Incoming Trump Administration


Power with Control
Not sure why, but even buying a car I've rarely had to haggle, went into things knowing a good price and often get that price on the first go around. It might be my size and intense stare, I often get people apologizing to me for no reason and people offering to let me go ahead them in line at Lowe's and Walmart.
Same, I figure invoice, add a decent amount for profit, offer that and walk.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by “rebuilt”?

Trust me, none of these places have a shadow version ready to take over, their skill sets are incredibly specialized, “rebuilding” them is destroying them.
Which is PRECISELY what that Marxist POS, Barry Soetoro, AKA, Barack Obama did.
He took perfectly good Federal Agencies, destroyed them, then put in his pack of retarded deviants, to continue destroying said depts.
NOW Trump & his administration need to purge the useless chit that Barry & Joe filled these depts. with and attempt to bring their reputations back....

Your Democrat handlers seriously need to hang for their treasonous actions against America...


Well-Known Member
The demorats are showing their true colors. So much for chopto's claim they would be nicer than 2020. Threats are against not jus the nominees but their children too.



Power with Control
The demorats are showing their true colors. So much for chopto's claim they would be nicer than 2020. Threats are against not jus the nominees but their children too.

Really, at least use violent American threats...... "I'll run you over with a six inch lifted, emissions defeated diesel truck!!!!"


PREMO Member
Yesterday, a deeply gratifying and wonderfully ironic story ran above the New York Times’ fold headlined, “Trump Picks Stanford Doctor Who Opposed Lockdowns to Head N.I.H.” The sub-headline gloriously added, “As the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya would oversee the world’s premier medical research agency, with a $48 billion budget and 27 separate institutes and centers.”

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It’s an out-of-the-park home run. I consider Jay to be a friend, even though we’ve never been in the same room together. Call it battlefield camaraderie. I first spoke with Jay in the summer of 2021 while assembling my first vaccine case. I needed unimpeachable experts to help me squash the notion the jabs were covid cure-alls, so the government could not meet the high standard for violating Florida’s constitutional right to privacy.

Remember the insanity of the summer of 2021, as the jab mandates began to take shape, and as mask mania continued slowly climbing toward its grotesque summit. Somebody in the resistance sent me Jay’s cell number, and explained he was a senior professor of health economics and epidemiology at Stanford, one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

I don’t have to tell you that, as a small-firm lawyer from Gainesville, Florida, I thought the chances of getting help from someone of Jay’s prominence was a long shot, but I texted him anyway. I made my best pitch for why my case — the first case seeking a broad injunction against a vaccine mandate in the country — was a good candidate for his help.

To his everlasting credit, Jay immediately agreed to help. Not only that, he refused to take any payment for his time. After we spoke, I discovered he was also helping other lawyers, all across the country, at great professional risk and despite it making him a pariah among his colleagues.

Not only that, Jay kept showing up to help lawyers like me even though he faced scorn and derision from hostile judges. For instance, the Times’s story noted that, in 2021, Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee bashed Jay in a final order, officiously opining, “His demeanor and tone while testifying suggest that he is advancing a personal agenda,” and piling on that the court was “simply unwilling to trust Dr. Bhattacharya.”

In other words, Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw called Jay a liar. In writing. On the official record.

Those kinds of judicial digs can pile up, and they become part of a professional’s permanent record. But still Jay soldiered on. In October 2020, with two other sane scientists, Jay authored the Great Barrington Declaration, an open letter (now signed by almost 1 million scientists and influencers) reasonably arguing for a focused protection strategy for vulnerable communities, instead of broad mandates and lockdowns.

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Human coral snake and then-head of the National Institutes of Health Frances Collins* (*girl’s name) publicly labeled Jay and his co-signers as “fringe epidemiologists.” FOIA records show behind the scenes, cowardly Frances Collins and his top toady, the revolting human cockroach Fauci, together coordinated a secret “takedown” media campaign to smear Jay and destroy his reputation.

Amidst all that, Jay helped then-controversial Florida Governor DeSantis (“Death-Santis”) roll back ineffective and massively destructive covid policies, by appearing on Governor DeSantis’s “science panels,” which allowed the Governor to publicly consult scientists, in a brilliant political maneuver that defeated stupid claims the Governor was not “following the science.”

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All of his pro-freedom and pro-science activism dearly cost Jay, whose reputation was slowly bleeding out through thousands of tiny invisible paper cuts, as corporate media whipped everything it could against the professor, trying to discredit and marginalize him. Last year, undaunted and unbeaten, Jay signed on for more, serving as a plaintiff in the “Twitter files” lawsuit against the federal government for pandemic censorship, enduring even more slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

Through the peaks and valleys of pandemic successes and setbacks, Jay and I have enjoyed several meaningful, man-to-man, and frank conversations. Jay is a humble, honest, incredibly giving person, always exuding calm, respectful courage and immediately capturing a room’s attention as the evident voice of reason. Jay is an all-in Christian who once sent me a Powerpoint on covid he prepared for his home church.

Four years ago, Frances Collins — as useless a bureaucrat as ever stepped — slandered accomplished Dr. Jay Bhattacharya as a “fringe epidemiologist” and tried to ruin his livelihood. Now, Frances Collins is unemployed, and is touring the podcast circuit with his guitar. And in a historic turnaround story for the ages resembling Biblical Joseph becoming Pharoah’s right-hand-man, Jay is taking Frances’ job.

“Experts agree,” the Times glumly admitted, that “a shake-up is coming to the nation’s public health and biomedical establishment.” And I, for one, cannot wait.

What a wonderful day!



PREMO Member

The doctor who came in from the fringe

Jay Bhattacharya has been nominated by President Trump to head the National Institutes of Health. During the Covid regime, Dr. Bhattacharya was relegated to the “fringe” by the likes of former NIH head Francis Collins and his NIAID colleague Anthony “fallacious” Fauci. John Tierney observes at City Journal that Jay-B is the doctor who came in from the fringe:

Four years ago, Jay Bhattacharya was ostracized by his colleagues at Stanford and censored on social media platforms thanks to a campaign against him by the public-health establishment. The director of the National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins, sent an email to another NIH official, Anthony Fauci, urging a “quick and devastating published takedown” of Bhattacharya and his fellow “fringe epidemiologists.”
Bhattacharya is far from the fringe today. Donald Trump nominated him this week for Collins’s old job, director of the NIH. Assuming the Senate confirms him, it will be a major victory for science and academic freedom—and a serious threat to the universities that suppressed scientific debate and promoted disastrous policies during the pandemic, causing public trust in science to plummet. Academic researchers and administrators have mostly refused to acknowledge their mistakes, much less make amends, but Bhattacharya promised yesterday to “reform American scientific institutions so that they are worthy of trust again.”

TRIGGERnometry (@triggerpod) is a free-speech YouTube show and podcast. Hosts Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) believe in open, fact-based discussion of important and controversial issues. In the six-minute TRIGGERnometry clip below (full video here on YouTube and at the bottom), Dr. Bhattacharya assesses the damage done by the Covid regime. Toward the end he urges “some level of forgiveness” of those who inflicted it on us, “but not until we’ve had a solid understanding and acceptance that what we did was deeply wrong.”

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is one such malefactor. He declared an emergency and ruled Minnesota with an iron fist for 15 months. As Tierney put it in a 2021 City Journal essay, Walz willfully aggravated “the panic pandemic” (“Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus”) for his own benefit.

Walz relied on the panic to enhance his own power and in the event did immeasurable damage to those of us subject to it. As Dr. Bhattacharya suggests with his proviso, Walz and his ilk should at the least acknowledge their error and express a desire to make amends before receiving any meaningful level of forgiveness — which is never going to happen.

Below is the full TRIGGERnometry video of the interview with Jay-B. Even if makes you angry all over again, as it did me, it is well worth your time.



PREMO Member



PREMO Member
I was sorely tested yesterday when news broke of President Trump’s nomination to head the Drug Enforcement Agency: Florida Sheriff Chad Chronister. During the pandemic, Sheriff Chronister arrested Tampa Pastor Dr. Ronald Howard-Browne, who defied Florida’s short lockdown order and held several religious services anyway.

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Sheriff Chronister also enforced a local covid curfew, and ordered punitive policies aimed at coercing unvaccinated deputies under his command to get the shots.

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CLIP: Sheriff Chronister explains his vaccination policy (0:32).

On the other hand, he may not have enforced all laws as enthusiastically as the covid laws. In at least one local news story, reporters indirectly quoted Sheriff Chronister as promising to focus on “public safety” rather than federal immigration laws. He didn’t come right out and say he wouldn’t help deport illegals, apparently, which was smart because that kind of thing, promising not to enforce the law, can get you removed from office in Florida.

Though vowing to focus on public safety, Chronister did release 165 ‘low level, non-violent’ prisoners during covid.

As to his politics, Chronister apparently donated $15K to Obama’s campaign, but more recently endorsed Governor DeSantis during the Republican primary, so he’s likely now a Republican. Still, Chronister is not well-liked by local conservatives who call him a woke Democrat plant. This Twitter thread helpfully rounds up a long list of anti-Chronister information.

I get it; Sheriff Chronister only enforced the laws at the time. We celebrated as heroes those Sheriffs who (rightly, in my view) refused to enforce what they concluded were unconstitutional laws. There may be more to the story; this Twitter poster claims Sheriff Chronister went back to the church and publicly apologized.

Apology or no, Sheriff Chronister was no covid hero. But more than that, Chronister’s covid policies alone raise serious questions whether he is ideologically aligned with the incoming Trump Administration.

As the more controversial Trump nominees have occasionally cropped up, I’ve repeatedly encouraged GTMTTW (give the man time to work). Now, I’ve been forced to take my own advice, which is pretty bitter. If I were in the Senate, I would vote not to confirm Sheriff Chronister.

I’ve said my piece, and I won’t make a song about it — I will assume Trump has a good reason for selecting this person for DEA, or maybe Chronister really has changed. But we don’t have to like it. During his confirmation hearings, Sheriff Chronister should be required to answer for his own words and decisions.

And he should have to wear a mask the whole time.

Last edited:


PREMO Member

MSNBC Host PANIC Over Kash Patel Saying He WILL Target Corrupt Journalists, Deep State ON NOTICE​



PREMO Member

The Washington Post ran a very gratifying story yesterday headlined, “Trump’s pick to head DEA withdraws after GOP criticism of his covid policies.” Womp, womp.

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Unlike the highly publicized pressure campaign to cancel Matt Gaetz’s nomination, until now corporate media mostly ignored the conservative dissatisfaction over President Trump’s nominee for the DEA, Sheriff Chad “Covid” Chronister. So the pushback propogated on social media rather than through the headlines.

Evidently, the Trump team picked up the social media signal. “The backlash to Chronister,” the Journal reported, “was quieter, and its apparent effects swifter, than the opposition has been to some of Trump’s other picks.”

It is possible, barely, to understand the logic of Chronister’s nomination. He has a strong drug enforcement record. He enjoyed the support of Florida favorites like AG nominee Pam Bondi, who used to work with Chronister in Hillsborough County, and of Senator and former Governor Rick Scott, who called Chronister a “personal friend.” The Sheriff is the son-in-law of a major Trump donor, who presumably advocated for him. Perhaps most significant, the pastor who Chronister arrested in March 2020 for holding church services during lockdowns later befriended him and even supported Chronister’s nomination.

If all of that was the Trump Team’s calculus, they badly underestimated the nation’s mood. Conservatives are nowhere near ready to forgive public servants who, though they may only have been doing their duty and following the law, they still revealed much too much enthusiasm for pandemic authoritarianism. Like it or not, good or bad, the pandemic was, is, and forever will be a kind of litmus test. It’s partly an ideological test, but it’s mostly a test of character.

Chronister’s career evidenced all the hallmarks of a woke, lifelong Democrat who recently switched parties out of bare political calculus, so he could not pass an ideological test. In the final analysis, though, Sheriff Chronister failed the character test. It wasn’t just the pastor he arrested. Chronister exuberantly embraced all the obscene, anti-scientific, dictatorial tools supplied by the federal government and corporate media. He’s never apologized or even claimed to have changed his viewpoint.

If anything, Chronister seemed to stubbornly stick to his guns. Only yesterday did Chronister’s office finally delete from its Facebook stream the 2020 press release about arresting Pastor Howard-Browne for breaking covid quarantine. But it was far too late.

This story is important, not because Trump’s transition team withdrew a bad candidate and smartly yielded to quiet conservative pressure. Rather, this story is a morality tale about accountability and justice over people’s decisions during covid, with a side dish about how transformative social media has become, since Chronister’s offensive covid record would have been concealed by corporate media just a few years ago.

There’s zero appetite to let things go, forgive and forget, or Move On. The absence of any official accountability for pandemic excesses has created an abhorrent vacuum of intense frustration that nature has filled with a vast, informal army of volunteer enforcers, both individuals and conservative groups. It’s a kind of unorganized covid reconciliation movement.

For example, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association opposed Chronister’s nomination, saying it was “shocked and dismayed” by his selection because of his enforcement of covid mandates. Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and others tweeted their concerns about Chronister, calling him competely disqualified.

We bear Sheriff Chronister no ill will, and wish him the best in his future endeavors, but we aren’t sorry to see Sheriff Chronister’s name struck from the Cabinet. His covid chickens came home to roost, and hopefully this experience will spur some serious self-reflection. According to the New York Times’ story on Chronister’s withdrawal, some solid, more experienced candidates are now back in play for DEA.

Everyone placed their bets during covid. Some people, like the Sheriff, bet on the system and on name-brand Science. A few of us were compelled to bet on the Constitution, on doing the right thing under pressure, and on the principles of critical scientific examination.

Sheriff Chronister made a bad bet.

Good Riddance Fuk that Covid Restriction Enforcing Piece of Shite
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PREMO Member

The Wall Street Journal ran an exclusive breaking story this morning headlined, “Trump Mulls Replacing Pete Hegseth With Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.” The sub-headline added, “President-elect is discussing replacing current Pentagon nominee as the former Fox News host faces mounting scrutiny over allegations about his personal life.”

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There’s little substance to the story. The “exclusive” reveal was that Trump dropped DeSantis’ name at a recent Mar-a-Lago dinner to possibly replace Pete Hegseth for Defense Secretary. Hegseth is currently navigating through a squall of stale “Me-Too” allegations.

Hegseth may be in turbulent waters, since rumors are circulating widely that six Senators staunchly oppose Hegseth’s nomination —potentially fatal to his nomination— but he’s not done yet. The Journal reported that “So far, no Republican senators have publicly said they would oppose Hegseth’s nomination, and Trump still publicly backs him.”

So unlike Chronister, Hegseth remains in the race. For his part, DeSantis’ office declined to comment on the rumor Trump may be considering him, which just fueled the fires of speculation.

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Just below the surface, a fascinating political dance is unfolding. Here’s the timeline: First, Trump nominated Pete Hegseth. Then Trump’s deep state enemies, probably including Pentagon brass and the military-industrial lobby, deployed “military grade” background research, dragging out some old allegations of sexual abuse (never prosecuted) to undermine Hegseth’s nomination. So Trump responded yesterday by casually suggesting Ron DeSantis who, as a former Navy JAG and a top governor, is clearly qualified.

The prospect of Ron DeSantis as Defense Secretary might terrify the deep staters even more than Pete Hegseth. DeSantis’ scorn for the Ukraine war is well known. His hatred for the deep state, fine-tuned during the pandemic, is on display in dozens of public rants. At minumum, DeSantis is equally dangerous a pick as Hegseth.

After Trump’s dinner comment, those opposing Hegseth must now consider the possibility they could win their war against Hegseth only to face a sure-to-be-approved DeSantis. So, what will they do? Should they back down on Hegseth and deal with him, or take the chance it could be DeSantis?

It was another brilliant move; Trump has boxed them in.

For the record, I’d prefer to keep our Governor in Florida, thank you.



PREMO Member

Deep State WAR With Trump Agenda ERUPTS, LIES About Hegseth Spark Claims DeSantis WILL Be SecDef​



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

The Wall Street Journal ran an exclusive breaking story this morning headlined, “Trump Mulls Replacing Pete Hegseth With Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.” The sub-headline added, “President-elect is discussing replacing current Pentagon nominee as the former Fox News host faces mounting scrutiny over allegations about his personal life.”

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There’s little substance to the story. The “exclusive” reveal was that Trump dropped DeSantis’ name at a recent Mar-a-Lago dinner to possibly replace Pete Hegseth for Defense Secretary. Hegseth is currently navigating through a squall of stale “Me-Too” allegations.

Hegseth may be in turbulent waters, since rumors are circulating widely that six Senators staunchly oppose Hegseth’s nomination —potentially fatal to his nomination— but he’s not done yet. The Journal reported that “So far, no Republican senators have publicly said they would oppose Hegseth’s nomination, and Trump still publicly backs him.”

So unlike Chronister, Hegseth remains in the race. For his part, DeSantis’ office declined to comment on the rumor Trump may be considering him, which just fueled the fires of speculation.

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Just below the surface, a fascinating political dance is unfolding. Here’s the timeline: First, Trump nominated Pete Hegseth. Then Trump’s deep state enemies, probably including Pentagon brass and the military-industrial lobby, deployed “military grade” background research, dragging out some old allegations of sexual abuse (never prosecuted) to undermine Hegseth’s nomination. So Trump responded yesterday by casually suggesting Ron DeSantis who, as a former Navy JAG and a top governor, is clearly qualified.

The prospect of Ron DeSantis as Defense Secretary might terrify the deep staters even more than Pete Hegseth. DeSantis’ scorn for the Ukraine war is well known. His hatred for the deep state, fine-tuned during the pandemic, is on display in dozens of public rants. At minumum, DeSantis is equally dangerous a pick as Hegseth.

After Trump’s dinner comment, those opposing Hegseth must now consider the possibility they could win their war against Hegseth only to face a sure-to-be-approved DeSantis. So, what will they do? Should they back down on Hegseth and deal with him, or take the chance it could be DeSantis?

It was another brilliant move; Trump has boxed them in.

For the record, I’d prefer to keep our Governor in Florida, thank you.

An important point. Trump needs to stand fast and make the swampy Rep Senators go on record and vote against him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
IMO Hegseth is a great pick for DefSec. I don't give a rat's tail about his personal life. He's smart. strong and has proven himself in WAR.
Bonus is the RINO's are terrified of his confirmation. I hope he is confirmed.

Not to mention it was years ago. It's not like he was drunk and banging hookers last night.


PREMO Member

Trump REMOVED DEA Pick Who ARRETED Pastor Over COVID Lockdown In EPIC Win For Populist Movement​


The Washington Post ran a very gratifying story yesterday headlined, “Trump’s pick to head DEA withdraws after GOP criticism of his covid policies.” Womp, womp.

Unlike the highly publicized pressure campaign to cancel Matt Gaetz’s nomination, until now corporate media mostly ignored the conservative dissatisfaction over President Trump’s nominee for the DEA, Sheriff Chad “Covid” Chronister. So the pushback propogated on social media rather than through the headlines.

Evidently, the Trump team picked up the social media signal. “The backlash to Chronister,” the Journal reported, “was quieter, and its apparent effects swifter, than the opposition has been to some of Trump’s other picks.”

Good Riddance Fuk that Covid Restriction Enforcing Piece of Shite

Trump REMOVED DEA Pick Who ARRETED Pastor Over COVID Lockdown In EPIC Win For Populist Movement​



PREMO Member


PREMO Member

BREAKING! Kash Patel Has the SENATE Votes To BE CONFIRMED As FBI Director & The Media PANICS​
