Its just because she told me she couldn't handle more than six. I shouldn't have lied. You would think I speared her liver the way she screamed.
(yes, I know where you are going to quote and take this already...)
Crap, you know me too well.
Its just because she told me she couldn't handle more than six. I shouldn't have lied. You would think I speared her liver the way she screamed.
(yes, I know where you are going to quote and take this already...)
"John was just naked because he spilled coffee on his clothes while we were trying to fix the dishwasher. When we were taking them to be washed, we tripped on the stairs and I landed on top of him. The force was enough to throw my clothes off" - good or bad?
Were you wearing your Mom jeans?
Speaking from experience, this is so very true. There are little white lies that are forgiveable and understandable but the truly horrendous "lie at all costs to save my butt because I know I'm effing up and am too much of a coward to admit it" are not something I can accept nor forgive. Been there, done there, got the divorce to prove it.
Appreciate the liars. When people don't hide things, it means they don't care enough to be afraid of losing you.
This quote is from a book of short stories by Danielle Evans - which was very good except I cried through most of them. Chick territory, guys shouldn't bother with it.
Anyway, I thought that was interesting and not sure whether I agree or disagree. My first impulse is to call bullchit, because there is nothing more attractive in a relationship than honesty. And when honesty falls by the wayside, intimacy typically goes after it.
But then I thought she might actually have a point. I mean, why do people lie? So they won't get caught doing whatever bad thing they don't want you to know about. And why don't they want you to know about it? Because they care what you think of them.
So is it possible that honesty is overrated in relationships? Or is Danielle's character who stated this full of crap and people should simply not do things they'll have to lie about?