Insurrection Obsession


Beloved Misanthrope


PREMO Member
The regime wants them ruined. And now we know the regime wants their families ruined.

Via the AP.

Less than two months after he pleaded guilty to storming the U.S. Capitol, Texas resident Daniel Goodwyn appeared on Tucker Carlson’s then-Fox News show and promoted a website where supporters could donate money to Goodwyn and other rioters whom the site called “political prisoners.”
The Justice Department now wants Goodwyn to give up more than $25,000 he raised — a clawback that is part of a growing effort by the government to prevent rioters from being able to personally profit from participating in the attack that shook the foundations of American democracy.
An Associated Press review of court records shows that prosecutors in the more than 1,000 criminal cases from Jan. 6, 2021, are increasingly asking judges to impose fines on top of prison sentences to offset donations from supporters of the Capitol rioters.
Dozens of defendants have set up online fundraising appeals for help with legal fees, and prosecutors acknowledge there’s nothing wrong with asking for help for attorney expenses. But the Justice Department has, in some cases, questioned where the money is really going because many of those charged have had government-funded legal representation.
Most of the fundraising efforts appear on GiveSendGo, which bills itself as “The #1 Free Christian Fundraising Site” and has become a haven for Jan. 6 defendants barred from using mainstream crowdfunding sites, including GoFundMe, to raise money. The rioters often proclaim their innocence and portray themselves as victims of government oppression, even as they cut deals to plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors.
Their fundraising success suggests that many people in the United States still view Jan. 6 rioters as patriots and cling to the baseless belief that Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump. The former president himself has fueled that idea, pledging to pardon rioters if he is elected.
Markus Maly, a Virginia man scheduled to be sentenced next month for assaulting police at the Capitol, raised more than $16,000 from an online campaign that described him as a “January 6 P.O.W.” and asked for money for his family. Prosecutors have requested a $16,000-plus fine, noting that Maly had a public defender and did not owe any legal fees.
“He should not be able to use his own notoriety gained in the commission of his crimes to ‘capitalize’ on his participation in the Capitol breach in this way,” a prosecutor wrote in court papers.



Well-Known Member
AP-------------I had an argument right here in this forum once with a member who said AP was a legitimate news organization.


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J6 Political Prisoner Rodney Mistreed Had Feces Tossed into His Cell, Was Denied Food – Today This J6 Prisoner Tells His Story

Rodney Milstreed is a hardworking machinist who attended the rally and protest on January 6, 2021, in Washington DC along with at least one million fellow Trump supporters who believed the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Donald Trump.

He was arrested on the morning of May 22, 2021, at 5:00 am by a group of agents who rushed him and threw a flash-bang at him, seeming to delight in his fear.

He was designated a “high profile” prisoner and placed in solitary confinement for 96 days which proved difficult for him mentally and required medical intervention.

Once placed in the D.C. jail, he was once again placed on a 12-day lockdown, despite his prior medical concerns, where a prisoner threw feces and urine into his cell and meals were often denied.

Please pray for Rodney and donate if you can.


PREMO Member

Convicted Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins Was Set Up by Federal Agent Posing as “1% Watchdog”

June 26, 2023 | Sundance | 293 Comments

I have written about the entrapment issue HERE, as well as the value that should be clearly evident. Counselors – On behalf of your client(s) file a motion with the judge requesting a court order compelling Zello to give up the registration records of the ‘Stop the Steal J6’ channel. This will identify the person behind “1% Watchdog”. If federal prosecutors fight the request for the court order, well: (a) there’s your answer; and (b) take the next step of using the preexisting congressional subpoena as evidence to support your compulsion.

When I received the subpoena, it held no value because it was gibberish. Nothing in the subpoena is materially correct, accurate or pertaining to me. However, pay attention to the red box on the page shown. This is essentially the probable cause that justifies the subpoena itself.

Everything revolves around the identity of the person behind the “1% watchdog” user id.

According to the subpoena whoever started the Zello channel with the user id “1% watchdog”, is the person who organized many of the J6 events. Essentially, 1% is the canary in the coal mine of multiple investigations.

As you can see from the subpoena, investigators told me they had “public-source and documents on file with the committee” attributing me to the user id “1% Watchdog.”

Before the federal investigators admitted their mistake, and then urgently wanted to dispatch any further contact with me, they informed me that statements on Twitter and other social media platforms were used in tracking the 1% Watchdog identity to me.

In my humble opinion, and applying Occam’s Razor, “1% Watchdog” was/is a federal agent. What other motive would a person carry to fabricate their identity, create false bona fides, if not to influence a sense of trust in their target audience?

It looks to me like Jessica Watkins and perhaps others, were solicited by user account “1% watchdog,” who in my estimation was working for the government. This is a classic case of entrapment. The Zello “stop the steal channel” was likely a federal operation.

I repeat…. Counselors – On behalf of your client(s) file a motion with the judge requesting a court order compelling Zello to give up the registration records of the ‘Stop the Steal J6’ channel. This will identify the person behind “1% Watchdog”.

If federal prosecutors fight the request for the court order, well: (a) there’s your answer; after all, if this person was doing such horrible insurrection things, wouldn’t the feds want to know who that person is? And (b) take the next step of using the preexisting congressional subpoena, fraught with false attribution, as evidence to support your compulsion. The former investigative attribution was wrong, use their investigative mistake to find the identity of the person who set up Jessica Watkins and others.


Well-Known Member
An insurrection is what you get with a convoy of tanks and armored vehicles along with 20,000+ armed men marching on the nation's capitol and blowing up aircraft and attack helicopters firing at them. Had they not turned away, there would have been thousands slaughtered at the city limits of Moscow.

It's laughable that the J6 event is called an insurrection - a buncha rednecks armed with pepper spray and leaving dookies on desks while taking selfies.

I'm still bewildered that an unarmed crowd posed any threat to a group of trained police with guns.


PREMO Member

‘Planned In Plain Sight’: Senate Committee Lawmakers Blame DHS, FBI For January 6 Security Failures

In a 106-page report by the committee titled “Planned in Plain Sight,” a majority of the staff said the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) were aware of online posts — as early as December 2020 — that posed threats to Capitol Hill that day, yet failed to sound the alarm with other law enforcement.

“My report shows there was a shocking failure of imagination from these intelligence agencies to take these threats seriously, and there is no question that their failures to effectively analyze and share the threat information contributed to the failures to prevent and respond to the horrific attack that unfolded at the Capitol,” committee Chairman Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) said in a news release.

The report comes over two and a half years after the event that involved approximately 2,000 people, some of whom overturned barricades, clashed with police, and stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the January 2021 transfer of presidential power.


Earlier this year, Roger Root, attorney for Proud Boys member Dominic Pezzola, who was convicted on charges related to January 6, alleged at least 40 undercover informants with various law enforcement agencies engaged in surveillance work that day.

Federal authorities admitted that there were 8 FBI Confidential Human Sources, according to a court filing, which also alleged DCMetro Police had at least 13 undercover plain-clothes agents among the Proud Boys, and some 19 informants belonged to Homeland Security Investigations, an agency under DHS.

A DHS spokesperson told The Daily Wire that the agency has been conducting a “comprehensive organizational review” of its intelligence office, which “will soon be developing recommendations for how [the office] can better meet the homeland security threats of today and tomorrow.”

FBI officials told The Daily Wire the bureau’s “goal is to disrupt and stay ahead of any threats.”


PREMO Member

New Evidence Reveals the Biden DOJ Edited Video Footage in Order to Convict Innocent Jan. 6 Trump Supporters and Oath Keepers – And Now They Got Caught

The Oath Keepers correctly testified that they encountered Harry Dunn who was stressing out because he was alone and considerably outnumbered the protesters made they way through the Capitol… Having noticed Harry Dunn (who was armed with an AR-15) was alone and stressed, the Oath Keepers tried to calm him, and stated that they formed a semi-circle around him and faced away from him to prevent the crowd from encroaching on him. This was a truthful statement.

According to J6 defendant Kelly Meggs and other Oath Keepers, Officer Dunn’s testimony changed throughout the trial. His final testimony was that he felt threatened by the Oath Keepers… the antithesis of their recollection…

During their trials (OKI, OKII and OKIII), video footage provided by the prosecution was presented and given as “evidence” to the defense… This video footage was from the Stephen Horn footage from J6. The Horn video is roughly 2 hours in length… Horn starts outside the capitol, then enters and then ends once again, outside…

Around the 55 minute video time stamp, or around 48 minutes into the video file, Horn enters the Small House Rotunda where the Oath Keepers are guarding Office Dunn…

The video that was provided as trial evidence mysteriously stops with a freeze frame second before Horn approaches the Oath Keepers. The end result is that during the Oath Keeper trials, video footage that shows the Oath Keepers guarding Office Dunn, in a semi-circle facing away from Dunn, and speaking with protestors to diffuse anger or hostile actions toward Office Dunn, were never seen in court and could not substantiate their claim.

No Oath Keeper in trials 1, 2 or 3 ever saw the footage you are about to see until 2 weeks ago when we played this briefly during our interview with OK Jessica Watkins.


PREMO Member

Black Lives Matter Leader Stands In Solidarity With J6 Political Prisoners And The Proud Boys At Federal Court House: ‘And I Have 100 More Men Who Stand With Me’

The same government tyranny and “legislative abuse” that has resulted in scores of black Americans spending years in prison for petty crimes is targeting political prisoners, patriots and conservative Americans for “standing for what they believe in,” warns Black Lives Matter Inc. Executive Director Mark Fisher.

The January 6 political prisoners “are going through the justice system, the court system, just like a lot of my brothers and sisters had to go through when I was coming up and as a youngster, and to this day,” Fisher told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview in front of the federal courthouse in Washington, DC.

“Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right. Just because something is legal doesn’t make it moral. But it is a nation of laws that we live in, as opposed to a nation of people. So we have to deal with them,” he said. “I believe solidarity and brotherhood is the way to combat governmental overreach and legislative abuse.”

“I stand in solidarity with the January 6 political prisoners” and “there are hundreds of men that stand me,” the community organizer told TGP the night before meeting this reporter at the Capitol building.


PREMO Member

Security Video Challenges the Narrative on First Man to Die at Capitol on Jan. 6

The first Capitol Police radio call for help was broadcast at 1:04 p.m., according to Jan. 6, 2021, audio recordings obtained by The Epoch Times.

“Can you please have someone respond to my location with an AED [automated external defibrillator]? The bottom of the west front with an individual that’s down here, unconscious and not breathing,” a female officer broadcast on the main U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) radio channel.

According to CCTV footage reviewed by The Epoch Times, the first police munitions on Jan. 6, 2021, weren’t used on the west front crowd until 1:10 p.m., about 10 minutes after the first breach of police lines near the Peace Monument. This was moments before Mr. Trump finished his speech at the Ellipse, which is two miles from the Capitol.

Capitol Police Deputy Chief Eric Waldow ordered “less-than-lethal” force to be used on the crowd just prior to 1:06 p.m., according to police radio transmissions obtained by The Epoch Times. It wasn’t until nearly five minutes later that force was actually used.


PREMO Member

A NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and a Bucket for a Toilet — Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch?

January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021.

During his two-and-a-half years without trial Ryan has been moved around to 17 different facilities. Ryan has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest in January 2021.

Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit received exclusive photos from Ryan Samsel’s prison cell at the FDC in Philadelphia. The cell was a size of a closet with a light on all of the time. The cell had a thin blue mattress, no sheets or blankets, no clothing, and he was kept here for five months straight.

The photos are just shocking. This is taking place in America today. This is who we are.

Ryan told The Gateway Pundit in a conversation this week, “I was kept in … a hard cell. And in that particular cell about five, six months. I even told you what was happening is the judge was actually calling, trying to get in contact with me because I wasn’t in a named cell. They were missing me and they were saying I wasn’t showing up to court. They were saying I wasn’t showing up to medical. But they were pretty much keeping me in there… Like I said, it was cold, the light was on, there’s zero window. And that followed me from Virginia. When I was in Virginia, it was the same exact conditions.”

Ryan described the same situation in Virginia, “It was Central Regional Virginia Jail (CVRJ). I was kept in and they called it booking hard cell, which is you get zero phone, zero commissary, zero clothing because they think that you’re going to hang yourself and you’re on constant surveillance. You’re under surveillance constantly. The light has to be on 24/7. You’re locked in a cell. There is no getting out. The windows in Virginia were covered by a black mat, so you weren’t able to see. And it’s constant nothing. It’s deprivation of everything.”


PREMO Member

Government Seeks 30 Years In Prison For J6 Political Prisoner Zachary Rehl For Walking Through Capitol Building For A Few Minutes — PLEASE HELP ZACH SECURE PRIVATE COUNSEL FOR APPEAL

J6 political prisoner Zachary Rehl is no longer able to afford a private attorney without assistance from the American people.

The government is seeking 30 years in federal prison for Rehl, the head of the Philadelphia chapter of the Proud Boys, for “his role in the Capitol riot.”

Rehl committed no violent crimes on January 6. He walked through the Capitol building on January 6 for merely a few minutes, took a selfie in the building then left the Capitol grounds.

Prosecutors argue the 37-year-old Marine Corps veteran and his allies, former Proud Boys chair Enrique Tarrio, 39, Joseph Biggs. 39, and Ethan Nordean, 33, aimed to foment a revolution on January 6 to keep former President Donald Trump in power in a “terror attack” that left a stain on American democracy.


PREMO Member

Guy Who Wasn’t Even At The Capitol On January 6th Gets 22 Years In Prison Anyway

What this means is that, if you’re a Washington bureaucrat, toiling away in, say, Joe Biden’s Justice Department, you have to adapt. You can’t just feed people bald-faced propaganda, because no one will buy it. You have to work to sell the deception. So naturally, that’s exactly what the DOJ has been doing. They’re coming up with inventive new ways to lie that are difficult to detect, at least on the surface.

Here’s one example that went totally unreported by the mainstream press. Kevin Benjamin Weier is a California man in his mid-30’s. During the canonization of Saint George Floyd three years ago, Weier took it upon himself to light a federal courthouse in Portland on fire. There’s no dispute about that. Weier pleaded guilty to, “repositioning a piece of lit wood” against the walls of the courthouse. And Weier wasn’t the only one who tried that tactic. In case you’ve forgotten, here’s some of the footage from the siege of the federal courthouse in Portland:


PREMO Member
Prosecutors said Navarro acted as if he were “above the law” when he defied a subpoena for documents and a deposition from the House Jan. 6 committee. He was charged with two misdemeanor counts of contempt of Congress, both punishable by up to a year behind bars.

A defense attorney argued Navarro didn’t ignore the congressional subpoena but instead told committee staffers to contact Trump about what material might be covered by executive privilege, something they did not do.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta ruled Navarro’s executive privilege argument wasn’t a defense against the charges, finding that Navarro hadn’t shown evidence Trump invoked it.

Prosecutors said that much of the material the committee sought was already publicly available and that Navarro should have handed over what he could and flagged any questions or documents believed to be protected under executive privilege.



PREMO Member
Eric Munchel (32) is a January 6th political prisoner along with his mother, Lisa Eisenhart (59). Eric escorted his mother to Washington, DC on January 6, 2021. They were one of over a million Trump supporters who came to Washington, DC to protest their grievances about the stolen presidential election. This action is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

According to The American Gulag website, a project of The Gateway Pundit, Eric Munchel entered the Capitol with a cell phone attached to his chest. He is pictured next to a mob of people who attacked two police officers and pursued them. Munchel admits to having a taser with him that day for self-protection and to protect his mother. He accompanied his mother, Lisa Eisenhart. Ms. Eisenhart wanted to attend President Trump’s rally and be part of the events of that day despite having an injured shoulder.

In December 2022, Munchel wrote a letter to share his story. Read below:
