The Consitution conveys powers to the feds along with limits. The rights are enumerated in the Bill of Rights.Bruzilla said:It was my understanding that the Constitution does not guarantee any rights. Is that true?
You specifically mentioned "Bot (sic) major parties pay little attention to the Constitutional limits on the federal government or the Constitutional guarantee of rights to the citizens". I can agree with you on the addition of new authorities by both parties, but which rights are they attempting to interfere with?
As for Alberto Gonzales, what about his record makes you think the 2nd Ammendment is in danger?
His statement that he supports the Clinton AW ban plus he stated he is in favor of banning ALL semi-automatic weapons, pistols, shotguns, and rifles. That sound like an assault on the Second Amendment to me, especially if the guy is proposed to be the AG. I find myself in strange company hoping the Democrats will torpedo his nomination.