Insurrection Obsession


PREMO Member

IT’S HAPPENING! J6 Defendant Victoria White BRUTALIZED AND BEATEN By DC Police Officers Files LAWSUIT Against Police and SUES Republican Speaker Mike Johnson to Investigate January 6! “The Officer Called Me a BITCH Then Hit Me”

Victoria Charity White is a peaceful protester that was brutally beaten to a bloody pulp by a D.C. police officer during the January 6th protest. Victoria was later arrested in a FBI raid on her home, and sentenced to jail time for “interfering with law enforcement officers during a civil disorder.”

Victoria is now fighting back and suing the Capitol Police Officer that brutalized her mercilessly with his fists and a baton, causing her to black out and subsequent brain damage. White is also suing the Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to investigate her beating and the police brutality that occurred on January 6th.

IT IS ABOUT TIME SOMEONE FIGHTS BACK! Bravo to Victoria White for showing true courage in the face of incredible evil.

According to the lawsuit filed today- “Officer Jason Bagshaw, acting under the color of law, repeatedly and mercilessly beat Victoria, first with a stick and then with his bare fists. When he beat her, she was not close enough to him to harm him, or even reach him. Bagshaw had to stretch his arm over other officers to beat her repeatedly with his stick. The police had protective equipment and Victoria was unarmed. Her hands were not in a threatening posture. It was obvious that she needed help. There was absolutely no rational reason for Bagshaw to brutally beat her the way he did. Another individual trapped in the tunnel cried out to Bagshaw for mercy, “Please don’t beat her! Please don’t beat her!” But Bagshaw did not listen and he continued to beat her. Beating Victoria did not serve any legitimate law enforcement purpose. No reasonable officer would do such a thing. This was objectively unreasonable behavior given the circumstances. Bagshaw was trying to beat Victoria White to death. The incident can be seen on video here.”

The lawsuit filed Request for Relief states:

“Victoria White seeks economic and punitive damages against Jason Bagshaw for violating her constitutional rights, including but not limited to her constitutional right to be free from unlawful seizures, her constitutional right to be free from excessive and unreasonable force, and her constitutional right not to be discriminated against for her viewpoint. Victoria White also seeks the Court to order Speaker Michael Johnson to conduct an investigation into the police brutality on January 6, 2021.”

It will be interesting to see whether Speaker Johnson conducts an investigation or appeals White’s lawsuit. So far, the GOP House has failed to investigate January 6th since they took power in 2022.

“Before I blacked out, I remember seeing a police officer,” White told The Gateway Pundit. “I looked at him and I said to him ‘You took an oath to the Constitution’. He then called me a Bitch and hit me. It was then that I blacked out.”


PREMO Member

Federal Appeals Court Rules That for January 6 Defendants, Standing Still and Quiet Is Disorderly Conduct

In a victory for the Justice Department and against commonsense, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday that merely being in the Capitol was enough to merit conviction for “disorderly” or “disruptive” conduct.

A three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that they were participants if people were aware of what was happening around them.

“A lone hiker on a mountaintop can sing at the top of his lungs without disturbing a soul; a patron in a library cannot,” the panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in an 18-page opinion authored by Judge Karen Henderson, an appointee of George H.W. Bush. “It is entirely appropriate to clap and cheer when a keynote speaker steps to the podium but to do so once the room has fallen quiet and he has begun to speak would ordinarily be disruptive. Thus, in determining whether an act is disorderly, the act cannot be divorced from the circumstances in which it takes place.”
“Even passive, quiet and nonviolent conduct can be disorderly,” Henderson added, citing Supreme Court precedent that held sit-ins or protests that block traffic can be disorderly.

Compare and contrast this novel concept of "disorderly conduct" with the free pass given to all George Floyd Memorial Riot and Looting Festival participants. In fact, remember when we were told that going to these riots removed social distancing and lockdown regulations?

The finding has an even larger hole in it.

“[Jan. 6 defendant Russell] Alford paints himself as a passive observer, and, granted, his conduct does not rise to the level of culpability of many of his compatriots,” Henderson wrote for the panel. “But he made a deliberate choice to join the crowd and enter the Capitol when he was plainly not permitted to do so. The jury was not required to view Alford’s actions in isolation as though he were the only one at the Capitol that day.”


The Justice Department fought tooth and nail to prevent this test of commonsense reading of the English language vs. political vendetta from being heard by SCOTUS, and for good reason.

Based on recent cases, how the Supreme Court might approach this case and how it might come to a decision on the reach of the “obstruction” statue at issue can be simply summarized in this fashion — if Congress had intended such a broad prohibition on conduct as under the interpretation advanced by DOJ, Congress needed to say so expressly in the text of statute. Over the past 40 years the Court has resisted broad interpretations of criminal statutes by DOJ where Congress could have spoken more clearly but failed to do so in the language used.
Here, if Congress had intended the “residual clause” to reach conduct that was entirely different in kind and character from the evidence-impairing conduct prohibited in Subsection (c)(1), then it needed to have said so. The modern “originalist” Court has rejected as part of its role the power to interpret a statute in order to accomplish what might have been the legislative goal where the language used is uncertain. The Court has consistently over that time rejected the expansive application of statutory language by DOJ in the area of “obstruction of justice.” It has narrowly construed language such that an “ordinary person” would realize when his or her conduct crossed the line into criminal “obstructive” behavior. If Congress wants broader application, Congress needs to speak clearly by using expressly broader language.


PREMO Member

DC US Attorney Matthew Graves Says DOJ is Now Going to Target THOUSANDS of Americans Who Were Around the Capitol on Jan 6 – But Did Not Enter the Building (VIDEO)

Matthew Graves, US Attorney for the District of Columbia on Thursday held a press conference on the 3rd anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protest.

“It’s been three years since a violent mob attacked our Capitol,” said Matthew Graves, a Biden appointee.

Graves thanked the public for assisting the FBI in identifying J6rs and said more Capitol protesters would be arrested.

“An important note about those who remained outside the [Capitol] building,” Graves said. “We have used our prosecutorial discretion and to primarily to focus on those who entered the building, are those who engaged in violent or rough conduct on Capitol grounds.”

Graves then said the DOJ is now going to target THOUSANDS of Americans who were around the Capitol on January 6 – but did not enter the building.

He continued, “But, if a person knowingly entered a restricted area without authorization, they had already committed a federal crime. Make no mistake, thousands of people occupying the area that they were not authorized to be present in in the first place.”

One day after Matthew Graves’ press conference where he threatened to arrest thousands of peaceful Trump supporters who didn’t enter the Capitol building, Joe Biden was near Valley Forge bragging up locking up J6rs.

Biden bragged about pro-Trump protesters being sentenced to 840 years in prison.


Well-Known Member

DC US Attorney Matthew Graves Says DOJ is Now Going to Target THOUSANDS of Americans Who Were Around the Capitol on Jan 6 – But Did Not Enter the Building (VIDEO)

Matthew Graves, US Attorney for the District of Columbia on Thursday held a press conference on the 3rd anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protest.

“It’s been three years since a violent mob attacked our Capitol,” said Matthew Graves, a Biden appointee.

Graves thanked the public for assisting the FBI in identifying J6rs and said more Capitol protesters would be arrested.

“An important note about those who remained outside the [Capitol] building,” Graves said. “We have used our prosecutorial discretion and to primarily to focus on those who entered the building, are those who engaged in violent or rough conduct on Capitol grounds.”

Graves then said the DOJ is now going to target THOUSANDS of Americans who were around the Capitol on January 6 – but did not enter the building.

He continued, “But, if a person knowingly entered a restricted area without authorization, they had already committed a federal crime. Make no mistake, thousands of people occupying the area that they were not authorized to be present in in the first place.”

One day after Matthew Graves’ press conference where he threatened to arrest thousands of peaceful Trump supporters who didn’t enter the Capitol building, Joe Biden was near Valley Forge bragging up locking up J6rs.

Biden bragged about pro-Trump protesters being sentenced to 840 years in prison.

When are they rounding up the Palestinian protesters who entered the capitol uninvited and interrupted Congress in session .?


Well-Known Member
Insurrection? It wasn't even a good riot., Nothing was burned, and a couple of windows got broken.
Even a small riot can do better than that.

The lady that was beaten was interfering with police by taking up this cops time to beat her when he could have been getting a donut down the street.

The Democrats screaming about an insurrection should be laughable, but it isn't because they own yes folks OWN the media and the Justice department.


Well-Known Member
I made this comment on another site. People can protest about the police. Its they're rights as Americans. People can protest and shutdown a highway because its they're rights as Americans. Why can't they protest they're government. Its also they're rights as Americans.

The replies were they can't.


PREMO Member

LOL, Sack UP! Former Capitol Police Ofc. Who Whined About J6 Justice Just Can't DEEEAL With Pushback

As Twitchy readers know, former Capitol Police Officer Winston Watercolors (you guys, we can't even make up that name) posted a pic of himself on Twitter in his gear, wearing a mask, posing with the Capitol behind him and said he was still waiting for justice.

For the officers.

Welp, this didn't go over so hot (as you all also know) and it would seem Mr. Watercolors can't deal with the pushback. We hear he's been blocking people who respond negatively, PLUS he posted this:

MAGAts continue to troll and harass me, but I will not be silenced about what they did on January 6th and how they smeared and stained our country’s history. I honored my oath to our constitution. The facts and truth prevail
— WinstonWatercolors (@WinstonWCs) January 6, 2024

Way to prove you're politically driven, Mr. Watercolors. Nothing says you don't care about justice like attacking people who vote and belive differently from you.

He only made things worse.

So much worse.

Way to prove you're politically driven, Mr. Watercolors. Nothing says you don't care about justice like attacking people who vote and belive differently from you.

He only made things worse.

So much worse.



PREMO Member

A Supreme Court Win Is in the Cards for Jan. 6 Defendants, Lawyers Predict

The Supreme Court will strike down the use of a key federal law in the Biden administration’s ongoing prosecutions of Jan. 6 defendants and in the process shut down the government’s case against hundreds of defendants, legal experts predict.

If the top court finds an Enron-era obstruction law—18 U.S. Code Section 1512(c)—is being used improperly against the defendants, their charges are likely to be thrown out.

At issue is the evidence-tampering provision that appears in the Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability Act of 2002, which was part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act aimed at curbing wrongdoing on Wall Street.


PREMO Member

Report: Jan. 6 Committee Facing Investigation for Allegedly Deleting Over 100 Encrypted Files

House Administration Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk told Fox News he started an investigation into allegations the January 6 committee deleted encrypted files before the GOP took control of the House:

“It’s obvious that Pelosi’s Select Committee went to great lengths to prevent Americans from seeing certain documents produced in their investigation. It also appears that Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney intended to obstruct our Subcommittee by failing to preserve critical information and videos as required by House rules,” Loudermilk told Fox News Digital.
“The American people deserve to know the full truth, and Speaker Johnson has empowered me to use all tools necessary to recover these documents to get the truth, and I will.”

Thompson supposedly told Loudermilk that the committee would give him “four terabytes of archived footage.”

The committee only got two terabytes.

A digital forensics team discovered “that 117 files were both deleted and encrypted.” It happened on January 1, 2023, right before Thompson sent the data to the new committee.

The forensics team recovered the 117 files.

Loudermilk wants all the answers and passwords:

Loudermilk added that Thompson also “claimed that you turned over 4-terabytes of digital files, but the hard drives archived by the Select Committee with the Clerk of the House contain less than 3- terabytes of data.”
Loudermilk explained that after a forensic analysis of the data and archived hard drives, he was able to recover “numerous digital records from hard drives archived by the Select Committee.”
“One recovered file disclosed the identity of an individual whose testimony was not archived by the Select Committee,” Loudermilk wrote. “Further, we found that most of the recovered files are password-protected, preventing us from determining what they contain.”
Loudermilk asked that Thompson provide him “a list of passwords for all password-protected files created by the Select Committee” so that his committee can “access these files and ensure they are properly archived.”


PREMO Member

Here Are the Charges the FBI Slapped a Reporter With Concerning His January 6 Coverage

It’s March 1, which means Blaze Media’s Steve Baker had to surrender to the FBI. His charge: stories that either embarrassed or questioned the prevailing narratives peddled by the Justice Department over the January 6 riot.

Baker is the second reporter to be attacked for doing his job. The other would be former CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge, who was held in contempt of court Thursday for not divulging her sources over a series of stories about a Chinese American scientist who came under federal investigation in 2017.

Herridge will be fined $800/day, but I hope her legal team files an appeal. As his attorney noted, Baker's crime is that he poked the DOJ in the eye too many times. He was seen doing the “perp walk” today in Texas:



PREMO Member

Federal Appeals Court Decision May Lead to Resentencing for January 6 Defendants

The particular case on which the court ruled dealt with retired Air Force lieutenant colonel Larry R. Brock Jr., whose felony conviction for obstruction of an official proceeding was upheld in the decision issued by the D.C. circuit court.

While the court’s move to overturn the sentencing enhancement — which is used to increase suggested sentences for judges to consider — may create new work for prosecutors as they move through the approximately 650 remaining charged cases stemming from January 6, sentences levied by D.C. judges generally fell below enhanced guidelines.

The court’s decision to uphold the obstruction-of-an-official-proceeding conviction has implications for former president Donald Trump as he faces charges in D.C. federal court. Alongside conspiring to defraud the U.S., conspiring against the right to have one’s vote counted, and conspiring to obstruct an official proceeding, Trump has been charged with the same crime as Brock.


PREMO Member
🔥 The New York Post ran a similarly surprising story late last week headlined, “Judges improperly enhanced sentences of more than 100 Jan 6 rioters, appeals court rules.

image 7.png

It was mostly surprising that the all-in, left-leaning DC Circuit Court of Appeals could issue any decision favorable to the January 6th political prisoners. But there it is.

During the various trials, DOJ prosecutors routinely asked DC courts to “enhance” protestors’ sentences under a rule allowing additional jail time for “disrupting judicial proceedings,” like courtroom trials or grand jury investigations. The DOJ had argued that certification of the election was a “judicial proceeding” and many DC judges slurped that up, sentencing the persecuted protestors to more time in chokey.

But the Court of Appeals now clarified that an election certification is not a “judicial proceeding,” because it “did not interfere with the ‘administration of justice.” Now, most (if not all) of those “enhanced” sentences can be challenged.

It makes a big difference. For example, the plaintiff, a US Air Force officer (retired), got two years in federal prison — of which nine months was the “enhancement.” If the DOJ appeals, it will only be to stretch out the proceedings to make sure the prisoners don’t get out anytime soon.

The unexpected philosophical switch signals something. It’s not clear yet what it signals. But it is movement in the right direction.



Beloved Misanthrope
Unless those judges are disbarred, tried for violating the civil rights of those sentenced and thrown in jail themselves, there is no justice.