Iran...Cruisin' for a Bruisin'


Well-Known Member
What is truly so sad about this is that the European powers will be wringing their hands and calling for calm while Iran openly plays them like Hitler played France/England in 1938.
Certainly Europe would be outraged if Israel had a strike on the Iranian nuke plant.
why is this generation of European sooooo wimpy?
Answer: socialism, antipatriotic globalism, materialism, and poor historical education.---they have had a diet of this for the past 30 years.

What is a war where only one side is arming, fomenting 5th columnists, and calling for genocide?

The Great Islamic war of 2006.
who is going to be left to put the genie back in the bottle?
The US...that's who.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
The Great Islamic war of 2006.
who is going to be left to put the genie back in the bottle?
The US...that's who.
I think you are right that the next war is right around the corner. As far as Europe is concerned, let them defend themselves unless the specific country has helped us, the U.S., in our endeavors, let them learn to defend themselves.


Dancing Up A Storm
Message to Ahmadinejad. Isreal is listening and has things that can hurt you. Don't run with scissors.

And....................the UN says it's losing it's patience with Iran. :rolleyes: <!--824:824:356:1012/10:21:4-->


Well-Known Member
Penn said:
And....................the UN says it's losing it's patience with Iran. :rolleyes: <!--824:824:356:1012/10:21:4-->
Translation: If Iran doesn't comply...well....they'll be really really *mad*!


Well-Known Member
League of Nations

How successful was the LON against Italy's aggression in Eithiopia?
How successful was the LON against Japan's invasion of Manchuria?
Did it cripple Germany when they marched into the Rhineland? Austria?Sudetenland? Czechoslavakia?

How many resolutions were passed? Did their embargos have teeth?

HISTORY must be studied before we blindly go the same trek.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
How successful was the LON against Italy's aggression in Eithiopia?
How successful was the LON against Japan's invasion of Manchuria?
Did it cripple Germany when they marched into the Rhineland? Austria?Sudetenland? Czechoslavakia?

How many resolutions were passed? Did their embargos have teeth?

HISTORY must be studied before we blindly go the same trek.
Who ever (Edward Gibbon - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ??) said "Those that do not study history are doomed to repeat it." was a wise person.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
George Bush probably made that up, too. Piss on them. Let 'em take over the whole world. I'll be long dead by the time they get to Middletown, anyway, and it will be someone else's problem.


Dancing Up A Storm
I'm not sure what the Iranians hope to gain by what they've been stating; they think Israel should be wiped off the map, and now they re-iterate that the Holocaust never happened?

They have to know that Israel is well-armed, has an excellent intelligence community, a well trained military, and surely has the weapons to go on the offensive, as well as defend herself, no?

So, what are they up to?


I bowl overhand
They're hoping to piss someone off so that they take the first shot, then Iran can use the WMD's IRAQ hid in their country as a "defensive" measure.

Did you see the news where a C130 crashed in IRAN!?? How long have we embargoes them for parts on American made military equipment, and it was STILL flying.. unbelievable..


Dancing Up A Storm
itsbob said:
They're hoping to piss someone off so that they take the first shot, then Iran can use the WMD's IRAQ hid in their country as a "defensive" measure.

Did you see the news where a C130 crashed in IRAN!?? How long have we embargoes them for parts on American made military equipment, and it was STILL flying.. unbelievable..
You're most probably correct, but is Israel the right nation to piss off? They are most likely the most powerful nation over there, even though as landmass goes, they're small.

Vrai is probably right though: we'll all be dead by the time they get here to Sou Md! :lmao:


I bowl overhand
Penn said:
You're most probably correct, but is Israel the right nation to piss off? They are most likely the most powerful nation over there, even though as landmass goes, they're small.

Vrai is probably right though: we'll all be dead by the time they get here to Sou Md! :lmao:
It's a numbers game.. Iran has NO problem sacrificing a million men to the cause, while Israels army has nowhere near the numbers.. If IRAN took a 50:1 or even a 200:1 loss ratio to get to Israel they'd do it.. their religous zealotry would have them storming tanks on foot enmasse.. lose 1500 - 2000 people in the process, but one less Israeli tank to worry about.

And in those circumstance Isreal would pop a nuke.. then the Genie would REALLY be out of the bottle.. and personally I think IRAN already has the ability, or they wouldn't be sabre rattling like this. Iran just wants someone to go first so they can unleash the fire form hell on everyone they don't like..

I think as soon as we leave, they'll invade Iraq first.. finish off what they left unfinished a few decades ago
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itsbob said:
It's a numbers game.. Iran has NO problem sacrificing a million men to the cause, while Israels army has nowhere near the numbers.. If IRAN took a 50:1 or even a 200:1 loss ratio to get to Israel they'd do it.. their religous zealotry would have them storming tanks on foot enmasse.. lose 1500 - 2000 people in the process, but one less Israeli tank to worry about.

And in those circumstance Isreal would pop a nuke.. then the Genie would REALLY be out of the bottle.. and personally I think IRAN already has the ability, or they wouldn't be sabre rattling like this. Iran just wants someone to go first so they can unleash the fire form hell on everyone they don't like..

I think as soon as we leave, they'll invade Iraq first.. finish off what they left unfinished a few decades ago
I disagree. in 1967 Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and who knows else were not willing to take the losses after the "cake walk" turned out to be harder than they thought. Zelots are loud and noisy but they are also few or Isreal would have been gone in the 60's.


Dancing Up A Storm
Pete said:
I disagree. in 1967 Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and who knows else were not willing to take the losses after the "cake walk" turned out to be harder than they thought. Zelots are loud and noisy but they are also few or Isreal would have been gone in the 60's.
He's got a point there, and I was thinking the same thing.

The only thing that's changed since the 1967 timeframe is that Iran may have a few nukes.

But can they really stand up to a pissed-off Israeli nation?

One other thought: we, in the west have only been fighting the Islamists for a few years, relatively speaking, while the Zionists have been at it for a few thousand years.

Think they might have an edge? :lmao:
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Penn said:
He's got a point there, and I was thinking the same thing.

The only thing that's changed since the 1967 timeframe is that Iran may have a few nukes.

But can they really stand up to a pissed-off Israeli nation?
Yes one thing has changed, the US would be in any scrap that threatened to topple Israel hip deep.

Israel doe not get pizzed off, they just win with calm precision. How many SCUDS hit Tel Aviv and they did not retalliate? they are smart enough to not take the bait. The Iranian President (who looks like the muppet Grover BTW) is just baiting with his crap. Irael knows exactly what they will do when the time comes, the EU are the ones who do not.


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
The Iranian President (who looks like the muppet Grover BTW) is just baiting with his crap. Irael knows exactly what they will do when the time comes, the EU are the ones who do not.
Agree 100% with this statement!!


Dancing Up A Storm
Pete said:
Yes one thing has changed, the US would be in any scrap that threatened to topple Israel hip deep.

Israel doe not get pizzed off, they just win with calm precision. How many SCUDS hit Tel Aviv and they did not retalliate? they are smart enough to not take the bait. The Iranian President (who looks like the muppet Grover BTW) is just baiting with his crap. Irael knows exactly what they will do when the time comes, the EU are the ones who do not.
You're right; I should have said "a determined Israeli nation"!

I don't think it's a good idea to be pushing them to the brink. They won't like what they get in return.