Dancing Up A Storm
I got what you said, Sharon, but let's look at it another way: If I did not have faith in Jesus Christ, there would be no reason to ask Him into my life, would there?
I have faith in Him, because just a few short years ago, at my church in Lusby, I sat through a sermon, and for the first time in many, many years, I felt a stirring.
The pastor was saying "God doesn't move away from you; it is you who has moved away from Him".
The most wonderful part about it is: " You simply have to ask Him back into your life, and he's waiting for you, all this time". Cool!
She (the Pastor) ended the sermon with the passage from John 3 :16, "For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son......"
Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my cheeks, and I felt I'd made it back home again. How do you describe the feeling?
I don't know, it just felt I'd been gone so long, and suddenly, I felt at home again.
Originally posted by Sharon
Some do it because of those reasons and others do it simply by faith.

I have faith in Him, because just a few short years ago, at my church in Lusby, I sat through a sermon, and for the first time in many, many years, I felt a stirring.
The pastor was saying "God doesn't move away from you; it is you who has moved away from Him".
The most wonderful part about it is: " You simply have to ask Him back into your life, and he's waiting for you, all this time". Cool!
She (the Pastor) ended the sermon with the passage from John 3 :16, "For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son......"
Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my cheeks, and I felt I'd made it back home again. How do you describe the feeling?
I don't know, it just felt I'd been gone so long, and suddenly, I felt at home again.