J.F. Kerry: He just keeps stepping all over himself


Dancing Up A Storm
As President, I'd have done it another way...........

Yeah, sure.:rolleyes:

This is about Kerry criticising Pres. Bush for waiting 7 minutes, before leaving to take action, while he was talking to school children on the morning of Sept 11, 2001.

I'm sorry, the guy is a loser, and if by some chance he makes it to the Oval Office, we're all in trouble.


Dancing Up A Storm
Oh my gosh!

OMG! This one's even better.

I suggest reading the news article first, then click on the link towards the bottom of the article "Unfit for Command".

It's an eye opener, especially when you find out some of Kerry's detractors are democrats, who served with him in his 4 month charade in Vietnam.

The title of the new book seems apt.

Unfit for Command ---- Unfit for Discussion?


Football addict
Originally posted by penncam
As President, I'd have done it another way...........

Yeah, sure.:rolleyes:

This is about Kerry criticising Pres. Bush for waiting 7 minutes, before leaving to take action, while he was talking to school children on the morning of Sept 11, 2001.

I'm sorry, the guy is a loser, and if by some chance he makes it to the Oval Office, we're all in trouble.

I'm interested in what you would have done if you were president? Would you have done the same?


Like many people it probably hadn't hit him what actually happened. It took me a while to imagine something like that could actually happen. Besides what did 7 minutes do? If he had jumped up started screaming and running around scaring the children would Kerry be happy?


I bowl overhand
Re: Re: J.F. Kerry: He just keeps stepping all over himself

Originally posted by BuddyLee
I'm interested in what you would have done if you were president? Would you have done the same?
I think what Bush did was the right thing.. of course he could overdramatized it for the cameras.. and traumatized the kids.. but him not overreacting I think gave a better sense of security to this country... When the president freaks out, I think chit must REALLY have hit the fan.. like the nukes are inbound.. Think Kerry would have pissed his pants... then wrote up a citation for another purple heart for staining his undies..


Re: Re: Re: J.F. Kerry: He just keeps stepping all over himself

Originally posted by itsbob
Think Kerry would have pissed his pants... then wrote up a citation for another purple heart for staining his undies..

Rapture Man

New Member
Not only was that a lame statement, now think of it in light of what Kerry said July 8 on Larry King Live:

"...We watched the second plane come into the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon.”

So, according to Kerry himself, he and his fellow senators sat there not thinking for at least 34 minutes.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Rapture Man
Not only was that a lame statement, now think of it in light of what Kerry said July 8 on Larry King Live:

"...We watched the second plane come into the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon.”

So, according to Kerry himself, he and his fellow senators sat there not thinking for at least 34 minutes.
:clap: Thank you very much, sir! I didn't know about this until a few days ago, after I had read Kerry's comments about this traumatic morning.

That is the nexus of the whole story, the entire affair, if you will.
While Kerry had realised himself, that "we just realised nobody could think", he had the audacity, no he had the false cojones to issue a statement, "that he would have done it differently".

You SOB!! How and where do you find it in your dumb, stupid mind to come up with $#!t like this, when you've already admitted you couldn't think coherently?

How dare you accuse the president of inaction, and turn right around and admit you were unable to yourself?

THAT is just one of the reasons why I could never believe John Kerry and why I could never ever, in a million years vote for this man.

So, BuddyLee, have I answered your question? If not here it is:

I would have waited for more information before jumping up and abandoning those children with little or scarce conclusions. I would have had 5 to 7 more minutes with those kids, and then I would have been out of there anyway.:cheers:


Football addict
Originally posted by penncam
:clap: Thank you very much, sir! I didn't know about this until a few days ago, after I had read Kerry's comments about this traumatic morning.

That is the nexus of the whole story, the entire affair, if you will.
While Kerry had realised himself, that "we just realised nobody could think", he had the audacity, no he had the false cojones to issue a statement, "that he would have done it differently".

You SOB!! How and where do you find it in your dumb, stupid mind to come up with $#!t like this, when you've already admitted you couldn't think coherently?

How dare you accuse the president of inaction, and turn right around and admit you were unable to yourself?

THAT is just one of the reasons why I could never believe John Kerry and why I could never ever, in a million years vote for this man.

So, BuddyLee, have I answered your question? If not here it is:

I would have waited for more information before jumping up and abandoning those children with little or scarce conclusions. I would have had 5 to 7 more minutes with those kids, and then I would have been out of there anyway.:cheers:

So if you received information regarding an attack on the United States of America you would just sit there?

George Bush is a nice guy I have to hand him that but he also has to remember that he is the president of the United States and Commander in Chief. If it meant saying to a classroom of children "Sorry boys and girls the president has a little business to take care of" then he should have certainly done so. I will not hark on this as many hardcore libs and conservatives have.:rolleyes: What's done is done.


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by BuddyLee
So if you received information regarding an attack on the United States of America you would just sit there?

George Bush is a nice guy I have to hand him that but he also has to remember that he is the president of the United States and Commander in Chief. If it meant saying to a classroom of children "Sorry boys and girls the president has a little business to take care of" then he should have certainly done so. I will not hark on this as many hardcore libs and conservatives have.:rolleyes: What's done is done.

and if he did the fanatic wing of the libs would be buying in more and more claiming he knew it was coming so it was nothing to him. You can't win either war. I remember when I heard it. I was stunned. It didn't even sink in what was really happening for about a good ten minutes. We have not been attacked in such a major offensive on our own soil since WWII. NObody saw it coming and expected such a thing. Kerry, Kennedy, Gingrich, Tommy Frankys, etc... would all have spent a few minutes trying to wrap their mind around it and put it in context to see how to proceed.

Was there any order or any action the President could have taken in that next 30 minutes that wasn't already being done? That would have changed any outcome? No.


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by BuddyLee
So if you received information regarding an attack on the United States of America you would just sit there?

George Bush is a nice guy I have to hand him that but he also has to remember that he is the president of the United States and Commander in Chief. If it meant saying to a classroom of children "Sorry boys and girls the president has a little business to take care of" then he should have certainly done so. I will not hark on this as many hardcore libs and conservatives have.:rolleyes: What's done is done.

I think you are also missing the point, what could the president have done in those seven minutes? He has leaders in place throughout the world who's job it is to react to situations. If I remember correctly Guliani wanted Combat Air PAtrols over his city, and he got them without EVER tallking to the president. They were grounding planes before the president even got out of that room.. THIS is what a president should be held accountable for, surrounding himself with capable and competent leaders that can do their job, without his input.


Super Genius
Originally posted by itsbob
I think you are also missing the point, what could the president have done in those seven minutes? He has leaders in place throughout the world who's job it is to react to situations. If I remember correctly Guliani wanted Combat Air PAtrols over his city, and he got them without EVER tallking to the president. They were grounding planes before the president even got out of that room.. THIS is what a president should be held accountable for, surrounding himself with capable and competent leaders that can do their job, without his input.
Don't you know? He should have run to the closest phone booth, changed into his super-hero costume, and taken care of those terrorists personally. :wink:


New Member
Originally posted by ylexot
Don't you know? He should have run to the closest phone booth, changed into his super-hero costume, and taken care of those terrorists personally. :wink:

No, He should have known he was a probable target and got out of that school. He say's he didn't want to alarm the children? How about making them collateral damage? Surrounded by capable and competent leaders? Why didn't they get him out of there?