Issues with my HOA!!!! Please help!


24/7 Single Dad
willie said:
Being a Landlord in a neighborhood like you describe will be a disaster.
Why bother to do the fix-ups if you're going to rent it? Your tenants are only going to trash the place. I'll bet most of your neighbors are renting, that's why the neighborhood is in decline. If you don't own it, you don't care that much about it.


Im On 1.
aps45819 said:
Why bother to do the fix-ups if you're going to rent it? Your tenants are only going to trash the place. I'll bet most of your neighbors are renting, that's why the neighborhood is in decline. If you don't own it, you don't care that much about it. that comment coming from the area? or are you applying that to all renters?


New Member
i do hope that we are able to get good tenants. but i know it will be hard to sell it. and i also know that most of the people that live there are renters and so aren't really concerned with the way things look. but i don't think this speaks for all renters- just some.


New Member
The last time I felt that the wakefield area was decent was in the mid 1980s when I knew a couple folks there. Believe it or not, I worked delivering pizzas at the time and felt safe there.

A co-worker of mine was renting a townhouse over there last year before he moved and if I did not know where I was, I would think I was in Suitland.


Set Trippin
Ray said:
A co-worker of mine was renting a townhouse over there last year before he moved and if I did not know where I was, I would think I was in Suitland.
You mean Wakefield is a "Caring Community" too? :confused:


Stop Staring!!!!!
journey_2000 said:
Just was wondering if anyone could offer any advice on this. My husband and I are new homeowners and have been battling with our HOA for the past few months. We live in a townhouse in the Wakefield Neighborhood and have been complaining about the condition of our street. Namely our neighbors just simply trash the street. There seems to be an endless amount of trash daily, kids running around in the parking at all hours, loitering, etc.
We started emailing our HOA asking for some help on this since our fees are supposed to handle the clean up of the common areas. We were told that the managment company hired a maintenance company to clean every 10 days or so- and this has not happened ever in the months that we've been living on this street! So we continue to complain and have had no results.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions they could offer or have you experienced a situation similar to this.


When I first moved into Heard's Estates a few years ago The neighborhood was OK, well kept but then there were 'those few houses'. One happened to be next to me, a rental, trash piled up against the house, untrimmed bushes and other such. As close as the houses were together I did not want to be dealing with living next to a house like that. I started requesting that the HOA get involved. Several attempts and I got a little tired of it.

Anyway the November Board elections came around and I got myself voted on the Archetectural Control Committee. I piddled with that a couple months and started kind of being the researcher for the group. They got to a point where they depended on me. It got to a point where I not only had a say and a vote on what was done but other members would vote my just because they were too lazy to do there own research.

But as the old saying goes, If ya can't beat them, join them.

Editing and offering an afterthought here. We had one lady. Penny something or other. She was a pain in the ass. She would call or write the HOA constantly demanding action for frivilous things. We tried to be fair and some of her requets were valid but most were not. But she pissed and moaned so much we had to act on her requests. Sometimes not the way she wanted but we did act. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
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24/7 Single Dad
Qurious said: that comment coming from the area? or are you applying that to all renters?
75% of all renters. new neighborhoods are nice because the owners live there. Once the owners start moving out and renting their "old" house, the neighborhood starts going down.
Your wife and your tenet both want a new refrigerator and you can only afford one. Who do you think would get it?


New Member
Turn the tide on the HOA, sue them for breach of contract. If you don't pay your dues what happens? You end up in court!!


Stop Staring!!!!!
USNavyMike said:
Turn the tide on the HOA, sue them for breach of contract. If you don't pay your dues what happens? You end up in court!!

Make sure to read and understand the rules first though. Sometimes the wording can give them alot of room for handleing things they way they want to.

I think with us the first step was to send a certified letter. I forget what came after that. But make sure you give them the chance to do whatever they are supposed to first though.


New Member
how much time should we give them before we act? i have a friend who is a real estate attorney that i contacted for advice on this. he suggested that we find out if the HOA and management company were violating some kind of county ordinance (like one dealing with public health) i went to the county's Web site and wasn't really able to find what i was looking for. so i called the county offices to speak to someone about it- left several messages and have heard nothing.


Well-Known Member
aps45819 said:
75% of all renters. new neighborhoods are nice because the owners live there. Once the owners start moving out and renting their "old" house, the neighborhood starts going down.
Your wife and your tenet both want a new refrigerator and you can only afford one. Who do you think would get it?

i agree with you that some renters could give a hoot about how the property looks; but it's also evident that some new homeowners could care less as well :burning:


Stop Staring!!!!!
journey_2000 said:
how much time should we give them before we act? i have a friend who is a real estate attorney that i contacted for advice on this. he suggested that we find out if the HOA and management company were violating some kind of county ordinance (like one dealing with public health) i went to the county's Web site and wasn't really able to find what i was looking for. so i called the county offices to speak to someone about it- left several messages and have heard nothing.

This is what I would do. It's kind of like restarting but they would know you are taking this serious. Get a digital camera. Take photos of the issues. If you have any neighbors who feel the same as you do, talk to them, get their feedback. Ask if they would mind if you mentioned to the HOA that are speaking with them and they feel the same way as you. Also ask if it is OK if you mention their name and quote them in a letter.

Once all that is done write a letter to the HOA, explaining your thoughts. Try to keep emotion out of it. Include the pics. make copies of the letter and pics and give to the neighbors who feel the same as you do. Make sure to note in the letter that they are receiving copies as well. Send the letter to the HOA via Cerified Mail.

In the meantime poke around and try to see if you can figure out where the Members of the board and architectural control committee live. Don't just go knocking on their door. That will turn them against you. But if you can catch them outside, Walk up politely and introduce yourself and verbally explain your views, while at the same time you'll be getting a feel for theirs. Be polite and everything and when they have their little pow wow, the individuals will be more likely to agree to see things your way. While you are tallking to the individuals you can even ask if it would be possible for you to attend the next meeting. We did allow that and it is your right to request it.

If your friend is a Lawyer, Heck you can note his/her name along in the letter with the others.

Handling it this way will show the HOA you are willing to take the time to be very thorough. Plus it will show them you have like mided people with you that you have spoken with and will be updating as soon as the HOA takes action, or doesn't.

If you give them the impression that you are just venting. They might be prone to just blowing you off. But putting some time/effort into it can put them into a situation where they will have to act because there are so many people watching it.
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24/7 Single Dad
beamher said:
it's also evident that some new homeowners could care less as well :burning:
They're the minority. Most home OWNERS consider their home to be the most profitable investment they can make for their future and will at least do minor maintenance.


New Member
another quick question. is there a way to find out which of the folks that live in the neighborhood are owners and which are renters? my husband and i have an idea about who rents and who owns- but we'd like to be sure so that we can contact the homeowners.


Stop Staring!!!!!
journey_2000 said:
another quick question. is there a way to find out which of the folks that live in the neighborhood are owners and which are renters? my husband and i have an idea about who rents and who owns- but we'd like to be sure so that we can contact the homeowners.

Play around with this site. It's the best I can think of for what you want.