Pitty Party
Bean Machine said:As I go about living here in SoMD, I have noticed a few people that peak my interest. I find myself wondering what their story is. Two stick out in my mind and maybe someone out there knows who I am talking about and can give some insight.
The first is/was an older gentleman who would walk along Rt 235 everyday. Mostly I would see him walking between Hollywood VFD and Sandgates rd, but he only had one arm and always carried a long stick. For the longest time I would see him almost everyday; rain, shine, or snow. I have not seen him for sometime now and wonder what has happened to him.
The second is a gentleman I see from time to time at the cemetery in Leonardtown, Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery I believe. He sits on a bench down by the creek near a gravestone marked "Connolly". I am assuming his wife is laid to rest there and he misses her and wants to be near her. It always makes me call my wife and remind her that after 25 years of marriage I still love her with all my heart.
I use to see the guy walking on 235 for miles. You would see him 7 days a week.