is it just me????


New Member
aps45819 said:
Wished they would have passed the "Slower traffic keep right" law that was propsed last session.
how bout the speed limit and agressive driving laws that are currently in effect? :deadhorse


Asperger's Poster Child
huntr1 said:
they have an important date to keep with the nice policeman running radar up ahead.
Instead of a radar detector, I think a good ticket deterrent would be a holographic projection of a red sports car doing 90, with a hot blonde behind the wheel. The license plate would read SXYMAMA or something similar to pique the cops' interest.


New Member
aps45819 said:
You got insurance don't you? Odds are that azz clown in the new Expedition behind you has insurance also.
Just let him tap you then hold you neck and ask for a ride to the hospital.
my favorite saying while driving: "you are so lucky my kids are in the car....!{bad word....bad word and so on}"


24/7 Single Dad
DDoyle said:
why? is that when you get off work and are on 235?
if so i've probably given you a "signal" or two of my own :lol:
I don't tail gate and I use my signals for lane changes and turns.
I've got a 5 mile drive to work.
How much time could I save if I did 75 vs 45?
About 3 minutes.


24/7 Single Dad
DDoyle said:
how bout the speed limit and agressive driving laws that are currently in effect? :deadhorse
The posted speed limit is seldom in effect on 235. The local cops don't obey the speed limit or use their turn signals. The also pass turning cars on the sholder. Why should we expect them to enforce laws they don't fell the need to obey?


Asperger's Poster Child
aps45819 said:
Those seem to be the prevaling speeds in the lanes on 235. The left lane is the drive-like-a-fleeing-felon-on-crack lane, and the right lane is the drive-like-a-dwarf-paralyzed-nun lane.


New Member
aps45819 said:
The posted speed limit is seldom in effect on 235. The local cops don't obey the speed limit or use their turn signals. The also pass turning cars on the sholder. Why should we expect them to enforce laws they don't fell the need to obey?
totally agree! i see cops do it all the time, but is everyone so "monkey see, monkey do" that it becomes ok?


New Member
Tonio said:
Those seem to be the prevaling speeds in the lanes on 235. The left lane is the drive-like-a-fleeing-felon-on-crack lane, and the right lane is the drive-like-a-dwarf-paralyzed-nun lane.


Set Trippin
DDoyle said:
totally agree.... the ones i hate are the guys that are so close you don't feel like ya can even tap your brakes without getting hit. i will let someone know to get outta the way after a while, but is it necessary to make your car one with the one ahead of ya??
You could do one of 2 things....
1. Put a sign in your back window that reads, "Welcome to my ass"


2. Learn how to properly depress the pedal on the right....



New Member
mainman said:
You could do one of 2 things....
1. Put a sign in your back window that reads, "Welcome to my ass"


2. Learn how to properly depress the pedal on the right....

1 :lmao: i already have a sign that says "unless you're a hemorrid, get off my ass" :lmao:
2 if i depress the pedal on the right any more i'll be one of the people i have grown to totally hate


Set Trippin
DDoyle said:
1 :lmao: i already have a sign that says "unless you're a hemorrid, get off my ass" :lmao:
2 if i depress the pedal on the right any more i'll be one of the people i have grown to totally hate
:backtothedrawingboard: :lol:


Right Where I Belong
DDoyle said:
1 :lmao: i already have a sign that says "unless you're a hemorrid, get off my ass" :lmao:
2 if i depress the pedal on the right any more i'll be one of the people i have grown to totally hate


I think it is a Maryland state law that turn signals are illegal to use. So most people are obeying the law! :lmao:

I actually got a speeding ticket on 235...going 62 in a 40. The officer actually told me to make sure I tell my friends and coworkers that the speed limit is 40 and to make sure I maintain that speed. A few weeks later, while driving 50 on 235, I get passed by a police officer. :ohwell:


Right Where I Belong
kayellesee said:
I think it is a Maryland state law that turn signals are illegal to use. So most people are obeying the law! :lmao:

I actually got a speeding ticket on 235...going 62 in a 40. The officer actually told me to make sure I tell my friends and coworkers that the speed limit is 40 and to make sure I maintain that speed. A few weeks later, while driving 50 on 235, I get passed by a police officer. :ohwell:
I got passed Monday night on 235 by a police office who was probably doing 70 easily. :frown: With my luck, if I was doing 70 I would have been pulled over.


New Member
kayellesee said:
I think it is a Maryland state law that turn signals are illegal to use. So most people are obeying the law! :lmao:

I actually got a speeding ticket on 235...going 62 in a 40. The officer actually told me to make sure I tell my friends and coworkers that the speed limit is 40 and to make sure I maintain that speed. A few weeks later, while driving 50 on 235, I get passed by a police officer. :ohwell:
:lol:probably got passed by the same cop that gave ya a ticket!
... i guess it could be worse though.... i could live in VA :lol:


Twenty Something
If the rush hour gets to you, just do what my dad does -- go to office at 5:30 or 6am and get home at 3pm :shrug:


Drivers in MD are T total azzholes! Drive across the bridge into Virginia and watch everyone slow down to let you in. That crap would never happen here. No one here, knows how to drive. They are all a bunch of speed demons with a chip on their shoulder. Stupid.


New Member
Kain99 said:
Drive across the bridge into Virginia and watch everyone slow down to let you in.
what part of VA are you drivin in? i drove from waldorf to VA beach in september and had just as many people tailgating.... i guess everywhere outside DE is like driving the indy 500.