Itching Feet


Well-Known Member
Are your feet swelling during the day? If the shoes are too tight from swelling, they will cause them to itch.


Could be the makers of the Laundry soap changed something that they use in the soap. You do not always have to make a change to have a reaction, maybe the makers made the change....try different laundry soap for a while.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Could be the makers of the Laundry soap changed something that they use in the soap. You do not always have to make a change to have a reaction, maybe the makers made the change....try different laundry soap for a while.

:yeahthat: I used to us All cause it was cheap and cleaned okay. They changed their formula, which caused me to itch. I won't buy it to this day. Took me a few weeks to figure out what it was.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Could be the makers of the Laundry soap changed something that they use in the soap. You do not always have to make a change to have a reaction, maybe the makers made the change....try different laundry soap for a while.

I think more than his feet would be itching.


I have a friend that would get the itches some kinda bad. So bad he would draw blood from scratching so much, then it would turn in to hives. He didn't know what it was for years. Just recently he figured out it was something in a generic ibuprofen :shrug: