Internet Dating


Chairman of the Board
Worked for me!

Myra and I met through the Internet. We are now officially engaged as of last Friday. It can work if you are patient and persist.


Be about it
Re: Worked for me!

Originally posted by Frank
Myra and I met through the Internet. We are now officially engaged as of last Friday. It can work if you are patient and persist.

:cheers: Congratulations FRANK and MYRA!!


Some of the guys I have met on the personals have been pretty decent, but I also had to weed through the nuts, pyschos, boozers and druggies.


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by cattitude
I have to say some of my most fun evenings have been with women I've met on this board. :cheers:

BTW - love the hypnotic sig line Catt :wink:

Back to the question posed. I have met some interesting people online, some are outright liars, but some are really good honest fun people. I think you have to approach it as not a possible love connection but a possible friendship to be had. Make sense? It's the same in real life as it is in internet life, but the internet gives you an opportunity to expand your horizons.

I personally have decided I am waiting on my ideal man (a gun toting redneck mechanic) :wink: to show up before dating anyone again.


Internet Dating..

Never tried the internet dating thing. Might be worth a shot, and if I don't post a picture in the ad I might even get a date. :biggrin:

If you don't get anything else out of it, you'll meet some new people, make a few new friends. But I guess you'd definitely have to watch out for the psycho's, alcoholics, etc.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Re: Internet Dating..

Originally posted by Vince
Never tried the internet dating thing. Might be worth a shot, and if I don't post a picture in the ad I might even get a date. :biggrin:

You have to have a pic or you'll get almost no replies, even when YOU are the one initiating. I think one of the services observed that the response ratio goes up about 7 times with a pic. Unless you're damned ugly, in which case it doesn't do any good anyway.


I tried it several years ago, what a bust. I even went to the pay for service site (before yahoo went pay) thinking they were more legit, wrong. They lied to the point it made me laugh.

True story; I answered an add that had a pic. Corresponded for a few days swapped pics then arranged to meet. When we met I did not recognize her, she walked right up to me. When I looked really close I saw a remote resemblance to the pic on the add and the ones she sent me + about 225lbs. Well being the nice guy I am I resisted the urge to run away screaming and stayed and was pleasant despite being decieved. Half way through dinner I remarked how much differently she looked from her pictures. She replied, (and this is the truth) "Oh, well those pictures are 10 years old, I don't like recent ones because they make me look fat." The urge to pour my beer on her head and walk out was strong, I resisted and went home never to answer another personal add.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Pete
The urge to pour my beer on her head and walk out was strong, I resisted and went home never to answer another personal add.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well that IS one of the consequences of dating online - the person will almost never be what you expect. That isn't always BAD, just, they will be different. This is also true of any other form of dating with the exception of *looks*. When you meet someone in person, you know what they look like, but know almost nothing else about them.

I learned from experience a number of things. One is you must expect some dates you'd rather not go on. Consider them "experience". Chances are good that if you are considering the online scene, you're probably a little out of practice and it would be good to at least LEARN some things about *you* for future reference.

But another - if you are a *guy* you will have to be very aggressive in getting and setting up dates, because the women will usually not come to you. You will have to talk to many people, very often, and apply yourself. You'll write a lot of letters and unfortunately repeat a lot of things about yourself. You'll have to almost make it a hobby of sorts. If you're a woman, well, GETTING responses will be no problem. Sifting through the nuts and the married guys is your task.


Football season!
Originally posted by Pete
She replied, (and this is the truth) "Oh, well those pictures are 10 years old, I don't like recent ones because they make me look fat."

No hun, the pictures don't make you look fat. Your 5 foot wide a$$ makes you look fat... :roflmao:


Weight isn't the only thing people misrepresent themselves with. Height is another one. I had one guy answer mine and said he was 6 feet. I met him and he was shorter then me and I had worn heels. So it works both ways with height and weight. I would have still gone out with him, but wouldn't have worn heels.


Men do is also the same amount as women do.


Originally posted by Katie
Men do is also the same amount as women do.

I was talking about my experience not trying to get a who lies more men or women thing going on.