Iraqi voter turnout


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
It was my understanding that the Constitution does not guarantee any rights. Is that true?

You specifically mentioned "Bot (sic) major parties pay little attention to the Constitutional limits on the federal government or the Constitutional guarantee of rights to the citizens". I can agree with you on the addition of new authorities by both parties, but which rights are they attempting to interfere with?

As for Alberto Gonzales, what about his record makes you think the 2nd Ammendment is in danger?
The Consitution conveys powers to the feds along with limits. The rights are enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

His statement that he supports the Clinton AW ban plus he stated he is in favor of banning ALL semi-automatic weapons, pistols, shotguns, and rifles. That sound like an assault on the Second Amendment to me, especially if the guy is proposed to be the AG. I find myself in strange company hoping the Democrats will torpedo his nomination.


Lovin' being Texican
2ndAmendment said:
His statement that he supports the Clinton AW ban plus he stated he is in favor of banning ALL semi-automatic weapons, pistols, shotguns, and rifles. That sound like an assault on the Second Amendment to me, especially if the guy is proposed to be the AG. I find myself in strange company hoping the Democrats will torpedo his nomination.

Are we somehow accusing the nominee for the post of U.S. Attorney General of "Thought Crime?" or "Hate Speech?" It is entirely within his rights to believe in limits on semi-automatic weapons, pistols, etc. If he does not act contrary to the laws of the land, he has not broken any laws. If he proposes changes to those laws, it is up to the legislative branch to enact those changes before he, as a member of the executive branch, can enforce those changes. And if that happens, he is but one of many who had a hand in it.

I think you're prepared to pillory the man because he is willing to speak his mind in public.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Lenny said:
Are we somehow accusing the nominee for the post of U.S. Attorney General of "Thought Crime?" or "Hate Speech?" It is entirely within his rights to believe in limits on semi-automatic weapons, pistols, etc. If he does not act contrary to the laws of the land, he has not broken any laws. If he proposes changes to those laws, it is up to the legislative branch to enact those changes before he, as a member of the executive branch, can enforce those changes. And if that happens, he is but one of many who had a hand in it.

I think you're prepared to pillory the man because he is willing to speak his mind in public.
I would prefer that the AG be a person that believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He is free to express his opinion under the First Amendment. His opinion conflicts with the Second Amendment, therefore I would prefer that he was not the AG.


2A, where did you find that statement? I can't find it anywhere.


Okay... I just spent the better part of an hour going through the Washington Times and the Washington Past transcripts of Gonzales's testimony, and I can't find anywhere where he says the things attributed to him in your linked story. He briefly mentions that his brother is a SWAT officer, but only in the context of introducing him and the rest of his family to the panel.

Of course... the transcripts are worth a read if for no other reason than to see what a grand-standing loon Kennedy is.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Okay... I just spent the better part of an hour going through the Washington Times and the Washington Past transcripts of Gonzales's testimony, and I can't find anywhere where he says the things attributed to him in your linked story. He briefly mentions that his brother is a SWAT officer, but only in the context of introducing him and the rest of his family to the panel.

Of course... the transcripts are worth a read if for no other reason than to see what a grand-standing loon Kennedy is.
I didn't have a lot of trouble finding the quote even in the Washington Times.

or CNN

There are lots of others.


New Member
What a day for was great to see so many voters and to see that there was less than expected violence. But, like President Bush contends, this historic occassion is not the end of the road for us in Iraq (recall the dancing in the streets that day after Baghdad fell?). There is still work to do. As for the question that PBS posed (does this election validate President Bush?), my answer is, not yet. We have to wait to see if the new government is accepted and kept secure (hopefully the insurgents do not succeed in killing too many of them). Validation of President Bush's policy, which I support, will not come for years I say.


Well... I went line by line through the actual transcripts and I could not find those words. Like I said, the only mention of his brother is at the very beginning during the intros, and I can't find anything about the AWB, even during Schumer's questioning. I guess I'll have to go through them again when I get the time.


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
Well... I went line by line through the actual transcripts and I could not find those words. Like I said, the only mention of his brother is at the very beginning during the intros, and I can't find anything about the AWB, even during Schumer's questioning. I guess I'll have to go through them again when I get the time.
Well, from the Times article, there was this:
"I worry about his safety and the types of weapons he will confront on the street," he said. "The president has made it clear that he stands ready to sign a reauthorization of the federal assault weapons ban if it is sent to him by Congress. I, of course, support the president on this issue."


I bowl overhand
ylexot said:
Well, from the Times article, there was this:
Big difference between "assault weapons" and what was mentioned earlier, banning all semi-automatice rifles and pistols..


I couldn't find any mention of banning anything, nor of being worried about his brother, but like I said I'll check again. There's ad nauseum talk about "torture", immigration, the death penalty, and two instances of talking about crime in general, but nothing I saw that was listed in the news articles. Just torture, torture, torture... and Ted Kennedy whining about the good old days.


I bowl overhand
BUT think Gonzales has got the wrong side of his brain working here.. I think they should propose training and re-arming officers on the street so they won't be out gunned any time they have to confront somebody.. Get rid of the whimpy 9mm sidearm, keep the shotgun or get rid of it.. but they should all have some kind of semi-automatic rifle on hand.. I would say the M16A2 as a minimum, but personally prefer the H&K 7.62 G3...

I'm still amazed the way law enforcement does business hasn't changed much since 9-11... still doing car chases.. still pampering hostage takers.. You have to believe that we have been attacked once, and that they are trying/ planning to do it again.. Who's to say the car the cop just tried to stop isn't a car bomb trying to get to a school before he detonates.. I'd say this day and age, you attempt a car stop and they run, you should HAVE to stop them by any means necessary..


I bowl overhand
Bruzilla said:
I couldn't find any mention of banning anything, nor of being worried about his brother, but like I said I'll check again. There's ad nauseum talk about "torture", immigration, the death penalty, and two instances of talking about crime in general, but nothing I saw that was listed in the news articles. Just torture, torture, torture... and Ted Kennedy whining about the good old days.
I think we should hand Ted over to Al Zarqhawi.. one for one trade.. you give us GI Joe back, in return we'll give you this upstanding senator.. maybe the first step in improving relations, a fair trade..


Super Genius
itsbob said:
keep the shotgun or get rid of it..
:confused: I thought the shotgun was the best close-quarters weapon there is...doesn't require precision aim, massive stopping power, short range (won't go through multiple walls and potentially hurt innocent people. I always thought somebody should make a multi-ammo shotgun...kinda like a shotgun version of the Judge Dredd gun. Push a button and it reloads to various ammos...flachettes, explosives, tear gas, rubber ball, etc.


I bowl overhand
ylexot said:
:confused: I thought the shotgun was the best close-quarters weapon there is...doesn't require precision aim, massive stopping power, short range (won't go through multiple walls and potentially hurt innocent people. I always thought somebody should make a multi-ammo shotgun...kinda like a shotgun version of the Judge Dredd gun. Push a button and it reloads to various ammos...flachettes, explosives, tear gas, rubber ball, etc.
Key word.. close quarters.. If I'm in a gunfight, the LAST thing I want to be is close quarters..


Super Genius
itsbob said:
Key word.. close quarters.. If I'm in a gunfight, the LAST thing I want to be is close quarters..
True, but isn't that what SWAT does? Sure, snipe 'em if you can, but keep the shotguns in the truck in case you have to go in.


itsbob said:
I think we should hand Ted over to Al Zarqhawi.. one for one trade.. you give us GI Joe back, in return we'll give you this upstanding senator.. maybe the first step in improving relations, a fair trade..

That reminds me of a story my Dad's boss told me years ago about when he was pinned down amongst the hedgerows of France after D-Day. They hadn't moved for over a day, and they knew there were Germans on the other side of some hedgerows, but they were waiting for some armor to come up from the beach to support their advance. All they had to eat were tinned sausage patties, that he said were the nastiest things ever conceived. Someone decided that maybe if the Germans ate some, they would keel over dead, so they loaded up a satchel with sausage patty tins and threw them over the hedgerow to the Germans.

To their surprise, about ten minutes later the Germans threw the satchel back and now it was filled with bread, potatoes and ham... their rations. This was a bonanza for our guys, so they later threw another satchel of sausage patties over, and it was immediately thrown back. Mr. Harms was glad they didn't stick a grenade into it as they were apparently very displeased with the sausage patties also.

So I don't think they would want an incoherent fat old drunk anymore than we would.


itsbob said:
I would say the M16A2 as a minimum, but personally prefer the H&K 7.62 G3...

I gotta disagree with you there. The G-3 is a heavy-assed Main Battle Rifle (MBR) and is not very effective for use in urban settings. The .308/7.62x54 NATO round is also way too much for use in a street shootout. Most SWAT teams are going with high-fragment, sub-sonic, 9MM or .40 S&W submachineguns like the HK MP-5 or AR-15/M-4 carbines. Quieter, plus with the AR-15/M-4 you can switch between 9MM and .223/5.56MM NATO in under a minute.

I'm awaiting to see what the military and police do with the new .17 cal rounds now coming out.