insurance payments stalling life


I bowl overhand
Thanks, DoWhat - especially, for suggesting Erie. :biggrin:

I see how it is, I suggest 10 times and whatever.. DoWhat hints about it and "Look what I did!!"

I wish you wanted me more for my mind than my body..

This sex object/toy thing is just getting sooo old..


New Member
Everyone that is having problems with their insurance companies, contact the State insurance board and the attorney general's office and inform them the issues your having with your insurance company.

SF disaster team concluded it's search for any house that we can move in to. No one in this area will consider a month to month lease (we are indefinitely out of a house for some time, not just month to month). Looks like Thanksgiving and Christmas in a hotel for us. I wish people who have property would consider meeting us in person, they'd realize we aren't the kind of folks who would ruin their property by renting.

Driving girl child to High school in Calvert from across the bridge in St Marys every school day. At least she can still go to her school....

Haven't heard ANYTHING from this 2nd engineer and their report which was to be available September 27th. Meanwhile, State Farm collects the automatic monthly payment from our checking account faster than you can say "Irene, you !@#$"....

Sorry about the water issues and money that everyone is going through.
This whole situation for this community just plain stinks.