I was wondering that yesterday as I was sitting in CiCi'sememdee19 said:Atkins???
rack'm said:Yep, for two weeks now.........
Vixen said:6 weeks 23 lbs.
ememdee19 said:how are the results lookin'??
JabbaJawz said:We switched over to low-fat/low-cal and are satisfied as far as eating and happy w/the results.
rack'm said:I've lost about 12 pounds with eating carbs on the weekends....
JabbaJawz said:We switched over to low-fat/low-cal and are satisfied as far as eating and happy w/the results.
ememdee19 said:Nothing wrong with that! Are you using any of the shakes, etc.?
rack'm said:No, they taste like crap.
My diet consist of meat and eggs with cheese......I'll eat bread on the weekends and maybe a regular desert.
ememdee19 said:Have you tried the Atkins brand shakes? I think the chocolate royale flavor is pretty decent. The other brands taste like crud,though.
ememdee19 said:Did you come to a plateau with Atkins or did you just get bored with it altogether?
JabbaJawz said:We plateau'd and once we went to low-fat/low-cal...boom!!! Husband lost almost 40 pounds in 3 months!!
ememdee19 said:Congrats! Are you following the strict guidelines or have you modified them at all?
StarCat said:i have a question about Atkins. Even though you are burning fat instead of carbs, where is all that extra artery clogging cholesterol going? Or are you burning that too?