That when you get lit up by the police you must stop immediately where you are, or can you pull out of traffic to a safe place?
I went to SFW because it is gizzard day and I needed guacamole mix. In the inside turn lane turning left into San Souci is a trooper with a pickup pulled over just sitting there, doing the ticket thing and the radio thing. :tard: So when the long line of cars behind the trooper realize he and his prey are not going to pull out of the way into San Souci they have to move over to the already packed turn lane to the right. 2 light cycles later I finally got through.
Now I am all for law and order and I appreciate a police presence on the 235 International speedway, but to me is beyond stupid to sit right in the middle of an active lane on a busy road to write your ticket and have to get out of your car and stand next to your prey's car when there are 500 parking spots in 4 parking lots a mere 30 yards away.
I went to SFW because it is gizzard day and I needed guacamole mix. In the inside turn lane turning left into San Souci is a trooper with a pickup pulled over just sitting there, doing the ticket thing and the radio thing. :tard: So when the long line of cars behind the trooper realize he and his prey are not going to pull out of the way into San Souci they have to move over to the already packed turn lane to the right. 2 light cycles later I finally got through.
Now I am all for law and order and I appreciate a police presence on the 235 International speedway, but to me is beyond stupid to sit right in the middle of an active lane on a busy road to write your ticket and have to get out of your car and stand next to your prey's car when there are 500 parking spots in 4 parking lots a mere 30 yards away.