It's Necessary?


Routinely Derailed
Nyet. I give you Henry Kissinger and Tom Petty as merely two examples of butt ugly men who score the hot babes. Donald Trump also comes to mind.

Women are not programmed toward pretty boys - we are programmed toward a good provider and protector. Which is not to say there aren't women who'll play sugar mama to some starving actor, but it's a lot rarer than rich powerful men with their trophy wives.

I can see that. Don't like it, but I concede.

So really, that answers the original question, right there, but only as it applies to some women. Sad but true, no doubt.
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New Member
Nyet. I give you Henry Kissinger and Tom Petty as merely two examples of butt ugly men who score the hot babes. Donald Trump also comes to mind.

Women are not programmed toward pretty boys - we are programmed toward a good provider and protector. Which is not to say there aren't women who'll play sugar mama to some starving actor, but it's a lot rarer than rich powerful men with their trophy wives.

You bring up something that i've thought about

All those metrosexual men and clothing -I can't stand it. Last time I went to Macy's to buy my husband a shirt, I walked out disgusted.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
All those metrosexual men and clothing -I can't stand it. Last time I went to Macy's to buy my husband a shirt, I walked out disgusted.

I don't like it either. I want men who look like men. When my boyfriend is more feminine than me, that becomes a problem.


New Member
I don't like it either. I want men who look like men. When my boyfriend is more feminine than me, that becomes a problem.

Just imagine being in France. I was shocked to hear that men there wear capris :whistle: Their annoying accent is bad enough


New Member
My screen name can be confusing, however, I am a woman. I prefer to wear make-up and have been doing so for a long time. I don't feel dressed without it. When dating, I find the process of getting all dolled up exciting. Although I enjoy make-up, it's not a necessity for me, I have my moments when I go without it. Like anything else, it's part of me, if someone holds wearing make-up against me or decides I'm too high maintenance because I wear it, then that's their loss.


Well-Known Member
I wear make up and do my hair Monday thru Friday for work. Unless we're going somewhere special on the weekend, I refuse to put it on. I could actually sleep an extra 1/2 hour if I didn't have to do makeup and hair on the weekday mornings.
Fiancé likes my makeup but says I look just as "exotic" :)eyebrow:) without it.

I prefer to wear makeup and I always have. It makes me feel less self-conscious and well, I guess I am just a girly-girl because I love all that kind of stuff. :ohwell:

Getting dolled up and seeing his face when I walk out makes me feel good.

I remember this one time, I took a little extra time on my makeup... I put my hair in hot-rollers so when I took them out my hair was full and flowing...I was wearing a red spaghetti-strap maxi dress... and when I walked out, his eyes lit up, his jaw dropped, and he put his hand over his heart. :blushing: He didn't say a word... but because of his reaction, I had never felt so beautiful.

Makeup is a tool. :yay: Think of our make-up set as your toolbox... with your sock wrenches and pliers and screwdrivers and such... They all help with something.