I'm wearing a Heart Monitor!


Not a Lurker anymore!
Did your doctor do blood work? Have him/her check your thyroid.

Yes, he did do bloodwork. Got a flu shot too!

I'm sitting here drinking this decaf coffee....thought I would hate it, but its not too bad. Since coffee is one of the only beverages I drink, I could probably go decaf all the way.

Maybe this wont be so bad.


New Member

Anxiety disorder - Panic attacks maybe? Something to do some research on and very common among us women, especially around the 30 year old bracket. They come on suddenly, without warning, have all the symptoms you described and you feel like you are going to die.


Not a Lurker anymore!

Anxiety disorder - Panic attacks maybe? Something to do some research on and very common among us women, especially around the 30 year old bracket. They come on suddenly, without warning, have all the symptoms you described and you feel like you are going to die.

I went to the doctors with the thoughts of it being anxiety related. Does that last for days though?


Active Member
Thats right! Went to the docs yesterday for what I thought was anxiety...

Got sent home wearing an ercardia heart monitor. This just stinks! I feel I'm too young to be going through this. Doc says he doesnt look at me, and see an anxious person, lol.

My symptoms were/are: increased heart beat (feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest) some slight dizziness (but not to the point of falling down) and finally, feeling like I just can't catch my breath, or like I am breathing really shallow.

This device I am wearing is supposed to record "events". If I feel those feelings again, I'm supposed to push a button on the machine, and it records my heart. The device is preprogrammed with its own set of things to look for. If it senses one, it beeps and then starts recording. Thats the part thats freaking me out! Its automatically recorded while I was sleeping last night, driving down RT4 today, and then again while I was walking out of Giant.

This just really sucks!

Your symptoms sound like what I was going through when I started having allergic reactions to EVERYTHING. Air borne Allergens (ragweed is really big right now) caused my lungs to swell (which also caused back aches between my shoulder blades). Doc said it sounded like popcorn in there. Head congestion caused dizziness/vertigo/lack of depth perception/anxiety in movement/muffled hearing. Heart felt like it was skipping beats or fluttering.

It took a L-O-N-G time of try this and try that, but now I am basically treated year round for allergies.

It might be worth asking your doc to look into the possibility of allergies.


Not a Lurker anymore!
Your symptoms sound like what I was going through when I started having allergic reactions to EVERYTHING. Air borne Allergens (ragweed is really big right now) caused my lungs to swell (which also caused back aches between my shoulder blades). Doc said it sounded like popcorn in there. Head congestion caused dizziness/vertigo/lack of depth perception/anxiety in movement/muffled hearing. Heart felt like it was skipping beats or fluttering.

It took a L-O-N-G time of try this and try that, but now I am basically treated year round for allergies.

It might be worth asking your doc to look into the possibility of allergies.

(which also caused back aches between my shoulder blades)
I went to bed last night with a crampy feeling in my chest, and all across my back, between my shoulder blades. Strange.
I made an appointment for today, even though I have one scheduled for Thursday as well. Better safe than sorry.
I know the doc mentioned enviornmental factors, when I was explaining my symptoms. I will ask about the allergies when I go today. Thanks.


Active Member
(which also caused back aches between my shoulder blades)
I went to bed last night with a crampy feeling in my chest, and all across my back, between my shoulder blades. Strange.
I made an appointment for today, even though I have one scheduled for Thursday as well. Better safe than sorry.
I know the doc mentioned enviornmental factors, when I was explaining my symptoms. I will ask about the allergies when I go today. Thanks.

Crampy chest (sometimes sharp pain), achy shoulder blades, along with unquenchable thirst, are my first signs of an allergic reaction.

Drinking hot beverages should help soothe your lungs a little bit. Hot tea with lemon soothes your lungs, has antibacterial properties and if you have congestion mucus in your system, it gets it moving.

Feel better soon! :huggy:
Next set of questions (please): Anyone ever have a Nuclear Stress Test? I've got that coming up in October. If so, would you mind shedding some light on how it goes..
I'll add some...
Haha, nothing to be scared about... I've been getting them every year since I could walk. (22 now). Its an IV, which is absolutely awesome, since as soon as they get the IV in, you don't feel it at all anymore. The pissing yourself thing isn't bad...you just kinda look down and think "Oh ####, this is embaressing" but you know you didn't...so nothing to worry about. The metallic thing is -by far- the scariest thing...I don't even know to describe it, as I don't really know how I know what metal tastes like. But you taste it. Once again, not scary...but you'll open your mouth and "try to get the taste out". All of this only lasts for a few seconds, then the REAL scary thing happens....

You have to run. haha.

Yep, sounds like the exact same one. The sticky tabs your supposed to use are absoluetly crappy...I ended up (since I don't wear a bra) wrapping a piece of duct tape around me to keep them on.

I've had a couple and never noticed a metallic taste or the wet pants syndrome. They do push you on the treadmill though..:lmao:

(which also caused back aches between my shoulder blades)
I went to bed last night with a crampy feeling in my chest, and all across my back, between my shoulder blades. Strange.
I made an appointment for today, even though I have one scheduled for Thursday as well. Better safe than sorry.
I know the doc mentioned enviornmental factors, when I was explaining my symptoms. I will ask about the allergies when I go today. Thanks.

I've been haveing the same symptoms for going on three years now, along with what I told them wasn't exactly chest pain, but more of a pressure. Had all the EKGs and stress tests and even an angiogram. No heart problems, but no one (exept my wife) mentioned the possibilities of allergies. They did give an antianxiety drug a try which seems to help. So basically no one knows what it is.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I'll add some...

I've had a couple and never noticed a metallic taste or the wet pants syndrome. They do push you on the treadmill though..:lmao:

I've been haveing the same symptoms for going on three years now, along with what I told them wasn't exactly chest pain, but more of a pressure. Had all the EKGs and stress tests and even an angiogram. No heart problems, but no one (exept my wife) mentioned the possibilities of allergies. They did give an antianxiety drug a try which seems to help. So basically no one knows what it is.

You have a very smart wifey. She may have mentioned anxiety, also......:diva:


In My Opinion
Dont worry about the nuke testing, the chemical and the process is nothing.

however, should they decide to give you the drug stimulated workout, where they pump something into you while you just sit there that forces your heart to go into overdrive,, run like hell from that one.. RUN LIKE HELL

they had to do that to me last time because of the loss of nerves in my foot not allowing me to treadmill,, Never again.

I thought I was going to die the whole time.
you get hot, sweaty, heart racing, headache, trouble breathing,, and the doctors and such are standing there talking about what they just had for lunch while you are making your piece with the God of your personal choosing.

Spelling police off duty today?
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Active Member
I've been haveing the same symptoms for going on three years now, along with what I told them wasn't exactly chest pain, but more of a pressure. Had all the EKGs and stress tests and even an angiogram. No heart problems, but no one (exept my wife) mentioned the possibilities of allergies. They did give an antianxiety drug a try which seems to help. So basically no one knows what it is.

You have a smart wife!

Have you ever been tested for allergies? It might be worth a shot.
Dont worry about the nuke testing, the chemical and the process is nothing.

however, should they decide to give you the drug stimulated workout, where they pump something into you while you just sit there that forces your heart to go into overdrive,, run like hell from that one.. RUN LIKE HELL

they had to do that to me last time because of the loss of nerves in my foot not allowing me to treadmill,, Never again.

I thought I was going to die the whole time.
you get hot, sweaty, heart racing, headache, trouble breathing,, and the doctors and such are standing there talking about what they just had for lunch while you are making your piece with the God of your personal choosing.

There was a woman there who went that route while I was on the treadmill. She was done and looked half dead.