Is there really no Skins tread?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There's really...

It's starting to look like Jason Campbell getting injured was the best thing that could've happened to the Skins. question about it. Collins makes much quicker decisions. He is plenty accurate and he takes his shots, like the Moss TD, when it's there.

Good Lord. We win next week and maybe a playoff game or two and I don't see how he doesn't go into next season #1. He's playing pretty good.
Collins has a lot of experience under his belt via osmosis... he has played under a lot of good starters and is one of the best backups in the league.

Jason Campbell will get there. It will take him a bit, but every game played you can see the maturity... right before he got injured he was calling his own plays for a series or two and did one heck of a job :yay:

I made $ off of last nights game - had no doubts.


New Member
I knew we had it when I sent Catt to her room to watch the game right before the red hankie for too many men on the field...Told her that her bad karma was screwing with them. She left the room, the red hankie came out and POOF, the fumble never happened. YW
That was incredible. Whoever spotted that should get a huge Christmas bonus.

They rushed the play so the Vikings couldn't challenge (after losing the :bs: challenge in the first touchdown) and Collins never got the ball. Next thing you know, Joe Gibbs has a flag on the field.

This is me at that point: :confused: WTF are you challenging?

TV announcer said (after 2 minutes of commercial) that he challenged too many men in the field. Somebody upstairs deserves a lot of the credit for that one. It turned in to a Redskins touchdown. :yahoo:


New Member
Collins has a lot of experience under his belt via osmosis... he has played under a lot of good starters and is one of the best backups in the league.

Jason Campbell will get there. It will take him a bit, but every game played you can see the maturity... right before he got injured he was calling his own plays for a series or two and did one heck of a job :yay:

I made $ off of last nights game - had no doubts.
Campbell always looks for Santana Moss, even when he's not out there. :killingme

Collins has really made a huge difference. A veteran like him could get us to the playoffs.

I also think Coach Gibbs deserves a little credit. Of course we will never forget tose infamous back-to-back timeouts, but he did rally this Redskins team up after the death of Sean Taylor.


New Member

... it was interesting how Madden kept calling them out on penalties.

"Pass interference" when the ball was like 30 feet away. :bs:

"Holding, defense, automatic first down" on an improbable 4th down. That was weird, there was no number called, and they spent a minute conversing over it. Madden got on there and they said they couldn't show the penalty because no number had been mentioned.

Those ref's had an agenda.