I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


New Member
Do you work at WalMart? I notice that the philippine ladies/girls there say Holiday. When I say Merry Christmas back, the one lady got offended byme. Whatever. It drives me crazy!

Why do you care what a stranger celebrates?

Are you spreading Christmas cheer by offending people?


One of my very best friends is phillipino as well and she and her family celebrate christmas as well. She didn't come to this country until she was about 12 and she has celebrated evere since. She is 27 and i took her trick or treating for the first time last year. She loved it.

I'm not trying to offend anyone and everyone has there own beliefs which I respect but I wouldn't be offended if the majority of the population celebrated Hanukah and I didn't. If it was said to me I would say I celebrate christmas and go on my Merry way. People get offended fairly easily.

I just don't think companies should have the right to tell you, you can't say Merry Christmas.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My whole point was that I shouldn't be told that I can't say Merry Christmas because I might offend someone when that is what I celebrate.

Well, you're not there to "celebrate", you're there to work. When Wal-Mart pays you to celebrate, then you can say whatever you like. Until then, you say what they want you to say.

Some Muslim babe works the checkout and decides since *she* celebrates Ramadan, she will say "Blessed Ramadan" to everyone who goes through her line and if Christians don't like it, too bad for them.

Or some African guy says Happy Kwanzaa to every customer because that's what *he* celebrates.

Sounds silly, doesn't it?

I will tell you that I say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, whatever and it doesn't offend me at all if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas. People who are offended by that sort of thing are tards. But in the spirit of your JOB, you want to wish good cheer to ALL of your customers, not just the ones who celebrate the holiday *you* celebrate.

Get it?


Harley Rider
Honestly, who really cares if the cashier at Walmart says happy holidays or merry Christmas? :rolleyes: It's not going to ruin my Christmas if someone says happy holidays.
From a Christian standpoint, it is disrespectful to our God that's why it bothers some people. The old saying is "don't take Christ out of Christmas".
But I agree, they can say it and it's not going to ruin my Christmas.
Well, you're not there to "celebrate", you're there to work. When Wal-Mart pays you to celebrate, then you can say whatever you like. Until then, you say what they want you to say.

Some Muslim babe works the checkout and decides since *she* celebrates Ramadan, she will say "Blessed Ramadan" to everyone who goes through her line and if Christians don't like it, too bad for them.

Or some African guy says Happy Kwanzaa to every customer because that's what *he* celebrates.

Sounds silly, doesn't it?

I will tell you that I say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, whatever and it doesn't offend me at all if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas. People who are offended by that sort of thing are tards. But in the spirit of your JOB, you want to wish good cheer to ALL of your customers, not just the ones who celebrate the holiday *you* celebrate.
Although you are right and I do agree with you to a point, there is still an issue here. The PC thing in this country has gotten wayyy far out of hand and it needs to stop.
If someone said happy Kwanzaa to me (which ain't gonna happen) I could care less but they do have the freedom to say it. Same with Hanukkah. Wish me a happy one and I will tell you I'm not Jewish. That's all.
Employers are overly concerned about offending their customers but, what is never said here, is that we who celebrate Christmas are offended by being told NOT to say it. Let's face it, most people shopping in November & December are Christmas shopping.
Maybe they need to remove all holidays except Christmas from December so there won't be any discrepancies as to what "holiday" you're speaking of. Move Kwanzaa to February since it's their history month, right? :evil:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Stallion, you and those like you are pretty much taking all the joy out of Christmas for me. So congratulations. Have your stupid holiday back and choke on it.

I am absolutely convinced that there is NOTHING that people won't ##### about and ruin. So you can shove your Christmas you know where. I'm sure your God is tickled pink that you're just spreading such good will and fellowship. Way to celebrate your Savior's birth.

I swear I will never say Merry Christmas to anyone ever, as long as I live. So you can consider your mission accomplished and good on ya. :yay:


Companies have the "right" to tell you to do whatever they please and if you don't like it, you can find another job.

I don't work at Wal Mart or in retail at all but I think that it is unfair for a company to change how people have spoke for hundreds of years. It doesn't bother me that people say Happy Holidays or Happy Kwanza or whatever. I was just stating that i'm going to say Merry Christmas because that's what i and millions of others believe in. It's called freedom of speech and people that get offended by that are ridiculous. I'm not going to lose sleep over it.


Well-Known Member
From a Christian standpoint, it is disrespectful to our God that's why it bothers some people. The old saying is "don't take Christ out of Christmas".
But I agree, they can say it and it's not going to ruin my Christmas.

OMG, saying happy holidays is disrespecting god? :rolleyes: You freaking people are always victims. :drama:

I think if the original poster *really* cared, she'd quit her job.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't work at Wal Mart or in retail at all but I think that it is unfair for a company to change how people have spoke for hundreds of years. It doesn't bother me that people say Happy Holidays or Happy Kwanza or whatever. I was just stating that i'm going to say Merry Christmas because that's what i and millions of others believe in. It's called freedom of speech and people that get offended by that are ridiculous. I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

Goody goody gumdrops for you.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a bunch of presents to throw in the garbage now that you and your little zealot pals have decided that I can no longer celebrate *your* little personal holiday.


OMG, saying happy holidays is disrespecting god? :rolleyes: You freaking people are always victims. :drama:

I think if the original poster *really* cared, she'd quit her job.

Wow, I've said this like 4 times. I don't work retail anymore and haven't for 3 years. I just noticed a pattern in the stores that you don't hear people say have a nice christmas like you used to. It's always Happy Holidays. Which again is fine, I just will stick to what I have always said along with my parents, my grandparents, great grandparents and so on. Society trys to control everything.


Goody goody gumdrops for you.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a bunch of presents to throw in the garbage now that you and your little zealot pals have decided that I can no longer celebrate *your* little personal holiday.

Obviously there are some people catching hard feelings over this. I'm not forcing anyone to celebrate "my" holiday because I created it:sarcasm: because I want to say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. I respect everyone elses beliefs and religions and I'm not forcing anyone to do anything because I'm not changing what I say.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I've said this like 4 times. I don't work retail anymore and haven't for 3 years. I just noticed a pattern in the stores that you don't hear people say have a nice christmas like you used to. It's always Happy Holidays. Which again is fine, I just will stick to what I have always said along with my parents, my grandparents, great grandparents and so on. Society trys to control everything.

So why did you start a thread to ##### about it if you don't even care? :confused:


Harley Rider
Stallion, you and those like you are pretty much taking all the joy out of Christmas for me. So congratulations. Have your stupid holiday back and choke on it.
I am absolutely convinced that there is NOTHING that people won't ##### about and ruin. So you can shove your Christmas you know where. I'm sure your God is tickled pink that you're just spreading such good will and fellowship. Way to celebrate your Savior's birth.
I swear I will never say Merry Christmas to anyone ever, as long as I live. So you can consider your mission accomplished and good on ya. :yay:
:cds: :cds: :cds:
Lighten up would you lady!!? Why all the drama? The point I'm making that you missed was that, in trying not to offend anyone, they've offended almost everyone by trying to be PC.
You're all for free speech, what's the problem? There are laws against employers discriminating against people's "religious" beliefs. I think that's where get4real was going with this one.
Maybe if someone dares do that, you can beat their ass for them and really show them some Christian spirit.
Not likely...
OMG, saying happy holidays is disrespecting god? :rolleyes: You freaking people are always victims. :drama:
You just don't understand, my friend. :shrug:
vraiblonde said:
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a bunch of presents to throw in the garbage now that you and your little zealot pals have decided that I can no longer celebrate *your* little personal holiday.
Did you get me the same thing you got me last year? If not, please don't throw it out, I might be able to use it now. :love:


Well-Known Member
:cds: :cds: :cds:
Lighten up would you lady!!? Why all the drama? The point I'm making that you missed was that, in trying not to offend anyone, they've offended almost everyone by trying to be PC.
You're all for free speech, what's the problem? There are laws against employers discriminating against people's "religious" beliefs. I think that's where get4real was going with this one.

Not likely...

You just don't understand, my friend. :shrug:

Did you get me the same thing you got me last year? If not, please don't throw it out, I might be able to use it now. :love:

Vrai just loves us McNamara boys! :howdy: You've turned into quite the rebel in your old age haven't you? :lol: Enyaw --- oh btw - Merry Christmas!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lighten up would you lady!!? Why all the drama? The point I'm making that you missed was that, in trying not to offend anyone, they've offended almost everyone by trying to be PC.

No, YOU lighten up.

Who has taken your Christmas or religion away from you? What part of your religion are you no longer able to partake in or celebrate?

There are laws against employers discriminating against people's "religious" beliefs.
Yeah, so OP can get all offended at having to - OMG! The HORROR! - wish someone Happy Holidays :shudder:, but she does not care one whit if she offends some Jewish or Muslim person by insisting on wishing them a Merry Christmas, which THEY do not celebrate.

Then, to top it off, we get treated to some asinine thread where whats-his-face is having a fit at non-Christians celebrating Christmas because it's THEIR holiday.

It goes both ways, and you guys are just as bad as some crazy uber-atheist who gets all bent about anything that is different from what THEY believe. You can't get upset at others getting offended if you all are going to be offended by every little thing.

And now, no offense, I am putting you on ignore because I'd like to have a HAPPY HOLIDAY and you are disturbing my groove with your one-way street and lack of good will.


New Member
I don't give a rat's ass what someone believes or don't believe one way or the other. I do think it's ridiculous to have to reconstruct jails and prisons so the muslims can have their toilets face a certain way or have a muslim get all bent and refuse to give someone a cab ride because they have a 6 pack of brew in a sack. :rolleyes:

As far as companies go, they are a private enterprise and they can do whatever they please, that is until we have full on top-down authoritarianism here pretty soon.

But peeps do get offended wayyy too easy these days. And I'm offended by them. Matter of fact, I'm gonna sue :yay:


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
I don't give a rat's ass what someone believes or don't believe one way or the other. I do think it's ridiculous to have to reconstruct jails and prisons so the muslims can have their toilets face a certain way or have a muslim get all bent and refuse to give someone a cab ride because they have a 6 pack of brew in a sack. :rolleyes:

As far as companies go, they are a private enterprise and they can do whatever they please, that is until we have full on top-down authoritarianism here pretty soon.

But peeps do get offended wayyy too easy these days. And I'm offended by them. Matter of fact, I'm gonna sue :yay:

Hmm, are you from the midwest??