I'm addicted...


professional daydreamer
Swore I'd never go in for a pedicure. My best friends were down a couple of weeks ago and talked me into it. Took me up until they were called back to get up the nerve. I don't like anyone messing with me feet. Well, not any more, I just made my appointment today to go back. I used to hate my feet, now I actually like them.

Silly, I know, but sometimes you just need that push. Thanks to my girls for that push.

You should start doing research for a podiatrist now to rid you of the fungus that is now growing on your toe nails.


New Member
I've not been to oneyet, but I just bought my husband a gift cert. for his birthday on Monday and he's wanted one for YEARS, his friends go too and swear by them. Me, I don't like people messing w/ my feet so much. Maybe one day, not there yet :buddies: and NO nothing is gross or wrong w/ my feet, just not a foot person, don't wear sandals and flip flops hurt my toes.


Well-Known Member
Ohmigod! The first time I took my husband he left with an abrasion on one heel and a cut on the other foot.

How would you make sure they were properly sterilizing their equipment? Do you just ask them how they do it?

I'm not really sure, but, would just take a look around, see how busy they are, watch where they get the tools they use from, ie., from a sterilizer bowl or just out of the sink. Anyway, dont want to scare anybody, like I said just pay attention when you go in. The same for a hair salon, you wouldnt want to get your hair done somewhere that looked questionably clean!!