Is local unemployment down?



kwillia said:
Hey, if your weiners are exploding... I'm sure they are biggins...:shocking:

:killingme: oops... I meant :biggrin: :roflmao: Thanks for the laugh!!! It's been the first I've had all day here!!! :huggy: Your fast wit, excellent humor and charm always helps pull me through. Thank you. Dems :flowers:


The Pegster
Pete said:
We posted a position for a Program Assistant late last week and only got 7 applicants. Typically we get 30. :confused:

Where did you post it? I didn't see it. What are the requirements? :howdy:


Twenty Something
nomoney said:
:confused: have you gotten a resume from janey yet? I heard she was looking for real work.

well, I'm really not trained for that kind of work....I am however still looking for an internship in St. Mary's, and my advisor is being no help dad is helping me look more so than that guy. :rolleyes: