I'm wearing a Heart Monitor!


Steelers Fan 4-life
Your symptoms sound like what I was going through when I started having allergic reactions to EVERYTHING. Air borne Allergens (ragweed is really big right now) caused my lungs to swell (which also caused back aches between my shoulder blades). Doc said it sounded like popcorn in there. Head congestion caused dizziness/vertigo/lack of depth perception/anxiety in movement/muffled hearing. Heart felt like it was skipping beats or fluttering.

It took a L-O-N-G time of try this and try that, but now I am basically treated year round for allergies.

It might be worth asking your doc to look into the possibility of allergies.

This just helped me out alot. I have been having that exact pain and fluttering and I used to get allergy shots until I had no insurance. SO that could explain the reason why I have been feeling this way. Thanks


Active Member
This just helped me out alot. I have been having that exact pain and fluttering and I used to get allergy shots until I had no insurance. SO that could explain the reason why I have been feeling this way. Thanks

Happy to help! :huggy:


Not a Lurker anymore!
Update on Heart Monitor:

Just a little update. I only had to wear the heart monitor for 7 days, instead of the original 21. I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive in the sticky tabs, and the doctor figured he had gotten enough readings in the first week of wearing it. He said my heart rate did spike to high levels at times, but no real problems.

Fast forward 1 week. I went back to the doctors, because I was concerned about all the "recording" the monitor was doing. I was very concerned. He took one look at me, and prescribed me Xanax XR .50mg.

Fast forward 2 weeks. Went back in for a check-up. Told him that I got a little relief (I guess) from the Xanax, but dont feel like it's still doing any good. So, yesterday I was sent home on this:

Nexium (thinks maybe some of the chestpain could be acid reflux)

Xanax XR (which safeway screwed up and gave me the regular xanax)

Lexapro (because I mentioned that my sex drive vanished, becuz now he
thinks I am depressed)

Beta Blocker (to help with my rapid heartbeat)

Any comments on any of the meds? I just started the Lexapro last night and Beta Blocker this am. Within 30-60 min. of taking the Lexapro last night, I began yawning. I was in bed, asleep before 8pm. Normally I dont hit the sack til midnight or so. Anyone been on any of the above medications? I would like to know the " good, bad" on them.


How old is your little one now? Is he on meds for the SVT, or did he outgrow it (if thats possible)? Hope he is well!

Hubby went to Walmart and bought decaf for me last night. I did drink my 2 cups of reg this morning though. The cigs...I'm trying. I asked my doctor if he would prescribe Chantix for me. He said he doesnt want to do that right now, he would rather I just cut back to 5 per day, until all my testing if complete.

I dont know why its so hard for me now, with these damn cigs. With each pregnancy I stopped smoking right away. I just need to flush em'. Get over the withdrawls, and be done with it.

I have had to wear one myself for just the same thing. Turns out all it was was stress and anxiety. You are getting yourself worked up and you are sure to get the symptoms if you keep thinking this way. I agree with Kwillia, it's just routine to rule out heart issues. Chances are your fine. Chill, you are going to let your kids know something is up and that is not good for them. So calm down and take some deep breaths, it really is precautionary. :huggy:


Just a little update. I only had to wear the heart monitor for 7 days, instead of the original 21. I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive in the sticky tabs, and the doctor figured he had gotten enough readings in the first week of wearing it. He said my heart rate did spike to high levels at times, but no real problems.

Fast forward 1 week. I went back to the doctors, because I was concerned about all the "recording" the monitor was doing. I was very concerned. He took one look at me, and prescribed me Xanax XR .50mg.

Fast forward 2 weeks. Went back in for a check-up. Told him that I got a little relief (I guess) from the Xanax, but dont feel like it's still doing any good. So, yesterday I was sent home on this:

Nexium (thinks maybe some of the chestpain could be acid reflux)

Xanax XR (which safeway screwed up and gave me the regular xanax)

Lexapro (because I mentioned that my sex drive vanished, becuz now he
thinks I am depressed)

Beta Blocker (to help with my rapid heartbeat)

Any comments on any of the meds? I just started the Lexapro last night and Beta Blocker this am. Within 30-60 min. of taking the Lexapro last night, I began yawning. I was in bed, asleep before 8pm. Normally I dont hit the sack til midnight or so. Anyone been on any of the above medications? I would like to know the " good, bad" on them.

I have taken everything but the lexapro. He seems to be trying to treat your symptoms. If you don't start to feel better in a months time it might be a good idea to seek a second opinion. Good Luck! :huggy:


Not a Lurker anymore!
Did your doctor do blood work? I think I may have mentioned earlier in the thread, but it sounds like you could have a thyroid issue.

Yes, he did check the thyroid. I specifically asked him about that when I went in for my checkup...everything came back fine.

The Lexapro ( I thought) was for depression. Maybe I think of depression symptoms differently, but I honestly do not feel like I am depressed. Stressed sometimes, of course. Depressed, no.


Not a Lurker anymore!
I have taken everything but the lexapro. He seems to be trying to treat your symptoms. If you don't start to feel better in a months time it might be a good idea to seek a second opinion. Good Luck! :huggy:

So, with the xanax. Was it the xanax extended release, or just the regular xanax? He said it would help calm me....I'm not getting that. Sometimes, I cant even remember if I took it or not, because there really is no difference.


Yes, he did check the thyroid. I specifically asked him about that when I went in for my checkup...everything came back fine.

The Lexapro ( I thought) was for depression. Maybe I think of depression symptoms differently, but I honestly do not feel like I am depressed. Stressed sometimes, of course. Depressed, no.

They use it for a multitude of things and anxiety is one of them. Just from your posts I can tell you are a jumpy person. You seriously needs to get some fish or a water fountain something you can just sit and stare at to chill yourself out a bit. I use to suffer anxiety too. You can get over it. I still have my moments but they are no were near as bad as they used to be. Please just try to relax.
Just a little update. I only had to wear the heart monitor for 7 days, instead of the original 21. I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive in the sticky tabs, and the doctor figured he had gotten enough readings in the first week of wearing it. He said my heart rate did spike to high levels at times, but no real problems.

Fast forward 1 week. I went back to the doctors, because I was concerned about all the "recording" the monitor was doing. I was very concerned. He took one look at me, and prescribed me Xanax XR .50mg.

Fast forward 2 weeks. Went back in for a check-up. Told him that I got a little relief (I guess) from the Xanax, but dont feel like it's still doing any good. So, yesterday I was sent home on this:

Nexium (thinks maybe some of the chestpain could be acid reflux)

Xanax XR (which safeway screwed up and gave me the regular xanax)

Lexapro (because I mentioned that my sex drive vanished, becuz now he
thinks I am depressed)

Beta Blocker (to help with my rapid heartbeat)

Any comments on any of the meds? I just started the Lexapro last night and Beta Blocker this am. Within 30-60 min. of taking the Lexapro last night, I began yawning. I was in bed, asleep before 8pm. Normally I dont hit the sack til midnight or so. Anyone been on any of the above medications? I would like to know the " good, bad" on them.

Might want to get an endoscopy to see if any damage has been done to the esophagus.


So, with the xanax. Was it the xanax extended release, or just the regular xanax? He said it would help calm me....I'm not getting that. Sometimes, I cant even remember if I took it or not, because there really is no difference.

Xanax regular strength is what I took .25 mg. It knocked my azz clean out. I don't understand why it is not helping you. Maybe you just have a weird tolerance for it. I take valium and I can't even tell that I have taken anything. :shrug: Drugs work in different ways for people. Ask him to try you on Valium and see if that helps.


Salt Life
Yes, he did check the thyroid. I specifically asked him about that when I went in for my checkup...everything came back fine.
That's good!!

And just be careful with any meds. Sometimes a combination of medicine will interact with each other and make you feel even worse. :huggy:


Xanax regular strength is what I took .25 mg. It knocked my azz clean out. I don't understand why it is not helping you. Maybe you just have a weird tolerance for it. I take valium and I can't even tell that I have taken anything. :shrug: Drugs work in different ways for people. Ask him to try you on Valium and see if that helps.

Skittles are stronger than that dose....


tired and content....
Yes, he did check the thyroid. I specifically asked him about that when I went in for my checkup...everything came back fine.

The Lexapro ( I thought) was for depression. Maybe I think of depression symptoms differently, but I honestly do not feel like I am depressed. Stressed sometimes, of course. Depressed, no.

My doctor told me that a lot of meds that are used to treat depression are used to treat anxiety as well. I've had to wear a heart monitor twice now and both came back normal. Doc seems to think things are anxiety related....reading this thread makes me feel better that its so common. :lol:


Not a Lurker anymore!
Just an Update

Went in for the nuclear stress test. Come to find out, I not only have a prolapsed heart valve, but also Sinus Tachycardia. I am on heart meds now, and feeling 100% better.

To all the women out there....if you feel like there is something wrong with you, do not take no for an answer. I totally feel like my doctor tried to treat me for anxiety and depression, instead of listening to what I really had to say. I am glad I went through with all the testing. Only you, know your body.