I'm wearing a Heart Monitor!


Not a Lurker anymore!
Thats right! Went to the docs yesterday for what I thought was anxiety...

Got sent home wearing an ercardia heart monitor. This just stinks! I feel I'm too young to be going through this. Doc says he doesnt look at me, and see an anxious person, lol.

My symptoms were/are: increased heart beat (feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest) some slight dizziness (but not to the point of falling down) and finally, feeling like I just can't catch my breath, or like I am breathing really shallow.

This device I am wearing is supposed to record "events". If I feel those feelings again, I'm supposed to push a button on the machine, and it records my heart. The device is preprogrammed with its own set of things to look for. If it senses one, it beeps and then starts recording. Thats the part thats freaking me out! Its automatically recorded while I was sleeping last night, driving down RT4 today, and then again while I was walking out of Giant.

This just really sucks!
Thats right! Went to the docs yesterday for what I thought was anxiety...

Got sent home wearing an ercardia heart monitor. This just stinks! I feel I'm too young to be going through this. Doc says he doesnt look at me, and see an anxious person, lol.

My symptoms were/are: increased heart beat (feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest) some slight dizziness (but not to the point of falling down) and finally, feeling like I just can't catch my breath, or like I am breathing really shallow.

This device I am wearing is supposed to record "events". If I feel those feelings again, I'm supposed to push a button on the machine, and it records my heart. The device is preprogrammed with its own set of things to look for. If it senses one, it beeps and then starts recording. Thats the part thats freaking me out! Its automatically recorded while I was sleeping last night, driving down RT4 today, and then again while I was walking out of Giant.

This just really sucks!

Relax and try not to get yourself worked up until you know for sure you've got a major problem! This is routine monitoring to see if you have an issue... being monitored doesn't mean you do have an issue... besides... you've got the bestest avatar on here. :smile:

Good luck and hopefully it's nothing!


Not a Lurker anymore!
Relax and try not to get yourself worked up until you know for sure you've got a major problem! This is routine monitoring to see if you have an issue... being monitored doesn't mean you do have an issue... besides... you've got the bestest avatar on here. :smile:

Good luck and hopefully it's nothing!


I'm really trying not to get too worked up, but it's really getting me scared. I'm already wondering who will help hubby take care of the kids...I thought about teaching my girls how to so laundry etc..(I know Im over-reacting, but I can't help it)

Doctor said to limit myself to 2 cups of caffinated coffee per day..and cut my smoking down to 5 cigs a day. I thought I was going to die right there!

Then, he mentioned something about "Tachycardia". I've kept myself from researching that one, because if its really bad, I dont want to know.

I'm really trying not to get too worked up, but it's really getting me scared. I'm already wondering who will help hubby take care of the kids...I thought about teaching my girls how to so laundry etc..(I know Im over-reacting, but I can't help it)

Doctor said to limit myself to 2 cups of caffinated coffee per day..and cut my smoking down to 5 cigs a day. I thought I was going to die right there!

Then, he mentioned something about "Tachycardia". I've kept myself from researching that one, because if its really bad, I dont want to know.

How old are your kids? I'm a firm believer that children do need to know how to do basic household chores and have responsibilities like doing their own laundry and such. They do not wake up when they turn 18 and know this stuff on their own. My youngest is 13 and she's been doing her own laundry for about two years now.

And btw, your problem can most likely be fixed with less caffiene and ciggies. You should take that seriously. :yay:

I'm really trying not to get too worked up, but it's really getting me scared. I'm already wondering who will help hubby take care of the kids...I thought about teaching my girls how to so laundry etc..(I know Im over-reacting, but I can't help it)

Doctor said to limit myself to 2 cups of caffinated coffee per day..and cut my smoking down to 5 cigs a day. I thought I was going to die right there!

Then, he mentioned something about "Tachycardia". I've kept myself from researching that one, because if its really bad, I dont want to know.
That's just doctor-speak for increased heart rate.


Not a Lurker anymore!
How old are your kids? I'm a firm believer that children do need to know how to do basic household chores and have responsibilities like doing their own laundry and such. They do not wake up when they turn 18 and know this stuff on their own. My youngest is 13 and she's been doing her own laundry for about two years now.

And btw, your problem can most likely be fixed with less caffiene and ciggies. You should take that seriously. :yay:

My girls are 12 and 8. Yeah, I know. I should have been teaching the 12 yr old how to do these things a while ago.

I'm a stay at home mom for 9 months per year, so I've always just washed clothes, dishes, cleaned etc...while Hubby is working and girls are at school. I've become fed up, and they have become lazy.

Guess today is a good day for laundry lessons! I've got just the pile!:yahoo:



I'm really trying not to get too worked up, but it's really getting me scared. I'm already wondering who will help hubby take care of the kids...I thought about teaching my girls how to so laundry etc..(I know Im over-reacting, but I can't help it)

Doctor said to limit myself to 2 cups of caffinated coffee per day..and cut my smoking down to 5 cigs a day. I thought I was going to die right there!

Then, he mentioned something about "Tachycardia". I've kept myself from researching that one, because if its really bad, I dont want to know.

My son was diagnosed with SVT (sub ventricular tachycardia) in utero and had to wear a Holter monitor many times until he was 3. SVT runs in my family but I wondered if me drinking coffee while pregnant could have harmed and possibly bought the SVT on.

I have since cut out all caffiene and smoking period, you should too its kind of a no brainer :rolleyes:


Not a Lurker anymore!
My son was diagnosed with SVT (sub ventricular tachycardia) in utero and had to wear a Holter monitor many times until he was 3. SVT runs in my family but I wondered if me drinking coffee while pregnant could have harmed and possibly bought the SVT on.

I have since cut out all caffiene and smoking period, you should too its kind of a no brainer :rolleyes:

How old is your little one now? Is he on meds for the SVT, or did he outgrow it (if thats possible)? Hope he is well!

Hubby went to Walmart and bought decaf for me last night. I did drink my 2 cups of reg this morning though. The cigs...I'm trying. I asked my doctor if he would prescribe Chantix for me. He said he doesnt want to do that right now, he would rather I just cut back to 5 per day, until all my testing if complete.

I dont know why its so hard for me now, with these damn cigs. With each pregnancy I stopped smoking right away. I just need to flush em'. Get over the withdrawls, and be done with it.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08

Well, Walmart makes me angry most times that I go, but that could just be me. I just get angry at stupid people, which causes my heart rate to go up. Oh, don't try to call verizon either. I've been on hold for 10 minutes and I feel my blood pressure rising.


Not a Lurker anymore!
Well, Walmart makes me angry most times that I go, but that could just be me. I just get angry at stupid people, which causes my heart rate to go up. Oh, don't try to call verizon either. I've been on hold for 10 minutes and I feel my blood pressure rising.

OMG! You had me sitting here thinking you saw me last night LMAO. I was thinking to myself " Was I fooling around with the wires, and something was showing"? LOL


How old is your little one now? Is he on meds for the SVT, or did he outgrow it (if thats possible)? Hope he is well!

Hubby went to Walmart and bought decaf for me last night. I did drink my 2 cups of reg this morning though. The cigs...I'm trying. I asked my doctor if he would prescribe Chantix for me. He said he doesnt want to do that right now, he would rather I just cut back to 5 per day, until all my testing if complete.

I dont know why its so hard for me now, with these damn cigs. With each pregnancy I stopped smoking right away. I just need to flush em'. Get over the withdrawls, and be done with it.

My son did outgrow it, he was taking Rx for the first 3 years of his life and while he was in utero I was on Rx for him. He is very active and healthy.

I have heard good and bad things about Chantix, read warning lables.

Caffine takes about 3 days to get over with headaches and such.

I know you can do it, you're strong enough to quit both.


Not a Lurker anymore!
Next set of questions (please): Anyone ever have a Nuclear Stress Test? I've got that coming up in October. If so, would you mind shedding some light on how it goes..


New Member
Thats right! Went to the docs yesterday for what I thought was anxiety...

Got sent home wearing an ercardia heart monitor. This just stinks! I feel I'm too young to be going through this. Doc says he doesnt look at me, and see an anxious person, lol.

My symptoms were/are: increased heart beat (feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest) some slight dizziness (but not to the point of falling down) and finally, feeling like I just can't catch my breath, or like I am breathing really shallow.

This device I am wearing is supposed to record "events". If I feel those feelings again, I'm supposed to push a button on the machine, and it records my heart. The device is preprogrammed with its own set of things to look for. If it senses one, it beeps and then starts recording. Thats the part thats freaking me out! Its automatically recorded while I was sleeping last night, driving down RT4 today, and then again while I was walking out of Giant.

This just really sucks!

I've had to wear them twice now. The last time I got one was right before I got diagnosed with walking pnuemonia. Same symptoms as you. my resting heart rate was about 97 and anything more than walking a couple feet made me almost pass out.

:crosses fingers you don't have it:

Haha, if its the same kind I had, its a royal pita....I kept accidently hitting the button to record then I had to call in to the doctors office and tell them I was feeling fine.


New Member
Next set of questions (please): Anyone ever have a Nuclear Stress Test? I've got that coming up in October. If so, would you mind shedding some light on how it goes..

They aren't bad at all. If you've ever had major surgery chances are you have already had what they're gonna do to you. Its a simple IV where they inject isotopes into your blood stream that make it easier (possible) for them to see the blood flow through your heart.

After that, its a simple stress test (i.e. run on a treadmill with all sorts of EKG wires connected to ya and (possibly) a breathing monitor.

The only strange thing about the injection is you taste metal in your mouth and it makes you feel like you pissed yourself.


Not a Lurker anymore!
They aren't bad at all. If you've ever had major surgery chances are you have already had what they're gonna do to you. Its a simple IV where they inject isotopes into your blood stream that make it easier (possible) for them to see the blood flow through your heart.

After that, its a simple stress test (i.e. run on a treadmill with all sorts of EKG wires connected to ya and (possibly) a breathing monitor.

The only strange thing about the injection is you taste metal in your mouth and it makes you feel like you pissed yourself.

Wow! Never had any type of surgery. Hell, I've still got my wisdom teeth, tonsils etc..Things a lot of people my age (31) had removed a long time ago.

About the "feels like you pissed yourself"...Yeah...that kinda scares me.


Not a Lurker anymore!
I've had to wear them twice now. The last time I got one was right before I got diagnosed with walking pnuemonia. Same symptoms as you. my resting heart rate was about 97 and anything more than walking a couple feet made me almost pass out.

:crosses fingers you don't have it:

Haha, if its the same kind I had, its a royal pita....I kept accidently hitting the button to record then I had to call in to the doctors office and tell them I was feeling fine.

The monitor I am wearing is called ecardia diagnostics. Two wires with electrodes. I swear, it looks like an outdated ipod! It can hold (6) events. Everytime I push the button, or the device automatically records, I am supposed to call the 800 number, and hold the mouthpiece of the phone up to the device...and it somehow transmits the info. Sounds like a fax machine, and takes anywhere from 1-4 minutes before it stops.
I have to wear this 24/7 (except while showering) for the next 21 days. Im already sick of it. The one electrode sits right below my left breast...well...under it actually. Really uncomfortable when I take my bra off. Poor little electrode is smashed after that lol.


New Member
Wow! Never had any type of surgery. Hell, I've still got my wisdom teeth, tonsils etc..Things a lot of people my age (31) had removed a long time ago.

About the "feels like you pissed yourself"...Yeah...that kinda scares me.

Haha, nothing to be scared about... I've been getting them every year since I could walk. (22 now). Its an IV, which is absolutely awesome, since as soon as they get the IV in, you don't feel it at all anymore. The pissing yourself thing isn't bad...you just kinda look down and think "Oh ####, this is embaressing" but you know you didn't...so nothing to worry about. The metallic thing is -by far- the scariest thing...I don't even know to describe it, as I don't really know how I know what metal tastes like. But you taste it. Once again, not scary...but you'll open your mouth and "try to get the taste out". All of this only lasts for a few seconds, then the REAL scary thing happens....

You have to run. haha.

The monitor I am wearing is called ecardia diagnostics. Two wires with electrodes. I swear, it looks like an outdated ipod! It can hold (6) events. Everytime I push the button, or the device automatically records, I am supposed to call the 800 number, and hold the mouthpiece of the phone up to the device...and it somehow transmits the info. Sounds like a fax machine, and takes anywhere from 1-4 minutes before it stops.
I have to wear this 24/7 (except while showering) for the next 21 days. Im already sick of it. The one electrode sits right below my left breast...well...under it actually. Really uncomfortable when I take my bra off. Poor little electrode is smashed after that lol.
Yep, sounds like the exact same one. The sticky tabs your supposed to use are absoluetly crappy...I ended up (since I don't wear a bra) wrapping a piece of duct tape around me to keep them on.