Issues with my HOA!!!! Please help!


NOT Politically Correct!!
Take pictures or video tape the activity as evidence, than stop paying your HOA fees, if this goes to court, you have the evidence verse your word to prove your accusations!!! :coffee:


100% Goapele Head!
Club'nBabySeals said:
1. Join your HOA.

2. Call the management company and ask why they haven't been coming out to clean the contracted area.

3. Walk next door and voice your concerns to your messy neighbors.

Good luck! :howdy:


Also, attend scheduled HOA meetings. If they are doing things correctly they should be handing out (to homeowners) accounting sheets of what's been paid. If maintenance isn't being paid, there's your answer. :yay:


New Member
Jeff said:
This is what I would do. It's kind of like restarting but they would know you are taking this serious. Get a digital camera. Take photos of the issues. If you have any neighbors who feel the same as you do, talk to them, get their feedback. Ask if they would mind if you mentioned to the HOA that are speaking with them and they feel the same way as you. Also ask if it is OK if you mention their name and quote them in a letter.

Once all that is done write a letter to the HOA, explaining your thoughts. Try to keep emotion out of it. Include the pics. make copies of the letter and pics and give to the neighbors who feel the same as you do. Make sure to note in the letter that they are receiving copies as well. Send the letter to the HOA via Cerified Mail.

In the meantime poke around and try to see if you can figure out where the Members of the board and architectural control committee live. Don't just go knocking on their door. That will turn them against you. But if you can catch them outside, Walk up politely and introduce yourself and verbally explain your views, while at the same time you'll be getting a feel for theirs. Be polite and everything and when they have their little pow wow, the individuals will be more likely to agree to see things your way. While you are tallking to the individuals you can even ask if it would be possible for you to attend the next meeting. We did allow that and it is your right to request it.

If your friend is a Lawyer, Heck you can note his/her name along in the letter with the others.
Handling it this way will show the HOA you are willing to take the time to be very thorough. Plus it will show them you have like mided people with you that you have spoken with and will be updating as soon as the HOA takes action, or doesn't.

If you give them the impression that you are just venting. They might be prone to just blowing you off. But putting some time/effort into it can put them into a situation where they will have to act because there are so many people watching it.

Uh, be very careful here - you can't go around quoting people without assuming liability if you improperly quote them. In other words, if you want to have their opinions considered, ask them to write a short letter and sign it. Not only will it carry more weight in terms of the quantity of letters you have, but also your supposed allies have invested some time and energy into the cause, thereby making it more worthy to them.

Most especially, don't quote your attorney friend. It may be construed as a veiled threat or that he in some way represents you in this matter. I would keep him/her out of it at all costs.


We had a home in Wakefield that we sold last year... :yay: :yay: there were 2 dead trees in the common area that were leaning towards the house. It took me 6 months to get them to remove them. I called and called, always got some excuse. I ended up taking pictures and sending a certified letter letting them know that if the trees fell on our house they would be held responsible. It did get some attention, but we still had to keep calling for about 2 more months before they removed them. They are such a bunch of butt munches, it took 6 months to get that taken care of, but if you leave your trash cans out for one day they are all over you.