Who doesn't want to be a combination of intelligent, attractive, confident, stable, and financially secure enough to be comfortable? Doesn't everyone try to find a way to balance all of these things out in their own lives?
It sounds like your concern is not that women wear makeup but that something in our society or their lives has caused them (us?) to lack the self-confidence to be ok in their own skin.
Is it the models we use in the magazines?
Is it the stereotype that men prefer younger women? A woman can be just about anything........but younger again.
Is it the stereotype that women without makeup are "homely" or lesbians.
Is it the opinion that wrinkles are ugly or mean that a woman has not been smart about her skincare because she cared too much about her appearance?
I know, for me personally, I'm struggling with my face and body because it is showing signs of aging but I truly do not feel like the age it is depicting. I still feel like I'm 25. I feel smarter and more confident, healthier than I've ever been, yet I look in the mirror and I kinda look like someone's mother. I kinda am starting to look (gasp!!) like
my mother. And I don't look at her as sexy and carefree like I want my husband to always see me, I look at her like she's a mother - someone who's used her uterus and probably walks around reminding everyone to wash their hands.
Sorry, everyone, but that's not something you seen in depictions of men's fantasies.
More importantly, I work with a bunch of men and I've heard them talk about childbirth. They didn't talk about how amazing it was. They talked about stretched out vaginas. And I've heard them talk about about "weathered women" . I've heard them talk about "botox face". I've heard them talk about young, beautiful women. This isn't something I'm getting just from society, I'm getting it because I'm surrounded by men that I respect and I've heard their opinions.
Do I think they'd leave their wives for Kate Upton? No. But do I think they secretly wish their wives looked like her and everything she represents? Yes.
I don't think that's horrible. I think it's normal and I think think that it's ok if a woman wants to try to better her appearance a little bit. Or a lot. And if you think she's beautiful with AND without makeup - tell her (but not in a creepy weird stalker way).