Now MD-- to answer your question. I am one of the 4 that voted that I go on a weekly basis. I go every sunday....try not to miss. But every sunday my butt is ploped right there. Now see the thing with where I go to church....
A) the pastor does not preach fire and brimstone. He does not believe on acting like a higher up against anyone. He is human as well as the rest of us..and he also believes that talking in a normal everyday you were having a conversation with someone comes across much better than preaching to them and telling them what to do.
B) Our church is very up-to-date on the happenings in the area, and have and strive to have a wonderful youth group. MAN! If I had older kids, half of the stuff they do, I would like to do now! LOL

Im a kid at heart I suppose.

But they also give the good moral standpoint to them also...and they always let them know.. if you mess up..just correct your self and "try" not to do it again. They dont forever exile you. Which I like.
C) Vrai, memeber when you spoke about that pastor on tv, Joel Olsteen or something like that. Pastor Stan reminds me of him alot. Very outgoing, but not pushy. Very uplifting, but not overbearing. Very thought-provoking, but looks at other points of view. that is all I have to say about that. So yes, I attend every week, because I feel welcomed, and friendly persona on
everyone, no fire and brimstone, teachings for everyday life are devoted, and they respect you for who you are...not what you do. (or how much money you give for that matter)