

yeah yeah
Hey everyone,

As some of you already know- I am part of a 20-Something group with my church and we are getting ready with various ideas/fundraisers for the new year. To basically get to the point on why I am writing - we are doing a fundraiser for valentines days this coming february. We are going to be doing a cookbook.

Every type of food from appetizers/hors dourves to desserts. Even drinks, such as mulled ciders, or punches or whatever.

We have come up with a name already- simple but food.
'Cooking for Sweethearts' is what we are calling it.

The reason for me writing- is to ask if you would please help out, by emailing me, or PM'ing me your favorite recipes to donate for this book.

It can be anything from hors dourves to desserts . Everything is welcome. Also- we are asking that if it was the first meal, or favorite meal of your 'sweetheart', or one of family member- one that was passed down- to write a short paragraph story to go along with your recipe.(the short story part is not mandetory- and we would just love to have the recipe if that is all you have). You will be given full credit for this recipe. I would appreciate any help we can get.

We have gotten a few submissions and we are also getting ready to put an ad in the various area's of publishings in the church. As said before- we are in need of all the help we can get- since this is our first fundriaser.

So please email me, or pm me with your recipes. Thanks everyone for your help- and obviously I knew I could count on you all and that is why I wrote about this.

I have gotten a few submissions already....make sure to email me with your real name and city and state, so I can give the correct credit)

I will let you know the prices of the book for everyone who would like to purchase, one when we get the total price from the printer.

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Staff member
PREMO Member
I got your email this morning. I have some good recipes to share with you. If you want the cheesecake recipe it's posted on the somd site, you can get that one from there. I'll send the others later.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by watercolor
I will do a search for the cheesecake recipe!
You might want to ask DJ. I tried the search with no luck. There was a page for recipe donations, but it seems to have disappeared when they went to the new front page. I'm sure I have it here somewhere (I hope) on my computer if it didn't get lost when I got this new one a few months ago.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by Sharon
You might want to ask DJ. I tried the search with no luck. There was a page for recipe donations, but it seems to have disappeared when they went to the new front page. I'm sure I have it here somewhere (I hope) on my computer if it didn't get lost when I got this new one a few months ago.

OK. I will :dance:


Originally posted by watercolor
OK. I will :dance:

WC ever try a bit of Apple Butter in your Beef Stew or a cup of Vodka when making your Ps-Skettie Sauce? I used to love to cook, but anymore can't the smells and the steam really nails me. I can still remember my first try as making Ps-Skettie when I was married to the Ex and living in New Port News, Va. It turned out to be a Spaghetti Casserole. Stuck together like it was glued, but sure tasted good. I remember Dee saying, "funny, it don't look like spaghetti". But it beat the socks off the first turkey she fixed.. God Bless her heart, she cooked that poor old bird for what seemed like forever. I gotta admit that on the outside it was a beautiful bird, but when you cut into it blood would run out.. First time I ever seen a turkey that ya had to fried to eat.. I guess we were married for maybe 3 months. Both of us as green as grass and thought we had the world in our pockets and knew it all.


yeah yeah
I would appreciate people who are interested and or would like to post recipes to do that in here. I am not trying to be mean- but rather just trying to not have this thread overrun but nonsense posts.

AS I SAID ABOVE- I am not trying to be rude- just asking nicely to please not bombard this thread with multiple posts that have nothing to do with what this thread is about. Thanks


yeah yeah
Originally posted by zuchick
WC ever try a bit of Apple Butter in your Beef Stew

No I havent- but do you have a good recipe for beef stew or a sauce of any sort? I would be very appreciative if you would donate those recipes. :smile:


yeah yeah
We will have different sections in the cook book as follows: (not in the particular order though...)

-sauces/side dishes

-main dishes

-appetizers/hors dourves



So those are all the submissions we are open too. :smile: Thanks again everyone!


Potonia Haluskia

Well that is what my dad called it.. Potonia Haluskia.

I guess this would be a Side Dish..

Take 1 large potato for each person you are cooking for.. Grate the potatos up like hash browns and place them into a bowl with just enough flour to make them pastie. Add one grated med. size onion, one beaten egg, salt and pepper to taste and mix lightly.

Bring a pot of water to boil and with a large table spoon dip out the potato mixture and pack it tightly onto the spoon to keep it together then merely dip the spoon with the Potato misture into the water and let boil till done which should take may a few minutes.. I also like'em deep fried.

Pedorhe's (fried lima bean cakes)

Make a dough that you would usually use for fried apple pies.. Then take a can of Lima Beans and with a fork mash them up to the consistancy of mashed potatoes.. Take around 5 strips of crisp bacon and break it up into the mashed limas.. Dice up 1 small onion and add it to the mix. Now mix until well blended..

Take you Fried Apple Pie Dough, roll out till it is maybe 1/4" thick and place saucers size pieces on a large saucer and put a couple spoons of the Lima Bean Mix into the center of the dough and spread it out just shy of the edge of the dough.. Fold the dough in have and mash the edge of the dough so it hold together..

Now my dad was White Russian and his mother was Slavokian.. She would fry her until they were golden brown.. The Poles would boil there as would the Russians.. But mind you, if you boil them, make them small because I tried to boil one once.. Never though a Pedorhe could get so big. It started out to be the size of a person have with their fingers together, when it was done it was almost the size of a Honey Dew Melon..

Got a kilelr Spegettie Sauce and Chilly Sauce recipe that I used in my restaurant years ago, but think I'll hold off on that one.


But wait, there's more...
I'll email ya my recipes ... but allow me to offer a bit of advice (if you haven't given this any thought yet) ... my ex's family did this in honor of his gma a couple years ago. Please, use a spiral binding that allows the book to lay flat when you are using it ... nothing pizzes me off more when I'm using a cook book for something (yes, smartazzes ... i have and use those! :bonk:) and it won't lay flat and the pages keep flipping, etc. Pay the extra for it, if need be; I would. :ohwell: :wink:


yeah yeah

Thanks to everyone who has pm'd me/emailed me/ or written out the receipes so far!!!

Keep em coming....


yeah yeah

OK everyone. Thanks to those who have submitted already- just wanted to let everyone know- the kick-off is now here! We are in full swing with everything. We have the printer's contacted, we have about 40 submissions of recipes already in. Please keep them coming!

Thanks to all who have helped already!