I'm sorry...


Football addict

It takes a team to lose or win. Ole Gibbs says it best...

Opening Statement:
"From the Redskins' point of view, whenever you lose a game like that, you always say there are 50 plays where we could have won it. I always look at it as, 'What could I have done to help.' From a Redskins standpoint, we all lost this ballgame, all of us together. It's going to be a real test for us because we're going to go back and play a couple of tough home games. I'm looking forward to getting back in front of our fans. But this was a hard-fought game. I hate it that we lost it, but I look at it as we're all together on it."

On the Bucs' 2-point conversion at the end of the game:
"All of our guys, what they saw, they felt like he was on the ground before he got in. That's what they told me. Obviously I didn't have a chance to see the replays. But those guys did. That's what replay is for."

On whether he was surprised the Bucs went for it:
"No, I think it got to a point where it was so close that you could certainly see them doing it at that point."

On the defense giving up big plays:
"I look at it as it's all of us together. When you play good football teams, you're going to give up some big plays from time to time on defense. Offensively, there's a lot that we can do to improve our football team. Defensively, same thing. One of the things to improve on is giving up big plays. I'm sure there are some things we're going to see on the film. I look at it as a learning experience. It'll be a real test for us because there was a lot of emotion out there in the game. Now we have to bounce back and play a great ballgame next week."

On whether the delay-of-game penalty was assessed on the kickoff and if that was a decision by the Buccaneers' coaching staff:
"I took it as both penalties were going to be a half-distance to the goal line. That's what I took it to be."

On if he can recall a NFL game in which there were so many close calls on replays:
"That's why we have it. I've always been a proponent of it because it gives us a chance to correct it. There were a lot of big plays in that game, some of them where replay was needed."

On Ladell Betts:
"Ladell had a big game. When we go back and look at the film, I think we'll find that a lot of our players played great. You hate that because it gets lost because we lost the football game. But we have to look at it and then regroup. Like I said, it's going to be a real challenge for us."

On if any of the officials talked to him about the final replay:
"No. They didn't say anything."

On whether the Bucs impressed him with their late touchdown:
"I think they have a very good football team. They have players who are very capable of making plays. So I think Tampa Bay deserves a lot of credit. Now they're 6-3. They're very well coached and they have a chance to make plays on you."

On the turnover situation and if there is a solution:
"It's been pretty consistent with the turnovers. So far I haven't found a solution to it. We've done everything that we can think of, maybe there's something else we can do to emphasize it."

On whether the team lost an opportunity to move up in the standings given that the Giants lost:
"We knew about it and we knew who was playing who. Every week up here, if you lose football games, is a lost opportunity. All of these games are critically important and this time we didn't get it."

On his emotions during the game:
"Well, there were a lot of emotional swings and it was a real hard-fought game."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It takes a team part 2...

"Well, I figure if he's gonna throw an interception and give up a fumble on a tiny little hit like that, we can't use him. One guy can't be allowed to hurt the team like that. Give me a guy who can fumble EVERY week and throw some pics in there like he means it. So what if he only played a quarter? If you make mistakes like that when I've got a guy I spent $700,000,000 on when no one else wanted him for free, hey, it's all about team."


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I guess you're trying to help make my point?

...we went through this whole montage earlier this season.

Statistically, Ramsey was marginally better.

Mark Brunnell got the job because Gibbs believes in him and does NOT believe in Pat. Mark is supposed to make better reads quicker and make better decisions with the ball.

Mark has done many things very, very well this year but at the end of the day Mark IS killing us with turnovers, the very thing Pat was condemned for.

None of this matters. I disagree with the head coach and most of you. Mark ain't coming out unless it's on a stretcher and by then, Joe is going to go for Cambell which is probably wise. Why play a guy you don't want? Play the kid you drafted.

The team I've seen every week has pretty much outplayed the opponent every week, including yesterday. Mark put together a masterpiece 17 play drive. But still, the Old Joe Gibbs would tell you you simply can't lose the turnover battle and win. We're losing the turnover battle. It boils down to one guy and we're 5-4.

Again, I ask, anyone else see a 5-4 team out there?


Football addict
Everyone makes mistakes, you can't pin it on just one player. Brunell has given more than he takes away. JMO

If you want to talk about turnovers you should focus on our defense. Where are they in turnovers, shouldn't they be helping out Brunell too?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

BuddyLee said:
Everyone makes mistakes, you can't pin it on just one player. Brunell has given more than he takes away. JMO

If you want to talk about turnovers you should focus on our defense. Where are they in turnovers, shouldn't they be helping out Brunell too?

...sure. The defense is nowhere near playing well enough to carry Brunnel. Week after week he sticks them with a short field. I don't see a 5-4 team on the field. I see Ramsey making more plays and less mistakes, week by week, growing, as young guys tend to do. I see an old Brunnel starting to slow with the season grind and he ain't going to get any better.

You say Mark is more good than bad. Fine. Joe says the same thing. All I'm doing is venting because the thing that is supposed to matter, winning, has gone out the window. Joe and you and everybody else has your guy.

Here's to finding a way the rest of the year. Go Mark!


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
...sure. The defense is nowhere near playing well enough to carry Brunnel. Week after week he sticks them with a short field. I don't see a 5-4 team on the field. I see Ramsey making more plays and less mistakes, week by week, growing, as young guys tend to do. I see an old Brunnel starting to slow with the season grind and he ain't going to get any better.

You say Mark is more good than bad. Fine. Joe says the same thing. All I'm doing is venting because the thing that is supposed to matter, winning, has gone out the window. Joe and you and everybody else has your guy.

Here's to finding a way the rest of the year. Go Mark!
I think Mark surprised a lot of folks starting with that Dallas game. We won't know for certain but if Ramsey was in the game I think we'd be standing in the same spot we're in now. The games might not even be as close as they are. In reality they're probably one in the same person, good but not quite good enough to get this team where we want to be, at least as it looks at this point in time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

BuddyLee said:
I think Mark surprised a lot of folks starting with that Dallas game. We won't know for certain but if Ramsey was in the game I think we'd be standing in the same spot we're in now. The games might not even be as close as they are. In reality they're probably one in the same person, good but not quite good enough to get this team where we want to be, at least as it looks at this point in time.

...nail on head.

Yeah, that's right. Ramsey, in his fourth year, the year Brunnel and most guys 'get it', would be no better and maybe worse than Mark.



Football addict
Larry Gude said:
...nail on head.

Yeah, that's right. Ramsey, in his fourth year, the year Brunnel and most guys 'get it', would be no better and maybe worse than Mark.

Fourth year under how many systems? Gibbs probably saw confusion with Ramsey. He probably thought it was best to sit him out, give him time to learn, to study. I'm sure Gibbs knows Brunell won't be around forever, he needs someone who knows 'his' system after Brunell is out of the game. Brunell is seasoned, a veteran, he knows Gibbs system and his role. This is why he is playing just as Lavaar is again.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is so frustrating...

BuddyLee said:
Fourth year under how many systems? Gibbs probably saw confusion with Ramsey. He probably thought it was best to sit him out, give him time to learn, to study. I'm sure Gibbs knows Brunell won't be around forever, he needs someone who knows 'his' system after Brunell is out of the game. Brunell is seasoned, a veteran, he knows Gibbs system and his role. This is why he is playing just as Lavaar is again.

That's the WHOLE point; he is NOT getting seasoned vet play out of Mark!!! He's getting bad mistakes at bad times.

He is getting over the hill play out of Mark. In the meantime, we know no more about Ramsey than last year; he's a maybe.

I don't care how much you guys like Mark you can't possibly expect him to be #1 next year so, where do we go? Cambell in year two?

Mark, playing the way he is, represents giving up the year because there is no tomorrow for him. If he was playing better, fine. If he plays better, fine.

In the mean time, Ramsey MIGHT be rounding into shape right now with two years of Gibbs system. He might be really getting it and that upside carries us as far as it goes this year with next year being even brighter and at least settled.

The downside, if Pat was playing bad, is no way worse than 5-4 and Mark perhaps takes over now, fresh, to make a playoff run and then start over next year.