Okay, I searched and found Bettie Page link HERE and it even has her devil-ish picture there.No, that's just the closest to Bettie Page in a Halloween costume I could find that was mild enough to have as an avatar.
It would be more corect to say that mankind is inconsistent while God is flexible with His children.Right, got it. You think your god is inconsistent.
It would be more corect to say that mankind is inconsistent while God is flexible with His children.
The condition seems well discribed by the old Chinese proverb that goes like this:
If the great tree does not bend to the blowing of the wind then it surely will snap.
Mankind would snap under the pressure of a forceful God.
God is flexible with His children because we are weak and we are valuable.
This is party correct that God is not flexible in salvation because He already arainged for everyone to get saved whether anyone likes it or not.God is not flexible when it comes to salvation. You accept or you don't.