Infidelity site reveals what cheaters want


Soul Probe


Wonder if they ever thought of having an actual relationship with their spouse? Or is cheating the norm now?



A new poll by the married dating site,, shows that when it comes to an extra-marital fling, 83.1% of middle-class male members want to cheat with a working-class woman.

Meanwhile, 51.8% of upper-class men are looking for a middle-class woman and 42.4% of upper-class men want a working class-woman for an affair.

Apparently Infidelity = Slumming.

Me, if I were going to cheat, I'd want to cheat with some diamond studded trophy bitch who drives a Bentley and wants to take me to 5 Star Restaurants and dips my junk in melted Knipschildt chocolate when she's feeling freaky-deaky.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Apparently Infidelity = Slumming.

Of course it does.


Men cheat not necessarily because they want sex, but because their emotional needs are not being met. And by "emotional needs" I mean the need to be THE MAN! all studly and such, smartest, wittiest, strongest, makes the most money, etc. They need to feel superior.

Of course they're going to choose a woman they can feel superior to to cheat with.

That's why you see guys run off with some trailer chick, while the successful, attractive, intelligent wife is sitting there going, "WTF??"

Women run off with a man who is superior to them and what they perceive their husband to be. They trade up.

Men run off with a woman they are superior to. They trade down.

Which does not mean men are bad or weak, it's just the way nature makes them. Not right or wrong, just biology.


Dream Stealer
Of course it does.


Men cheat not necessarily because they want sex, but because their emotional needs are not being met. And by "emotional needs" I mean the need to be THE MAN! all studly and such, smartest, wittiest, strongest, makes the most money, etc. They need to feel superior.

Of course they're going to choose a woman they can feel superior to to cheat with.

That's why you see guys run off with some trailer chick, while the successful, attractive, intelligent wife is sitting there going, "WTF??"

Women run off with a man who is superior to them and what they perceive their husband to be. They trade up.

Men run off with a woman they are superior to. They trade down.

Which does not mean men are bad or weak, it's just the way nature makes them. Not right or wrong, just biology.

This is absolutely true. The cockier the man, the more likely he is going to go find himself a lives with her parents, part time waitress, community college dropout. :coffee:

Intelligent, hard working women with their #### together are too much work. For my age group especially, I have found. I had hoped it would improve once I get a bit older, but im seeing that it doesnt.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Intelligent, hard working women with their #### together are too much work. For my age group especially, I have found. I had hoped it would improve once I get a bit older, but im seeing that it doesnt.

It's not going to get better. :huggy:

Average ordinary Joe (which are the vast majority, otherwise they wouldn't be average and ordinary) can't live up to you. They find you intimidating and you remind them that they are merely average, while you are extraordinary.

All it means is that you're not going to have the pickin's that Wanda Waitress has. You'll have to kiss more toads to find your prince. But the good news is that you'll end up with a prince, while Wanda is stuck with a toad. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And one more:

It's also about how you, as a woman, make him feel. If you are openly adoring, treat him like a god, and make him feel like he is the greatest guy on earth, he will be less likely to run off with Wanda (that's how she makes him feel, btw). BUT! It's really hard to keep polishing a turd forever. I know women who do it and bless their hearts, I do not have that kind of patience.


Lawful neutral
And one more:

It's also about how you, as a woman, make him feel. If you are openly adoring, treat him like a god, and make him feel like he is the greatest guy on earth, he will be less likely to run off with Wanda.

And a nice rack doesn’t hurt. :yay:


It's not going to get better. :huggy:

Average ordinary Joe (which are the vast majority, otherwise they wouldn't be average and ordinary) can't live up to you. They find you intimidating and you remind them that they are merely average, while you are extraordinary.

All it means is that you're not going to have the pickin's that Wanda Waitress has. You'll have to kiss more toads to find your prince. But the good news is that you'll end up with a prince, while Wanda is stuck with a toad. :yay:



PREMO Member
Women run off with a man who is superior to them and what they perceive their husband to be. They trade up.

Men run off with a woman they are superior to. They trade down.

trailer park trash, mine for precious metals ....... :killingme

if the rich bitches weren't so picky more poor white trash males could 'trade up'



New Member
Of course it does.


Men cheat not necessarily because they want sex, but because their emotional needs are not being met. And by "emotional needs" I mean the need to be THE MAN! all studly and such, smartest, wittiest, strongest, makes the most money, etc. They need to feel superior.

Of course they're going to choose a woman they can feel superior to to cheat with.

That's why you see guys run off with some trailer chick, while the successful, attractive, intelligent wife is sitting there going, "WTF??"

Women run off with a man who is superior to them and what they perceive their husband to be. They trade up.

Men run off with a woman they are superior to. They trade down.

Which does not mean men are bad or weak, it's just the way nature makes them. Not right or wrong, just biology.

I tend to agree with most of your post but men don't necessarily pick their mistresses because they feel superior to them. The fact is that some women, when they become more successful than their husbands, tend to rub it in. Seen it in quite a few among my friends. So what's a guy going to do? If he's got a bit of self-respect, he either set her straight or get a divorce. For some, they'll just be the "obedient" husbands and then find someone he could feel emancipated emotionally.


Well-Known Member
We like to sample different sizes and shapes of a womans beauty. Why can't there be a sample house, or is that what a whore house is?

I wonder what is the longest time a lady made a man wait? Knew one married chick she would introduce her fling right in her husbands face and smile as if nothing is going on, bold or what. I wonder how many people had that done to them and don't even know it, yea I am talking about you ha ha.

Wifey needs to be a freak in the bed, problem solved. Let me clarify that, her OWN bed.
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