I watched the Charlie Rose show last night on PBS, and he dedicated the show to "interpreting" the results of the Iraqi election. On the show to provide a fair and balanced analysis were the following fair and ballanced people:
John F Burns, The New York Times
Dan Rather, Anchor, CBS Evening News
Thomas L. Friedman, The New York Times
Ahmad Chalbi, Co-Founder, Iraqi National Congress
Anderson Cooper, Host, CNN’s "Anderson Cooper 360"
Michael Ignatieff, The New York Times Magazine, Director, Carr Center for Human Rights, JFK School of Government, Harvard University
As you can see... PBS spared no expense in finding people to give an unbiased view of the results. With the exception of Ahmed Chalbi, all of the Libs on the show talked about how "surprised" they were by the turnout (as Coulter says, Libs are always "surprised" by things that are normal for Conservatives.) They were all deeply moved by the images they saw of the voters coming out to vote in their best clothes, and related stories of how brave the voters were and how they refused to be intimidated. There was Liberal Rather Blather all over the screen. They were also surprised that some Sunni polling places were packed while some were empty.
But then Rose asked "The Question": Doe's the success of the election vindicate George Bush, since he overcame so much resistance from home and abroad to hold the elections now?
All the Libs couldn't help themselves... they just had to attack Bush. They just had to mention the numbers of dead and wounded. They had to say things like "sure the election was a success, but was it worth the cost?" They just could not come out and say "Yeah, Bush sure showed us!"