If I may ...
I guess it is ok to bulldoze peoples homes because people with guns want the land. I want to point something out. The Israelis sit in their tanks, (WE paid for), or the drone operations centers, (WE paid for), or fly high above Gaza in their US-supplied warplanes and Apache helicopters, dropping the latest in US-supplied high tech lethal munitions, and imagine themselves the heroes they read about in the Torah. The weapons being used in the current Israeli incursion into the Gaza strip easily confirms that the battle plan of the Netanyahu government towards the civilians in Gaza is Genocide, pure and simple. Israel wants no survivors from this one. It wants no witnesses to its crimes. Which is why it says a lot about Israel’s intention is that the first building they destroy in Gaza is a one housing media offices. Israel doesn’t want the world to see its crimes reported to the world. Each weapon used in this slaughter is designed to kill with maximum damage, maximum brutality and maximum pain and suffering. What Israel is doing right now, is truly the most hideous of war crimes of the modern age.
War implies two sides on moderately even footing. Palestine doesn't have an army or an air force or vehicles or foreign funding or a nuclear arsenal or even clean water and power. Also, I'd hesitate to call it 'war' when one side is armed with all the weapons that money can buy, that the USA supplies, and the other side are defending themselves with little more than sticks and stones. This is not a "war". It is genocide. It is ethnic cleansing. It is barbaric and inhumane. It is terrorism. It is murder.
A reminder that Gaza is not a rival state to Israel, it is an open air prison camp with a million children. And with no bomb shelters or defense system, every rocket Israel sends, it knows it will not miss. The Palestinians huddle in their giant open-air prison, (FEMA stlye), without an army, a navy, or an air force, and fight back with home-made rockets made out of plumbing supplies. Israel has the newest, most modern, unlimited weapons. PAID FOR BY US. Not since Thermopylae has the world seen such courage in the face of overwhelming odds. The Palestinians have balls the US and Israel can only dream of, and the world will remember their courage against the tyrants, and the lies by the corporate media's presstitutes and whorespondents trying to protect Israel's aggression!
Is it any wonder the world hates Israel?
Now, if Lebanon gets provoked, or attacked, by Israel, that will be a show worth watching when Hezbollah responds with some serious retribution.