigh Entertainment??
just click on the link to find out..
P.S. check out the bands AND National acts to see just who else is signed under them..
Now if you will excuse me i have to go change my shorts :jameo: :yahoo: :jameo:

...that they will be able to recomend to their clients with confidence.
