Interesting Thought


What if it were a group of Africans who hosted the 911 attacks instead of Arabs? How do you think non-African descended Americans would react to African Americans? Would there be any overshadowing of famous leaders such as King or Malcolm X?


In My Opinion
any problems between the non American Africans and the American Africans would have been overshadowed by the cries of racisim between the white and black Americans.

I think that would have done more damage to the interior of this country that what did happen with the towel heads.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ajhkmr97 said:
What if it were a group of Africans who hosted the 911 attacks instead of Arabs? How do you think non-African descended Americans would react to African Americans? Would there be any overshadowing of famous leaders such as King or Malcolm X?
There'd still likely be a vast difference. The American public has good reason to distrust Arabs over the last fifty years - we've had major terrorist attacks at the hands of Arabs either against us or against SOMEONE for as long as I can recall.

IF - the fifties and sixties consisted of nothing but full-scale race *WAR* - rather than King and peaceful protest - if there'd been fifty years of assassinations, hijackings and bombings - oil embargoes and threats - and outright war - you might have a comparison.

This is not a race thing - this is a group of persons who have declared war on us for the past several decades, and we've finally taken their threats seriously.


In My Opinion
Lets recap a couple major events from the last decade.

Clinton gives China the technology to deliver long range missles to the U.S

Bush decides that giving control to our countries ports to the Arabs is a good thing.

makes me wonder what the hell is going on here.
Do our elected officials run this country?
or does the United Nations run this country like it was their main banking and research center

The more I think about it, the more no name no money non politicians are looking like the best choice for the leadership roles in this country.

I would run, but when they opened my closet the sheer number of skeletons that fell out would make it look like a low budget horror flick. I'm afraid it would scare the children.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
bcp said:
Lets recap a couple major events from the last decade.

Clinton gives China the technology to deliver long range missles to the U.S

Bush decides that giving control to our countries ports to the Arabs is a good thing.

makes me wonder what the hell is going on here.
Do our elected officials run this country?
or does the United Nations run this country like it was their main banking and research center.
Kind of unrelated events with a *little* bit of spin on them.

The Clinton thing always looked to me to be an easy way to get money from Loral for his re-election campaign. He offered technology they were willing to pay for that - presumably - wouldn't be a threat to us.

The Bush thing is dumb - but he's not GIVING it to the UAE - he's allowing continued control to the new owners, who purchased the non-US company that USED TO run the ports. They're not coming in and re-staffing everything - and they won't be. They won't change anything. This really might be a non-issue, but I'm going to wait and see on it. At the moment, I'm kinda steamed over it, but I'm always suspicious of any sensationalism in the news - I hate to feel "played" by *anyone*.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Are we talking...

ajhkmr97 said:
What if it were a group of Africans who hosted the 911 attacks instead of Arabs? How do you think non-African descended Americans would react to African Americans? Would there be any overshadowing of famous leaders such as King or Malcolm X?

...about African Muslims or Chirstians?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's why I ask...

AK-74me said:
I thought a few of the terrorist were North African anyway.

...if we're talking about Muslims or Christians. If it were African Muslims, same diff; homicidal, suicidal maniacs.

African Christians: Never happen in the first place.


I bowl overhand
ajhkmr97 said:
What if it were a group of Africans who hosted the 911 attacks instead of Arabs? How do you think non-African descended Americans would react to African Americans? Would there be any overshadowing of famous leaders such as King or Malcolm X?
Your interesting thought must have been VERY lonely..


24/7 Single Dad
bcp said:
Bush decides that giving control to our countries ports to the Arabs is a good thing.
:confused: When did this happen?
I was under the impression that the corporation Dubi Ports aquired the British company that currenty holds the service contract for some east coast ports and that the administration found no legal reason to void the contract. Wouldn't that close the ports? Wonder how much flack Bush would get if he allowed ALL SHIPPING into NY, Boston, Philly, Baltimore and Miami to shut down.


Larry Gude said:
...about African Muslims or Chirstians?

disregard the religious affiliations.... I am referring to race only and the affect on the US had the terrorists been Africans instead of Arabs


I bowl overhand
ajhkmr97 said:
disregard the religious affiliations.... I am referring to race only and the affect on the US had the terrorists been Africans instead of Arabs
So you are implying that Americans are racists and we would have done....what??


professional daydreamer
ajhkmr97 said:
What if it were a group of Africans who hosted the 911 attacks instead of Arabs? How do you think non-African descended Americans would react to African Americans? Would there be any overshadowing of famous leaders such as King or Malcolm X?

I think we would have a lot more dead people due to race riots.

Happy now?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ajhkmr97 said:
I am referring to race only and the affect on the US had the terrorists been Africans instead of Arabs
I give up - what would have been the affect?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

ajhkmr97 said:
disregard the religious affiliations.... I am referring to race only and the affect on the US had the terrorists been Africans instead of Arabs

...if we're going to disregard the ONLY factor that matters then there is no problem; this is not a race issue. It's religious. Dark skinned Christians from Arab nations from Iran to Iraq to Jordan to Lebanon to all the primarily Islamic nations of Africa did not do this; Muslims did.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Last time I looked...

itsbob said:
So you are implying that Americans are racists and we would have done....what??

...we had whites, blacks, yellows, a bunch of pinkos, tans, browns, peaches and a few mauve's.

All groups were represented in the dead of 9/11. All religions were represented. About 100 nations were represented.

I guess we'll just have to see where he/she is going with this. Maybe next we're supposed to assume that 9/11 only affected the Klan?



I really don’t have a specific direction with this....I was just seeing what different view points were out there on the topic.

I guess what spurred the thought of this was the recent reaction of America on the UAE port purchase. Americans are so uptight because the owners are Arab decent....and a lot of Americans are now racist against Arabs since 911.
The way I see things - religion was not the primary reason for 911 - not saying it had nothing to do with it (don’t want anyone misunderstanding what I am saying). It is my understanding the cause of 911 was the mere presence of US forces on Arab soil - of which they deem "holy". Had Arabs been of another religion - Americans would be more critical of peoples of that religion as well. In this recent purchase of the port.... I see the issue as race related - not religion.

I hope my ramble makes sense.


No, I am not implying Americans are racists.....some are..some are not....


My happiness is really irrelevant but your 2 cents was an example of what I was looking for.... You think that race riots may have been an effect had the terrorists been African instead of Arab. What is to stop race riots not against Arab-Americans?


I dunno what the over effect would be or the specifics on how Americans would be affected. I, like you, can theorize on that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're allowed your own opinion...

ajhkmr97 said:

I really don’t have a specific direction with this....I was just seeing what different view points were out there on the topic.

I guess what spurred the thought of this was the recent reaction of America on the UAE port purchase. Americans are so uptight because the owners are Arab decent....and a lot of Americans are now racist against Arabs since 911.The way I see things - religion was not the primary reason for 911 - not saying it had nothing to do with it (don’t want anyone misunderstanding what I am saying). It is my understanding the cause of 911 was the mere presence of US forces on Arab soil - of which they deem "holy". Had Arabs been of another religion - Americans would be more critical of peoples of that religion as well. In this recent purchase of the port.... I see the issue as race related - not religion.

...not your own facts.

You are rambling saying in one sentence 9/11 was not about religion and the next saying our presence on holy ground was an issue. The word 'holy' is pretty much used in the context of religion, yes?

A suggestion; look up Osamas declaration of war against us and his subsequent manifestos. If you still do not see this as religious, we'll just agree to disagree.

We are the 'great Satan', another clear religious reference. We are decadent, morally bankrupt, etc, etc.

You see race. The rest of us see suicidal maniacs who are taking their faith a bit to literally and seek to impose global holy rule, Sharia, in the name of their god.

Here's a test; Ku Klux Klan.

What kind of reaction did you have to that?

Someone need not be a different color to be offended by their beliefs. I am guessing you are white?

There are millions of Muslims in this nation who are NOT rioting in the streets over cartoons. They are our friends and neighbors, business owners, the lady who cut my hair last week.

Are some people bugging because of the word "Arab'? Perhaps. Some people in here have said as much. For me, I am opposed to foreign control, governmental control, of one inch of US soil be they white, black, yellow, purple or any other color or background or religion.


professional daydreamer
ajhkmr97 said:

My happiness is really irrelevant but your 2 cents was an example of what I was looking for.... You think that race riots may have been an effect had the terrorists been African instead of Arab. What is to stop race riots not against Arab-Americans?

I know that's what you were getting at, that's why I gave that answer. I also think you have your head up your ass. There have been some issues with muslims, but nothing along the lines of race riots. :rolleyes:

Now you have my two cents.