I'm so tempted

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome


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I love her wild,wild hair
Its one of those days and I have this nagging urge to cut my hair myself. This feeling usually happens in the fall. I'll put my hair back in a low ponytail and cut straight across thus making my locks fall longer in the front, a cute modern style. I have loose curly hair.

Please someone talk me out of this.

I've been cutting my own hair for over a year now. I've been saving about $35 each time I cut it which is wonderful even though I have been using the same lady for almost 25 years starting at $10 a cut. I finally have the wild look I wanted but could never explain to my hair dresser lady. She always just cut it how she wanted to and then used a curling iron to fancy it up. I just like the comb it when it's wet and then leave it look. My daughter says my hair looks like my mini stallions mane and it does:) Any how, you should go for it. It's only hair and it will grow back. I bet you could do a great job, probably better than I do, I just don't mind my uneven choppy look.


New Member
If you don't get your hair blow dried or curled, it's only $15 at the salon next to K-mart in California.


I've been cutting my own hair for over a year now. I've been saving about $35 each time I cut it which is wonderful even though I have been using the same lady for almost 25 years starting at $10 a cut. I finally have the wild look I wanted but could never explain to my hair dresser lady. She always just cut it how she wanted to and then used a curling iron to fancy it up. I just like the comb it when it's wet and then leave it look. My daughter says my hair looks like my mini stallions mane and it does:) Any how, you should go for it. It's only hair and it will grow back. I bet you could do a great job, probably better than I do, I just don't mind my uneven choppy look.

I know, its only hair! You're getting me all excited! :jet:


New Member
Whew.. I'd be careful about cutting it. I used to trim mine, and everytime I would go to my stylist to get it cut she could tell... I thought it looked fine. Maybe do a trim, get bangs or diffrent layers, or maybe some high/low lights. I wouldnt cut to too much just because its getting colder out.. going short is usually a summer thing and long a winter thing. Just a suggestion! :yahoo:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Its one of those days and I have this nagging urge to cut my hair myself. This feeling usually happens in the fall. I'll put my hair back in a low ponytail and cut straight across thus making my locks fall longer in the front, a cute modern style. I have loose curly hair.

Please someone talk me out of this.

You don't have hair to cut.


New Member
shame you can not post a pic.I had my hair trimmed a couple of weeks ago.I am not keen on going to the hairdressers although it is nice the finished style.I just do not like the gossip in hairdressers. last time I went they were laughing about selling a balding guy a hair conditioning product. I thought that was mean. Not very professional.

So Morningbell just think about it some more before you go for the chop.


Free to Fly
I'd never be brave enough to cut my own! I cut my own bangs once when I was a kid - even left my glasses on so I could see in the mirror - and ended up with half ovals in my bangs where I cut around my glasses! BTW I'm 5'2" and my oldest sister is 4'11" tall. I call it "vertically challenged"!