It's Show Time!


New Member
Toxick said:
I'd like to go to bed... but I'll never be able to sleep with this going on.

I would say I'm waiting until Kerry cedes, but then I might have to wait for six weeks before I go to sleep. I can't do that.
:killingme :yeahthat:


Come on, come on, time for an update. Just 1 electoral vote needed. :boxing:

I was a little nervous about that call on Ohio with only 80 some percent of the votes in.


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* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Someone at FR must still have an active account, the DUmmies fuming...

From Our Friends at DU:

Tom Daschle and Nancy Pelosi cost us the election.

Congress needed to call for a paper trail. That would have given us Florida - because we won there. We won Ohio and Iowa, too. Greg Palast and Bev Harris warned us this is exactly what would happen and we thought we could go about business as usual. I have no doubts Kerry won.

The Bush gang blew up the WTC and killed three thousand Americans. They were prepared to cheat, to kill, to lie, to destroy all life on EArth, if necessary, to win. If more people had acknowledged Bush's complicity, at least to themselves, in 9/11, they would have expected this and we would have been ready to counter it.

Margie Shoedinger gave her life to warn us about Bush and we put her down and said the most horrible things about her for daring to warn us. We need to see these people for what they are.

They are cold-blooded killers and terrorists. Why would they let us win?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
Someone at FR must still have an active account, the DUmmies fuming...
Those guys are mentally ill. Much like our own Spoiled, Jlab and TurbanPancake.


Dancing Up A Storm
From the Democratic Underground
We put SO much effort into this campaign, so much energy. We are not going to win.

There is too much of a redneck factor in this country. We cannot win a presidential election without getting a decent amount of idiot vote. The last 2 democratic presidents have been southern guys. Unless the mindset of the nation changes, a northern democrat cannot win. Hillary in 2008 would be a fiasco.

People are scared of gays. They are scared of minorities. They think their morals should be legislated to everyone else in the country. Until their mindset evolves, we can't tell them their wrong. We can't point out the obvious hypocrisies. People don't want to hear it.
That's the nation we live in. I'm in law school and the more I learn, the more I realize how ####ing stupid people are. We're right, but there's just not enough of us.

We will evolve eventually, but it might not be until we have a huge depression, or nuclear disaster or world war. Until we do, I'm gonna quit putting so much energy and faith in my fellow man and just make my way through this backwards country the best that I can.

I really do want to move from Oklahoma to some other state where I'm not completely surrounded by complete morons. Goodnight everybody.

I am sitting here at 2:19am laughing my guts out!

TurbanPancake!! Where are you son?!?!


Super Genius
Ok, so here's my estimation...
Fox has not called NV, NM, WI, or IA. Yahoo! News has not called NM, IA, and OH.

So, combining these calls you get:
NV - Bush - 5 votes
WI - Kerry - 10 votes
OH - Bush - 20 votes
NM - Leaning Bush - 5 votes
IA - Leaning Bush - 7 votes
That puts the totals at Bush 286 and Kerry 252.

BUSH WINS :patriot:
Last edited:


ylexot said:
Ok, so here's my estimation...
Fox has not called NV, NM, WI, or IA. Yahoo! News has not called NM, IA, and OH.

So, combining these calls you get:
NV - Bush - 5 votes
WI - Kerry - 10 votes
OH - Bush - 20 votes
NM - Leaning Bush - 5 votes
IA - Leaning Bush - 7 votes
That puts the totals at Bush 286 and Kerry 252.

BUSH WINS :patriot:
Only need 270 electorals to win.


Dancing Up A Storm
I don't know how many of you took the time to scan the excerpt I copied from the DU, but the post that I copied was titled "Wake up to Reality" or something to that ilk. This is a paragraph near the bottom of the page, and even though we've been reading some pretty wild rhetoric from these extremists, I am still stunned by the revelation being promoted by this poster:

"We will evolve eventually, but it might not be until we have a huge depression, or nuclear disaster or world war. Until we do, I'm gonna quit putting so much energy and faith in my fellow man and just make my way through this backwards country the best that I can."

He says earlier in the post that most Americans are ####ing stupid, and that he/she cannot understand why the Democratic party can't convince them that their path is the correct one. BTW, this person is attending law school in Oklahoma, and plans to move out of that state, in order to be among more intelligent types! The pure snobbery of this person is obvious.

U F B !!