I'm addicted...


Swore I'd never go in for a pedicure. My best friends were down a couple of weeks ago and talked me into it. Took me up until they were called back to get up the nerve. I don't like anyone messing with me feet. Well, not any more, I just made my appointment today to go back. I used to hate my feet, now I actually like them.

Silly, I know, but sometimes you just need that push. Thanks to my girls for that push.


curiouser and curiouser
My feet are really ticklish so I didn't think I'd like pedicures until I had one. Now me and my mom go together whenever I visit.


Good for you! I'm still resisting....but at least I'm thinking about it now (definite progress for me).

I think it was the massage chair that finally got me.

My feet are really ticklish so I didn't think I'd like pedicures until I had one. Now me and my mom go together whenever I visit.

Mine are the same way, but didn't have any effects like that, I liked the paraffin wax and the calf massage, yes we went all out.


Swore I'd never go in for a pedicure. My best friends were down a couple of weeks ago and talked me into it. Took me up until they were called back to get up the nerve. I don't like anyone messing with me feet. Well, not any more, I just made my appointment today to go back. I used to hate my feet, now I actually like them.

Silly, I know, but sometimes you just need that push. Thanks to my girls for that push.

Pedicures are wonderful….

About 8 years ago, I took my grandmother for her 1st pedicure. She was 80 years old at the time. She was hesitating all the way to the chair but there was just no way in hell I was going to cut her nails. Her feet looked horrible and I knew a pedicure would be more than I could ever do for her.

In the time it took to get highlights, cut, blow dry and style, she was just getting polished.... so you can imagine how hard they had to work on her feet. Anyway... she LOVED getting her feet done after that.

This past summer I took my nieces, son and a few of their friends for pedicures. My son didn't want to do it either but one of the 'friends' in the group had a little crush on him and visa versa - so he went. He loved it although I cannot get him to go again. :lol:


I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one that was hesitant to go. I thought they would take a look at my feet and run for the hills.:killingme Just kidding they aren't that bad. Then after I was done a woman sat down and no kidding, she looked like Aunt Ester from Sanford and Son. I almost fell out of the chair when my friend started giggling.


I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one that was hesitant to go. I thought they would take a look at my feet and run for the hills.:killingme Just kidding they aren't that bad. Then after I was done a woman sat down and no kidding, she looked like Aunt Ester from Sanford and Son. I almost fell out of the chair when my friend started giggling.

As bad as you think your feet were... I guarantee that many of the shops have seen worse – much worse. Many people in my age bracket are caring for aging parents and often, they have the worst feet imaginable. During the time I cared for my grandmother in my home and had to drive her everywhere, I met several people doing the same. One lady fought and fought with her father till she finally got him in that chair. His feet looked like ET fingers with claws on the end. It kind of burned my eyes to look at them and after nearly an hour of working on his feet, he admitted they felt so much better.


As bad as you think your feet were... I guarantee that many of the shops have seen worse – much worse. Many people in my age bracket are caring for aging parents and often, they have the worst feet imaginable. During the time I cared for my grandmother in my home and had to drive her everywhere, I met several people doing the same. One lady fought and fought with her father till she finally got him in that chair. His feet looked like ET fingers with claws on the end. It kind of burned my eyes to look at them and after nearly an hour of working on his feet, he admitted they felt so much better.

My MIL was like that, and the older folk with diabetes don't like anyone touching their toenails except a doctor. That's the only place she would get her toe nails trimmed.


My feet are really ticklish so I didn't think I'd like pedicures until I had one.

Well, you gotta think - these people are professionals and there are tons of people with really ticklish and senstive feet. They're bound to learn how to handle raw dogs without making people squirm, or they'd never make money.

I'd actually like to get one myself - just to see what it's like and it's always good to have a professional workup on any body part - but for two reasons I won't:

1) Dudes just don't do that.
2) I can't do that to those poor women in the shop.


Well, you gotta think - these people are professionals and there are tons of people with really ticklish and senstive feet. They're bound to learn how to handle raw dogs without making people squirm, or they'd never make money.

I'd actually like to get one myself - just to see what it's like and it's always good to have a professional workup on any body part - but for two reasons I won't:

1) Dudes just don't do that.
2) I can't do that to those poor women in the shop.

When I went it was actually a guy doing the foot massage, the girls do the painting and designs.


no longer CalvertNewbie
I love a good pedicure and go regularly year round.....but you couldn't pay me enough to do that job for a living! :barf:


Well, you gotta think - these people are professionals and there are tons of people with really ticklish and senstive feet. They're bound to learn how to handle raw dogs without making people squirm, or they'd never make money.

I'd actually like to get one myself - just to see what it's like and it's always good to have a professional workup on any body part - but for two reasons I won't:

1) Dudes just don't do that.
2) I can't do that to those poor women in the shop.

1) Yes, they do and their women are grateful.
2) My favorite pedicurist is a man.


New Member
I'd actually like to get one myself - just to see what it's like and it's always good to have a professional workup on any body part - but for two reasons I won't:

1) Dudes just don't do that.
2) I can't do that to those poor women in the shop.

1) Dudes totally do that: my husband goes. It took some talking but I finally convinced him to go. Then we had a bad experience at one place and I thought he'd never go again but he like how much better his feet felt. His feet get so dry that they occasionally crack, which is really uncomfortable for him.
2) One lady called others over to laugh at my husbands feet once, probably because they looked and felt like velcro. Then she just belt-sanded those puppies down with a smile on her face. I gave her an extra big tip.

You really should do it at least once, just to see what you're missing.....You don't have to tell anyone you did it.......But it's pretty awesome and socially acceptable these days for men, too, so.....


Active Member
Maybe I need to give it another go, I went one time about 4 or 5 years ago. From the time I sat in the chair to the time they were moving me to the lights to dry was 3 minutes. They pretty much just washed my feet and painted my toe nails.


Well-Known Member
I used to go at least twice a month, havent gone in a while though. When my father was alive, he used to go to one in Leonardtown. His feet were terrible looking, long nails, discolored and just yukky. He had one woman who would always do his and she was a saint. Took her time, very gentle and she would make his feet look and feel great. I took him once when I was getting mine done, his regular girl wasnt there so someone else did his feet. she cut his toe while trimming his nails and he developed an infection in his big toe. Now he did have other health issues, but he didnt have diabetes. LSS, he had to have his big toe amputated. I never went back to that salon again. So just a note, be careful where you go and make sure the tools they use are sterilized properly.


New Member
I used to go at least twice a month, havent gone in a while though. When my father was alive, he used to go to one in Leonardtown. His feet were terrible looking, long nails, discolored and just yukky. He had one woman who would always do his and she was a saint. Took her time, very gentle and she would make his feet look and feel great. I took him once when I was getting mine done, his regular girl wasnt there so someone else did his feet. she cut his toe while trimming his nails and he developed an infection in his big toe. Now he did have other health issues, but he didnt have diabetes. LSS, he had to have his big toe amputated. I never went back to that salon again. So just a note, be careful where you go and make sure the tools they use are sterilized properly.

Ohmigod! The first time I took my husband he left with an abrasion on one heel and a cut on the other foot.

How would you make sure they were properly sterilizing their equipment? Do you just ask them how they do it?