My wife had it on, but she was more paying attention to history videos on her tablet. I was on the computer catching up with family and friends on Facey Place. From what little I actually listened to, badly performed Kabuki.
What's bizarre is, Dems will bemoan the low viewership as somehow an indication that Americans just don't care about democracy, and not the more obvious reason that they don't care about THEM.Dems To Hold June 9th Hearings To Get To The Bottom Of Why No One Watched Jan. 6th Hearings
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The House of Representatives passed a resolution Friday to establish a June 9th Committee to investigate the poor ratings performance of the January 6th Committee.
Democratic leadership is reportedly thrilled to get back to work for the American people by finding out why the American people don't care what they have to say.
Dems To Hold June 9th Hearings To Get To The Bottom Of Why No One Watched Jan. 6th Hearings
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The House of Representatives passed a resolution Friday to establish a June 9th Committee to investigate the poor ratings performance of the January 6th
I haven't seen any of it but I did see a headline this morning, that if true, proves just typical Bull$#it.
Supposedly they played a voice over of Trump talking about a crowd at one of his rallies, saying how lovely they are, while showing the scenes at the Capital.
Good to see still with us! I was worried since you haven't been posting much lately.
It wouldn't surprise me. The media scumbags were all gushing today about how "well-produced" it was, so was bullshit propaganda, not a serious investigation.
Maybe not, but neither is one in a diaper and bicycle helmet.Fix the real problems affecting our country! Why didn’t that multimillion $$ police force in Texas save those kids?? The whole place is corrupt and a senior citizen on a gold toilet ain’t fixing it.
Toast meaning what? You think they’re going to pack him off to Leavenworth? Not going to happen, they can’t find a crime and main justice isn’t likely to chance the shitstorm that it would set off. Face it this is just a show, neither side is going to change their opinions.I don’t think you folks have watched any of this, he’s toast. You can call me every name in the book but like I predicted years ago in here he’s done, he’s incredibly Charismatic but he’s sloppy! That film crew from the UK they asked to film Oct to Dec who is now giving all the documentation to the committee?
I hate where our country is, our $5 a gallon, crime is out of control, and I can’t even predict what inflation will do.
I can’t vote republican because you are fixated on drag shows, grooming, CRT, Obamacare, etc,
Fix the real problems affecting our country! Why didn’t that multimillion $$ police force in Texas save those kids?? The whole place is corrupt and a senior citizen on a gold toilet ain’t fixing it.
Because one old man was afraid to make a decision that could have got an officer killed. I can understand the thought even if I don’t agree with it. Who in their right mind wants to send a man to their death, but that would have been the right call here.
Toast meaning even if he runs again he’s not getting the nomination.Toast meaning what? You think they’re going to pack him off to Leavenworth? Not going to happen, they can’t find a crime and main justice isn’t likely to chance the shitstorm that it would set off. Face it this is just a show, neither side is going to change their opinions.
Where our country is is right where Joe wanted it to be, he signed on with the leftist to eradicate fossil fuels and has been pussyfooting around doing it for a year and a half now. His refrain that oil companies have 9000 leases means nothing without drilling permits and him and the epa are the ones holding them up. Inflation is right where anyone with two brain cells could have predicted. Let’s print a trillion dollars and send it out to every nitwit, half wit and town dullard to keep them from having to work was just plain stupid.
I wouldn’t expect you to vote R in any case since your writing points to you leaning left, but who cares. You can vote for the strawberry princess for congress if you want, you’re not locked into either R or D. It’ll mean you wasted a vote, but it’s yours to waste.
Why didn’t a multimillion dollar police force in Texas save those kids? Because one old man was afraid to make a decision that could have got an officer killed. I can understand the thought even if I don’t agree with it. Who in their right mind wants to send a man to their death, but that would have been the right call here. One more point here, nothing going on in DC has anything to do with what happened in Uvalde. Yes they’re trying to find a way to make a tool made for killing less lethal, but read the sentence and you can understand the problem.
Kids were being slaughtered for an hour! They blocked parents from going in and risking their own lives! The cops have lied at every press conference, the door wasn’t even locked, they never tried to open the door!Who in their right mind wants to send a man to their death
So what is?I’m just saying maybe giving them more of our hard earned money for more training, equipment, etc, isn’t the solution.
I have no idea.So what is?
I'm not saying what was done was right but, what I will say is that it sure seems easy for you to quarterback this situation from that armchair in your basement after the fact.Kids were being slaughtered for an hour! They blocked parents from going in and risking their own lives! The cops have lied at every press conference, the door wasn’t even locked, they never tried to open the door!
I'm not saying what was done was right but, what I will say is that it sure seems easy for you to quarterback this situation from that armchair in your basement after the fact.
Fair point.I'm not saying what was done was right but, what I will say is that it sure seems easy for you to quarterback this situation from that armchair in your basement after the fact.
Touche'Are you new to the internet? This universe?
Are they supposed to break down, in detail, every single tactic and decision that was made? We have ZERO idea of what EXACTLY was discussed or determined during this tragedy. Best to wait it out and see what comes up in an investigation.Fair point.
Is it too much to ask that they stop lying at every press conference?
They didn’t have to say the door was locked when it wasn’t. That was a lie, used to explain the delay.Touche'
Are they supposed to break down, in detail, every single tactic and decision that was made? We have ZERO idea of what EXACTLY was discussed or determined during this tragedy. Best to wait it out and see what comes up in an investigation.