You're allowed your own opinion...
ajhkmr97 said:
I really don’t have a specific direction with this....I was just seeing what different view points were out there on the topic.
I guess what spurred the thought of this was the recent reaction of America on the UAE port purchase. Americans are so uptight because the owners are Arab decent....and a lot of Americans are now racist against Arabs since 911.The way I see things - religion was not the primary reason for 911 - not saying it had nothing to do with it (don’t want anyone misunderstanding what I am saying). It is my understanding the cause of 911 was the mere presence of US forces on Arab soil - of which they deem "holy". Had Arabs been of another religion - Americans would be more critical of peoples of that religion as well. In this recent purchase of the port.... I see the issue as race related - not religion.
...not your own facts.
You are rambling saying in one sentence 9/11 was not about religion and the next saying our presence on holy ground was an issue. The word 'holy' is pretty much used in the context of religion, yes?
A suggestion; look up Osamas declaration of war against us and his subsequent manifestos. If you still do not see this as religious, we'll just agree to disagree.
We are the 'great Satan', another clear religious reference. We are decadent, morally bankrupt, etc, etc.
You see race. The rest of us see suicidal maniacs who are taking their faith a bit to literally and seek to impose global holy rule, Sharia, in the name of their god.
Here's a test; Ku Klux Klan.
What kind of reaction did you have to that?
Someone need not be a different color to be offended by their beliefs. I am guessing you are white?
There are millions of Muslims in this nation who are NOT rioting in the streets over cartoons. They are our friends and neighbors, business owners, the lady who cut my hair last week.
Are some people bugging because of the word "Arab'? Perhaps. Some people in here have said as much. For me, I am opposed to foreign control,
governmental control, of one inch of US soil be they white, black, yellow, purple or any other color or background or religion.