

Well-Known Member
I've been reading and apparently - it's been done before, but it's just symbolic.

A government with a prime minister typically has a situation where the largest party or coalition of parties chooses their leader. The people actually don't vote for the prime minister.
Since it's predicated on that - they can "unchoose" any time they want. A No Confidence vote.

We don't have that. The executive is voted into office - he's either voted out - or removed via impeachment, and impeachment - while a political maneuver - has to be according to an actual high crime or misdemeanor.
You don't get to remove a President just because you don't like him, even though an impeachment vote MIGHT just fall along party lines and have nothing to do with guilt or innocence.

There are two - actually three - ways Trump leaves office. If he is voted out in four years. Or if he is impeached BUT it has to pass Congress AND it has to be "high crimes and misdemeanors".
Or he can be killed in which case - they just get Pence instead, which isn't what the left wants either.

Or, four, (and I think this is most likely) he goes 2-3 years in, says, "I tried, but it's a lost cause", or (and I think this is most likely) "I tried and succeeded in what I wanted to accomplish, so it's time to turn it over" and he quits.


Your assumption that President Trump would be good at governance because he has been successful at real estate is equal to assuming President Obama's success in being elected to the highest office twice means he is qualified to sell me a time share in Pascagoula, Ms.

I'm not suggesting this at all. Obama is a constitutional lawyer and look how that worked out. I was answering to T0J0's assertion that Trump is lacking in business skills. The proof is in the outcome - one of the wealthiest people on earth. One of the most well-known brands in the world.

And this coming from someone who spends most of her time sitting behind a computer berating everyone. But this is T0J0's style - disparage everyone even though she hasn't accomplished anywhere near any of it. Perhaps that's why she does it; she's ashamed of the fact that she has failed so miserably at life.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
It's not as thought Obama didn't similarly roll out some program a little too quickly without thinking it through - (Cash for Clunkers. e.g.)

I can think of an even bigger Obama program that was rolled out too quickly without as much as a dry run.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Obama is a constitutional lawyer and look how that worked out.

It is time to kill this trope. Obama was an associate lecturer on the constitution. He wasn't a professor, he wasn't (isn't) a constitutional expert. He was a community activist who lectured at the law school a few days a year.


It is time to kill this trope. Obama was an associate lecturer on the constitution. He wasn't a professor, he wasn't (isn't) a constitutional expert. He was a community activist who lectured at the law school a few days a year.

I didn't say he was an expert. But he has studied the constitution, is a constitutional lawyer, and knows the constitution well. I've always said: the best way to destroy something is to first know it.


Well-Known Member
Tommy jo reminds me of "that" kid in school, you know the one, they cause a scene just to get a reaction, the minute someone reacts, they get their reward. If you ignored them, they get tired of getting no reaction and leave. Do you think we could get that lucky with TJ, if we just ignored her.


God bless the USA
Tommy jo reminds me of "that" kid in school, you know the one, they cause a scene just to get a reaction, the minute someone reacts, they get their reward. If you ignored them, they get tired of getting no reaction and leave. Do you think we could get that lucky with TJ, if we just ignored her.

What is the fun in that? There are just a few here that disagree with conservative SoMD. I do like to read their perspective, but it is, usually, condescending and down right inappropriate. TJ and the few libs on here are, actually, quite entertaining. I vote to not ignore them! :lol: Plus, it gives US a handle on what WE are up against. That makes TJ a positive; so to speak.