It's Show Time!


Super Genius
Penn said:
I don't know how many of you took the time to scan the excerpt I copied from the DU, but the post that I copied was titled "Wake up to Reality" or something to that ilk. This is a paragraph near the bottom of the page, and even though we've been reading some pretty wild rhetoric from these extremists, I am still stunned by the revelation being promoted by this poster:

"We will evolve eventually, but it might not be until we have a huge depression, or nuclear disaster or world war. Until we do, I'm gonna quit putting so much energy and faith in my fellow man and just make my way through this backwards country the best that I can."

He says earlier in the post that most Americans are ####ing stupid, and that he/she cannot understand why the Democratic party can't convince them that their path is the correct one. BTW, this person is attending law school in Oklahoma, and plans to move out of that state, in order to be among more intelligent types! The pure snobbery of this person is obvious.

U F B !!
Yeah, that stuff reminds me of a quote from South Park...which happened to be on last night.
Mr. Garrison to Rosie O'Donell
Half the kids in the class didn't vote for your nephew, so what about them? You don't give a crap about them because they're not on your side! People like you preach tolerance and open-mindedness all the time, but when it comes to Middle America, you think we're all evil and stupid country yokels who need your political enlightenment!! WELL, JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE ON TV DOESN'T MEAN YOU KNOW CRAP ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT!!! NOW GET YOUR @SS BACK ON FIRST CLASS AND RESPECT THIS CLASS'S RIGHT TO MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS!!!