

You're a LOON :)
Wouldn't it be nice to have endless money and just spend your life travelling? We went to Mexico (just for 4 days) in February and haven't gone anywhere since. I had never been there before but would love to go back. Now I'm preggers so we wouldn't waste the money on an all inclusive resort because I can't drink and hubby wouldn't drink too much because he'd feel guilty. But once the baby is here and old enough for Grandma & Grandpa to stay with, I feel another all inclusive coming our way. :otter:

It would be wonderful to have that.

Congrats on the baby! When are you due? Is it your first?


I miss Jamaica.

Beautiful pics. We stayed at an riu resort in Mexico and it looked pretty similar to that one. What a great time we had!

We went sailing on a hobbycat and wound up getting a great view of Mexico from sea. In fact, we wound up going a lot further away from the resort than planned due to some really strong winds and hoped we would be able to get the hobbycat turned around to head back in the right direction. It took us a while and the waves were pretty big at that time. Thank God we didn't tip the boat - a few others had but closer to the resort so they were seen and rescued. We kept saying to eachother, "if we tip this thing, the guys at the resort can't even see us. There's no way to get it back upright and how will we get back?" We got lucky, made it back to shore and did it all again the following day. Good times! :lmao:


It would be wonderful to have that.

Congrats on the baby! When are you due? Is it your first?

Thanks! Not due until March and it is our first. Any vacations we take will be local for a while. We're going to try to get up to NY soon to visit my family for maybe 4 days or so. Hubby has only been there once for a quick overnight trip. He didn't get to see much of Long Island but I of course got him to the ocean beaches, pizza places and a bagel shop. :lmao:


You're a LOON :)
Thanks! Not due until March and it is our first. Any vacations we take will be local for a while. We're going to try to get up to NY soon to visit my family for maybe 4 days or so. Hubby has only been there once for a quick overnight trip. He didn't get to see much of Long Island but I of course got him to the ocean beaches, pizza places and a bagel shop. :lmao:

Ahhh your first... so you get to experience how life changes with children :lol:

I would love to leave for a week to go on this Jamaica trip but I know we won't do it. I haven't ever left my kids for that long. I am thinking 4-5 days. I know I will miss them and my youngest will have a tough time with it.

NY is another place I have never been and would love to go.


Ahhh your first... so you get to experience how life changes with children :lol:

I would love to leave for a week to go on this Jamaica trip but I know we won't do it. I haven't ever left my kids for that long. I am thinking 4-5 days. I know I will miss them and my youngest will have a tough time with it.

NY is another place I have never been and would love to go.

Yeah, we know our lives will drastically change once the baby is born. Luckily, we're a little older than many parents having their first baby so we've experienced a lot of fun in our lives and we're ready to "settle down" and be parents now. :lol: We know we'll still have fun but now it will be a much different kind of fun.

One thing to keep in mind about Jamaica is that the airport is going to be about 1.5 hours away (maybe a little more) from the resort. For that reason, we tried to get the earliest flight there and the latest flight back. Otherwise, two days will be shot travelling by the time you get through customs and all.

As for NY, there are a ton of things to do and 4-5 days would be plenty of time to really relax and enjoy yourselves. Take in a broadway show, take a cruise around the Brooklyn Bridge & South Street Seaport (goes by Ellis Island & the Statue of Liberty), check out the museums, go to central park (during the day), go to the Bronx Zoo, great shopping & night life. Just walking around Times Sqaure at night is a great experience - so beautiful with all the lights. Of course, all the bars & restaurants are open late there if you're night owls.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I didn't go to Sandals in Jamaica, but I went to Beaches - Negril and had a miserable time. I'd never go back there again.

The bus drive from Kingston airport to Negril was harrowing and LONG, and once you got to Beaches, the accommodations were below average, and the food sub-par. The only nice thing about the place was the beach.

Hope you have a better time there than I did.

Well I got married at Beaches Negril, and I can tell you that I had one of the best vacations there. It was a great place for the family. Everyone will enjoy themselves. Hell the even have free daycare so you and your Spouse can get away for a few hours. I've been to Jamaica 2 or 3 time, and I enjoyed myself every time.

Why did you fly into Kingston? Why didn't you fly into MoBay, it is a much shorter drive then Kingston. Either way, I really loved Beaches Negril; my wife and I are planning to go back on our 10th anniversary to celebrate.

Oh and Hedo is only a short cab ride away... Don’t ask me how I know :whistle:
You have got to experience that place once before you die... It's definitely something you will never forget.... It truly an adult playground…


New Member
We have been to Jamaica about 15 times. We usually do go Hedo II. Yes, it is called clothing optional. There are two beaches; one nude and one prude. You will see all walks of life there, including some that are drop dead gorgous and some that ...I'll be nice....Swimming nude can be very freeing.:howdy:

You can usually get a better rate going with a travel agent who is experienced with Jamaica. We use DennyP travel. He can be reached through his web site at DennyP Travel: Information Central for travel to Jamaica & the Caribbean including Hedonism II & III, Desire Cancun & Los Cabos and other resorts.. There is a message board and trip reports posted.

Where ever you decide to go, I hope you have a great time.


I'm going there for a wedding in April:howdy:

Did you go to Rick's Cafe and jump off the cliffs?

No. We didn't do anything outside the resort. Unforyunately, it rained the entire time we were there. The sunny pics I have are from one morning that it didn't rain. After that.....more rain. :frown:


Main Streeter
You can expect about the same in the Bahamas. They do haggle you to buy stuff and little kids all dirty asking for money and trying to sell you things. I think that is to be expected at most of the places like that.

We are looking to stay at an all inclusive resort and probably never leave the resort :lol:
Been to both and The Bahamas was not the same as Jamaica. There were some hagglers but not like we saw in Jamaica.


Riu Tropical Bay Resort was fantastic! We did the tours also and everyone was really nice.

Does he still work there? He was so awesome!


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Thats how them b*tch's R
When are you planning on going? I'm guessing might be pretty cheap with the tropical storms/hurricanes through there lately.

Giddy up!

New Member
Does he still work there? He was so awesome!

all the peeps that worked there were really out going and friendly, do u remember the aerobics instructor...he had red hair, we called him carrot top he was crazy, had way to much energy!:lmao: I miss Jamaica...:bawl: We wanted to get married there.
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